"Boom!" The light wave exploded.

In an instant, circles of air patterns appeared in the air, and the extremely destructive wind and waves swallowed up everything around them. Danzo could only cut off one or two ice branches, and there was almost no resistance. All the strength shattered into powder.

Even the earth had no resistance and was pushed away.

All the Konoha ninjas on the entire battlefield had a look of fear on their faces, but they couldn't escape at all. They were completely involved in the wind and waves that were full of explosive power and fierce sword energy. There was no news.

The air has completely become the plaything of the wind and waves, wrinkled and twisted, without any resistance.


Hinata shouted desperately, but it had no effect at all.

In front of this storm, he is so small, he is so powerless, and can't change anything.

In the end, he himself was also enveloped, and any struggle was meaningless. All the ninjas on the entire battlefield were enveloped, and the only sound left on the border of the huge Yangyin Village was the sound of the wind and waves.

Everything in front of the wind and waves was flattened, completely flattened, leaving only a hard stone layer, and even the soil layer was completely swept away.


"This storm is really terrifying!"

Natsume Yang, who had already dodged a kilometer away, still couldn't outrun the wind and waves. As powerful as he was, he was almost blown away. It took a lot of effort to stand firm.

The wind and waves lasted for half a minute before stopping. Just two hundred meters in front of Xia Muyang, the area where the wind and waves raged was as wide as seven hundred meters, which was quite spectacular.

"The battle on my side should be over. I wonder how Lao Zi and the others are doing over there!" Xia Muyang closed his eyes and used his magic to sense away.


As if to let him know the progress, on the battlefield in the direction of Kirigakure Village, there was suddenly a rumbling sound that resounded through the sky, and an extremely violent aura burst out.

Then, another wave of wind and waves that could break a big tree directly hit, making Xia Muyang look helpless, and was blown back more than ten meters, plowing open the earth. A tunnel.

Half of Xia Muyang's calf was already in the ground.

"It seems that it's over over there too!"

During the senjutsu perception, Terumi Mei was seriously injured and fell into coma, while Lao Zi was slightly injured.

Sanwei was slightly embarrassed. Jiu Yan put away the blood-filled Wind Spirit Sword. Ling Gu did the same. After wiping the blood off the Soul Slayer Sword, he put it back into its sheath.

"The war is over. Now, it's time for our Yangyin Village to become famous!"

After Xia Muyang arranged his clothes, he created a blue ice dragon and headed towards the battlefield again.

"It's really clean. There's no life left at all!" Along the way, there were scattered Konoha ninjas everywhere. They were either comatose or dead. There were only a few people who were still conscious. That’s all.

Akimichi Dingzao was one of them, but his condition didn't look very good. His whole body was in tatters and full of hideous wounds. Blood flowed all over the ground, dyeing the ground beneath him red.

There were only three people protected by Choza Akimichi, two others, Ino Shikacho, and Mito Kadeni who could speak.

However, the look of lingering fear on Mito Monobu's face has not faded, and he looks extremely funny.

Terrified, that's probably what happened.

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