"Let's go, it's settled. This guy is not someone to be trifled with. It's better to leave quickly and save your strength for the next fight!" said the handsome boy, planning to retreat like this and not intending to get entangled with Uchiha Sasuke.


The two short and fat guys also nodded, agreeing with each other, leaving Nara Shikamaru confused.

Just leave like this? Just to get them a scroll? Just get it and leave?

Nara Shikamaru said hello, but he had to deal with the 'hidden danger' of Uchiha Sasuke first. He nodded to Yamanaka Ino, who immediately understood and launched the Heart Turn Technique on Uchiha Sasuke, controlling Sasuke. stand up.

Nara Shikamaru and the others did not leave until Naruto woke up, and Naruto and the others also successfully qualified for promotion after receiving Yakushi Kabuto's 'kind help'.

When they got this qualification, it was already the afternoon of the sixth day. The deadline for the second exam is still one day away.

If there is any difference from the original work, it is probably that Xiao Li and the others did not appear and participate in it.

But Yakushi Kabuto's unusual behavior still made Kakashi aware of the abnormality, and began to secretly increase his vigilance against Yakushi Kabuto.

There is no way. Anyone who sees a person giving up six exam opportunities in a row will not fail to pay more attention.

At this point, the second exam was all over. After everyone listened to the Third Hokage telling him about the meaning of the Scroll of Heaven and Earth, they were drowsy and listened to the Third Hokage telling him about the will of fire like a cliche.

The rest of the candidates did not have much impression, but there was only one sentence that they all remembered: "Where the leaves are flying, the fire will continue to grow. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and let the new students The leaves are sprouting.”

Until a long time later, this sentence was still circulated in the ninja world, and influenced the inheritors from generation to generation.

Before the start of the third exam, considering that the rich and famous people who came to watch could not stay long, a screening competition was conducted first, leaving only twelve people.

In the meantime, a small episode occurred. Kakashi prevented Orochimaru from snatching Uchiha Sasuke. Then, Orochimaru ran away.

Of course, Kakashi didn't think this was due to his own strength, but to Konoha's reputation.

But such a discovery was so shocking that he immediately reported it to the Third Hokage, who immediately had an even greater headache.

With Natsume Yang around, it was already very troublesome for him. Although Jiraiya took full responsibility for him, who dared to underestimate Natsume Yang's strength?

Now another Orochimaru appeared, looking like he was wearing troubled clothes. But precautions must be taken, and Konoha's Anbu began to mobilize and deploy defenses.

The Third Hokage must be grateful to Natsume Yang. When he was still in Konoha's Anbu, he cultivated many talents for Konoha and became one of the indispensable right-hand men of the Third Hokage.

However, what the Third Hokage may not know is that Sunagakure Village, as an ally of Konoha Village, is constantly sending troops to Konoha, and Otogakure Village is also among them. I wonder what the Third Hokage would think if he knew all this. Woolen cloth!

But what is slightly different from the original work is that today's Sunagakure Village is not so short of talents.

Konoha Village once had Natsume Yo who was very good at teaching students, and Sunagakure Village also had Lanying who was good at teaching talents, a talented woman who became the number one Jonin in Sunagakure Village and a high-ranking member of Sunagakure at the age of two decades.

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