"Why do you still protect him when you can't save him? Wouldn't it be better if you didn't stay there just now and walk in the middle to occupy your view? What were you thinking?"

Yan Qin looked ugly, and CE lost the first point when the rhythm collapsed.

Yan Qin resisted the urge to scold him, and listened to the coach's arrangement.

A coolness suddenly covered the back of his hands, Yan Qin met Lin Sui's eyes, and heard what he said in his ear when he turned sideways.

"I said, you can win."

Lin Sui helped Yan Qin put on the headset, and the depression and pressure in Yan Qin's heart suddenly disappeared, turning into floating catkins.

The second game is very important for CE, if you lose, you lose, the coach no longer hesitated and changed the new lineup.

In the second round of bp, SRE adopted the same method, and CE banned Adolf. SRE was not too nervous, and took the opportunity to get the hero replaced by Adolf.

Yan Qin is still the top jungler, and the heroes gradually appearing in CE are not bad. In the live broadcast room, Cheese Biscuit is watching the hero selection interface, distractedly watching the dense barrage.

[CE is still like this, is there really nothing new? 】

[If both sides are classic systems, they should be able to compare. 】

[As for those who chuīCE, top CE is really being beaten like a dog. 】

[I don’t need to say that I stopped in the top four last season, just one world champion and runner-up for two years, your CEs are really good. 】

[SRE dog don't bark OK, Yan God is your father understand? 】

The two commentators on the screen are speculating about CE's last hero: "According to SRE's lineup, CE's last mid laner should have a relatively stable control system, which is also in line with CE's usual..."

The last hero selection box on the screen lights up, Lin Sui clicks OK without hesitation.

The voice of the commentator suddenly increased: "Sui locked Bai Ye in seconds! This is Bai Ye's first appearance this season. With the score 1-0, CE made such a choice, it seems very confident!"

Cheese Biscuit Gan was shocked when he explained the phrase "Second Lock White Night", and sat up straight.

There were dense question marks across the bullet screen, and many fans of the CE team began to open the mic passionately.

[Damn, there's something wrong with it. Bai Ye, who chose nm, doesn't know how to play the job of rolling and beating nm. 】

[The AD on the opposite side has no movement, but assists in qiang control. If you catch it, you will die. Why choose this, the team control is too little, how does Yanshen get the economy? 】

[The sewer is also shameless to show it. In all fairness, Bai Ye is not weak, but this is a competition, not entertainment. 】

[There's no need to scold so harshly, Sui God's Bai Ye is very skillful. 】

[Laughing to death, who above has no sense of tricks, stand up and let you harvest? 】

[Old Du who used Bai Ye to become a god in the arena said that the version is not suitable for Bai Ye. It is indeed very sentimental to take the reverse version, but if you lose this one, you will be 2-0. I really don’t understand why you need to lock it in seconds white night. 】

Cheesecake Gan was silent for a while and said, "I think CE is very promising, and Sui is very strong."

"The weak are never heroes, but summoners."

Chapter 153

SRE was also a little surprised by Lin Sui's Bai Ye.

Although they knew that Lin Suijin's team relied on one-handed Bai Ye, but he had never shown it in the arena, but because of the instability of this hero, they also understood it very well, but at this time CE made this choice, Make them have to pay attention.

The people from SRE have studied Lin Sui's game videos before, but they got very little data, but it is certain that this person has a sense of rhythm.

"Watermelon, keep an eye on Sui. As soon as his vision disappears, immediately send a signal. Chongxue pays attention to his vision."

Dongcheng didn't take it lightly. He played AD and was more guarded against this kind of roaming mid laner.

SRE's mid laner Xigua and support Zhongxue immediately answered that there was no problem. When they were communicating within the team, CE was also laying out the key points.

"Guapi's better to play oppression, a little more aggressive, with Asui, if they are smart, they will pay special attention to the situation of the two-lane, and will not make special time to support."

Yan Qin looked at the progress loading page and communicated on the team mic.

Guabi: "Okay."

"You two can fight as you like, don't be affected by the last one."

Time was running out, Yan Qin didn't say much to Shuanglu, he was not too worried about their operation, but worried about their mentality.

If the shadow of the previous hand was too heavy for them, causing them not to dare to play this time, then there is a problem.

Fu An: "Understood."

Lin Sui didn't say much, just said: "Cooperate well."

The teammates responded and didn't seem particularly nervous.

This stems from their confidence in their teammates. During the running-in of the previous games, they had a sense of trust in Lin Sui.

Lin Sui looked at the start of the game, clicked to buy equipment, and told an anchor in a certain game that the operation that made him popular was not the upper limit of his white night, and he was not joking.

He didn't even try his best when he played against Bai Ye of the national server.

His soul power is not weak. In this small world, he can even adjust his physical state to the peak, so hand speed is not a problem for him. The requirements are even higher than the operation.

After entering the team game, Lin Sui felt that the opponent was cautious about facing him. As long as his vision disappeared, the opponent's support would definitely occupy a good vision, and the AD would retreat to the tower.

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