However, as far as these equipments were concerned, Yan Qin still felt that there were too few of them. He looked at Lin Sui aggrievedly, with a taste of accusing others in his eyes.

Lin Sui knew that Yan Qin still had an administrator's gun on him, but he still raised his hand.

He carried no other weapons, but he could draw them from himself. His long hair hangs down in front of his body, above the navel.

Lin Sui combed the hair with his hand, and took a long hair from it.

Lin Sui lowered his head and tied this long hair around Yan Qin's wrist.

"Melee defense," Lin Sui whispered in Yan Qin's ear, "dissolved in saliva, you know the effect of my poison."

Yan Qin couldn't be more clear, his mind was a little confused, the sweet and warm fragrance covered his senses, making his eyes darken instantly.

Uncontrollably, I remembered that afternoon when the curtains were drawn, the dim light, Lin Sui whose neck was bitten by him, and his smiling eyes.

Lin Sui straightened up, his long hair brushed across Yan Qin's shoulders, and the scent went away with him. Yan Qin's fingers moved unconsciously, as if trying to grab something, but it was in vain.

Yan Qin couldn't help raising his hand to straighten his clothes, exposing the wrist of the hand whose hair was tied.

The thin black hair was like a silk thread, fluttering in the air with Yan Qin's movements.

Yan Qin couldn't help twiddling the ends of his hair with his fingers, as if he was stroking Lin Sui's long hair.

Zhou Rui looked at Yan Qin's hand with some envy, she didn't know it was a weapon, she thought it was a blessing from the lord to the administrator.

She also seemed to want such a blessing, not only she wanted it, everyone wanted it.

Even Uncle Atuo's eyes were full of envy, this was a blessing from the gods.

Yan Qin smiled, not hiding his pride.

On the other side, Heimian had already run to a temporary resting place.

"In the domain of old humans, there are only seven or eight people?"

Dobson was a little disappointed. He was excited for a while when he heard about the old humans, but when he heard the quantity, he felt that the stock was too small.

But after all, it is a harvest, and you can make a fortune.

"Let Stone and Roman take ten people to go first, and we will follow behind."

Dobson was too lazy to go to the old human domain without a single gate. He could just say that the three of them were Weier, but after hearing the black face say that these people had weapons, he decided to ask his men to take ten people there. There are fifteen in total, and killing them is not as easy as killing chickens.

Heimian felt a little anxious, the devil's will was to let the leader take the people there, the leader must go, thinking of the poison in his body, Heimian glanced at the sky unnaturally, then shook his head.

"Boss, you might have to go. Weir said there might be a monster running over from Klin Street. He seems to have seen it, but he's not sure."

Heimian gān gān gān swallowed his saliva, his throat hurt, but he didn't dare to show any strangeness in front of Dobson.

Hearing that there was a monster, Dobson clicked his tongue lightly.

He has been out for a few months, and it seems that he heard that after he walked past Klin Street, it was occupied by a group of monsters, but it is not clear whether it is true or not.

If there were any, it would be a bit of a hassle, and he didn't want to damage too many items.

Dobson ordered twenty people, and asked them to bring heavy weapons and head towards the old human domain.

Before leaving, he stopped again and whispered a few words in Roman's ear.

Ge is the patriarch of the tribe, he is only thirty years old, logically speaking he cannot become the leader of a tribe, but the previous patriarch, that is, his father, had already died under the gun of a slave trader, and he was hastily elected as the new tribal leader. The patriarch of the clan led the group to fight against the enemy, but unfortunately their swords and guns were no match for the guns of the slave traders. Overnight, all their people, cattle, sheep and property became the enemy's goods.

They were tied up and dragged forward one by one. No one knew where their destination was and where they would be sold.

During this break, Ge knew that the group of hyenas were about to move out again.

When he was taken away, there was some expression on his numb face, and the bad premonition filled his eyes with despair, and the weeping of the people came from behind him.

Ge knew in his heart that they might die tonight.

Dobson walked in the front with a gun, and Roman pulled a few slow-moving goods in his hand and kicked them dissatisfied.

It doesn't matter if the kick is broken, these people are the bait to confuse the monster, and they can't be sold anyway.

The red wall is like a silent night watchman at night, casting irregular rectangular shadows in the dim light.

Ge was pushed forward, he looked at an unknown place, and his worn-out feet ached.

They were five people with their feet tied together. Before coming, the slave trader separated the ropes on their feet, and let them walk forward in a scattered manner.

This is obviously a human territory, Ge thought dully, maybe it is also a group of hungry wolves, otherwise, how could the group of hyenas behind them be so careful, they would only trample on other people's territory arbitrarily, using guns and bullets to use what he feared all the power.

— Tick.

Is it raining?

Ge couldn't help looking up, his pupils dilated.

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