Under what circumstances, who is the opposite person, actually...

He turned his head away, but inadvertently brushed something soft on his lips.

He looked subconsciously, looking a little dazed.

At that moment, the itchy feeling in the bone marrow seemed to break through the surface of the body, surpassing reason and dominating the mind in an instant.

"Students like you who offend the teacher are not welcome."

Lin Sui looked at him leisurely, Yan Qin was very embarrassed, before he had time to respond, he heard Lin Sui say:

"The chip is not on you."

He met Lin Sui's eyes without blinking.

In the next moment, a smile appeared on that face, the red lips parted and closed, and the tip of the tongue loomed between the lips and teeth.

"Just kidding, the treasure hunt was successful."

Lin Sui put his hand on Yan Qin's back and tore off a piece of bionic skin.

Under the skin, a blue-white ice crystal chip was embedded.

"It's actually hidden here, I thought..."

Lin Sui's eyes turned towards the only cloth left on Yan Qin's body, and his expression could not be said to be regrettable or something else.

So nasty and mocking, like a cat teasing a mouse.

Yan Qin tightened his fingers, as if he heard the huge roar of blood rushing in his body.

He was hit hard, not only because the chip was taken away, but also because he was actually in front of this person he despised... This is the taste of a loser who has nothing left.

After getting the chip, Lin Sui began to change the authority, perhaps because he knew that there was nothing he could do to recover, Yan Qin was very cooperative this time.

Lin Sui entered his fingerprints and irises, and Vault 901 changed hands.

Yan Qin was very calm, his reaction had subsided during this time, and he was waiting for the final verdict.

Lin Sui sat on the only chair, wagging his tail quite leisurely.

Yan Qin could move freely now, but he didn't run away.

He doesn't have any weapons now, and there is still a monster standing outside the door. No matter how strong this warrior's body is, he still won't have the upper hand at this moment.

Lin Sui glanced at the straight young man, his body was strong, his dislocated arm had recovered, he clearly only had a cloth to hide his shame, but he was extraordinarily calm.

The well-defined muscle lines contain strength, like slightly undulating handsome mountains.

"I don't intend to kill you for the time being. If you don't want the three people you took in to die, please cooperate with me."

"Before that, I need to make you more obedient."

"As a generous lord, I give you two choices."

"My blood, or my saliva, they have the same retention time, but they are different, you can choose by yourself."

Lin Sui leaned lazily on the back of the chair, the area where his abdomen connected was covered with silver-white scales, which looked strong and monstrous under the light.

Yan Qin was a little puzzled, he didn't know whether Lin Sui's last choice was to humiliate him, or to make trouble out of his true nature.

Chapter 207 The Beauty Snake

There is no doubt that Yan Qin of course chose blood.

He didn't want to accept Lin Sui's saliva, let's not talk about kissing, what if Lin Sui wanted to spit at him?

To be on the safe side, Yan Qin chose the former. After all, the toxins in his blood would only make him stiff. What if the toxins in his saliva would drive him crazy?

Lin Sui propped his cheeks and signaled Yan Qin with his eyes: "Come here."

Yan Qin stepped forward, waiting for Lin Sui to stuff his finger into his mouth.

But Lin Sui said: "Hold my tail."

Yan Qin didn't hide his confusion, but still bent down and obeyed.

Although he was arrogant, he was not without winks.

There is no need to struggle needlessly, and the strength is reserved for when it is needed.

He looked at the tail of the snake hanging on the ground. For Lin Sui who had turned into a monster, he was far more familiar with this tail than other parts of his body.

Inhuman features, scales and tentacles are cold.

This tail is neither huge nor slender, even the crotch of a person who is the widest in the entire snake tail, which is connected to the waist, can be encircled by him.

When the tip of the thinnest tail is tightened, it can be sharp enough to pierce into a person's body. Lin Sui put his hand on the top and stroked lightly, and a thin bloodstain appeared on his palm. Beads of blood dripped from his slightly closed palm. It dripped from the water and splashed on the silvery white scales, like a flower blooming suddenly.

Lin Sui raised his hand high and said with a smile, "Drink."

Yan Qin looked at him silently, and suddenly understood his intention.

Whether it is two choices or this kind of action, it shows a meaning.

He is trampling on his dignity wantonly with an absolute posture, which is a more graceful irony than bullying, making people think that they have a choice to be decent, only to find that they have nothing left.

If he wants to drink the blood from Lin Sui's palm, it means that he has to bend down and then raise his head, and open his mouth from under his palm, like a person who is about to die of thirst to welcome the rain from the sky, to welcome this poisonous gift .

This is an undisguised and sinister revenge. Although Lin Sui only said one sentence about the past, even though Lin Sui did not have any look of villain success on his face, Yan Qin knew that this was what Lin Sui did to him revenge.

Lin Sui's expression is confident and calm, this gesture is even more embarrassing than sarcasm, because he looks at you like he is looking at a bug that cannot break free in his palm.

Yan Qin didn't bend down, and directly held Lin Sui's wrist, with a bright look in his eyes.

He stared straight at the half man

The beautiful monster of the snake, put his palm to his lips, licking the blood from his palm.

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