Just as he has always been concerned, Lin Sui is also worried about the identity between them, but they have the same heart.

Yan Qin came across the place where the swelling had subsided due to the scar a few days ago, fondling the green butterfly fondly.

After he decided to use the body style, he was willing to bear all the accusations of public opinion. If he could, Yan Qin could not wait to fast forward to the point where he and Lin Sui had the same heart, and he used the body style to hang out with Lin Sui.

As for the previous plan, Yan Qin also plans to cancel it. Since Lin Sui likes him originally, it is natural to let this identity last forever in the interstellar world.

Yan Qin fell asleep in a scene that was almost like a dream, with a comfortable bed, a clingy lover who was drunk, and a high temperature inside, which made him smile before he entered the darkness.

But he awoke from the almost suffocating sense of threat to his life. He opened his eyes and tried to struggle, but saw a beautiful face full of evil spirits.

The young man looked down at him coldly, as if he were a small and annoying Zerg.

"Who told you to meddle in other people's business? You shouldn't ask about things you shouldn't know. How dare you talk nonsense while I'm drunk?"

Liking an adoptive father is a disgraceful thing that people will look at with strange eyes. It is a dark river that should exist underground forever, and it is a taboo color that cannot be seen.

Now this secret is known to others, the more people value their self-esteem, the more arrogant and arrogant they are, the harder it is for them to bear the unbearable secret disclosure that will make them laugh at them.

Yan Qin felt killing intent in the young man's eyes, but he was not angry, only full of love and compassion, but the necessary struggle still had to be done.

Yan Qin freed himself from the suffocating situation, first apologized and then promised.

"I'll keep this a secret forever."

"Really, I don't believe it," the young man's face was full of suspicion and sneer, "You were my dog ​​because I threatened you, how can I be sure that you won't bite me back, or use this to blackmail me in the future? ?”

Lin Sui knew that Yan Qin would not do this, but he still said so.

He never underestimated the despicableness of human nature, because he is such a person. If he is blackmailed by others, he must get other people's excuses, or completely eliminate the threat.

Yan Qin was silent for a while and said, "Because no one will believe this matter if it is told."

"That's true." Lin Sui nodded after thinking for a while, then patted Yan Qin's head as if rewarding him, "You're considered wise."

"But don't learn from him next time, you don't deserve it."

The young man's face changed faster than turning the pages of a book. He patted Yan Qin's face, frowning and went to the bathroom.

Lin Sui didn't feel comfortable with this kind of lines. Although he called himself a villain, he had never been this type of scum.

But saying it when Yan Qin knew it well, it has a special flavor.

Lin Sui quickly went into the bathroom, he couldn't bear the stickiness on his body, probably because Yan Qin was too surprised yesterday, so he hugged him and fell asleep together without washing him.

Lin Sui washed away the traces of dryness and the smell of Yan Qin, wiped his hair and left the bathroom.

When he came out, the virtuous Yan Qin had already consciously replaced the bed sheets and quilts with new ones, and the old ones were put into the washing machine in the dormitory.

Yan Qin was actually in a good mood, but when he saw Lin Sui, he had to pretend to be bitter and bitter.

He was not at all unhappy about the sentence Lin Sui left behind, on the contrary, he was a little secretly happy. It seems that in Lin Sui's heart, no one can compare to him.

But besides being happy, Yan Qin still has one important thing to figure out, why does Lin Sui think he is going to get married?

Yan Qin returned to Shiti and investigated the matter. Through Lin Sui's activities yesterday and the monitoring of the parking lot, he quickly locked the source and found his mother.

Before get out of class was over the next day, Lin Sui felt a little restlessness and noise at the door.

Tong Stork stretched his neck, looked around and asked, "What are they doing?"

Lin Sui didn't care and didn't look up. After sending the message on the optical brain, he closed it.

At this time, he was pushed a few times by Tong Guan, who said, "Look, Lin Sui, the Marshal is outside."

Lin Sui followed their gazes, meeting Yan Qin's gaze outside the window.

Even though Yan Qin withdrew from the front line due to injury, he is still a well-deserved god of war in people's hearts, and he is also the idol of military students. The students are naturally very excited to see Yan Qin up close.

Looking at the impetuous students, the teacher saw that the end of get out of class was approaching, and did not continue to talk, but announced the end of get out of class.

Lin Sui left through the back door, Yan Qin walked up to him, and stretched out his hand to him: "I'll take you home."

This scene is actually a bit weird, after all, Lin Sui is not a child, but a 19-year-old youth.

None of the onlookers thought it was strange, they just felt envious, wishing to put their hands on Yan Qin's and be taken home by idols.

Lin Sui was a little uncomfortable with the envy surrounding him. He had been envied by countless people before, envied his appearance, family background, talent, and wealth. When he was with Yan Qin, others envied him for having such a partner, but now he accepts emotions do not belong to the above.

These people are envious that he has a good father, envy that he has such a family and such affection.

The thing that was once missing will still be around to make trouble after thousands of years, Lin Sui suppressed the disgusting emotion, did not put his hand on Yan Qin's, and followed him.

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