The next day, Lin Sui officially issued the regulations.

Part of the contribution is distributed in currency, and residents can also exchange their contribution into currencies of different denominations according to the ratio, while encouraging residents to trade freely.

This kind of change makes some people uncomfortable, a little inexplicably flustered and scared, but some people find it novel.

Everyone accumulates contribution points mainly to change themselves from ordinary residents to honorary residents, so many people are unwilling to exchange them at first, and do not accept the method of converting contribution points into currency.

In their view, it is enough to work on time every day and eat at a fixed time, have food and housing, as long as you have enough points, you can upgrade yourself to an honorary resident, and then work hard to build a house with contribution points.

Lin Sui didn't forcefully change their minds, because he knew that the market would revitalize itself, as long as he pushed things a little further.

Los Angeles is very enthusiastic about being the first person to eat crabs. He has a different idea from the indigenous residents here. He has no obsession with owning his own house at all, nor does he have the idea of ​​becoming an honorary resident to upgrade himself. What a joy to make money.

So outside of the fixed meal time every day, he also took some snacks to sell.

At the beginning, the price was relatively cheap. Just opened, one purple coin and two meat skewers, buy four and get one free. Of course, he didn't get the goods from the warehouse for free, and he also needed to pay his own contribution points.

Some greedy people can't help it anymore, one point is five purple coins, one purple coin can eat two meat skewers, two purple coins can eat five skewers, so what if you change one!

Some people with flexible minds also began to take on other jobs, such as helping people with work or collecting various things outside, which could be sold to private individuals such as chefs, or to warehouses.

Many people found that this is actually the same as before, except that the contribution points obtained become currency, and the currency can also be used to buy other things, which is much more convenient than contribution points, so the market is getting more and more lively.

After the opening of the quota for building houses, when the regulation that the cost of building houses needs to be paid in currency came out, everyone was excited.

The old Moke in the warehouse and Hengya who was in charge of this matter were very busy, because they not only had to be responsible for the exchange between contribution points and currency, but also pay attention to the ratio between currency and currency exchange.

Lin Sui did not abolish the contribution point system, and upgrading to an honorary resident still requires a certain amount of contribution points to do so.

When the coins were in circulation, Du Caicai's textile cart was also finished.

It’s just that the materials in these places are limited, which is a bit different from this world. Du Caicai has been busy looking for all kinds of vines to try weaving. She found that the toughness of a pile of burnt vines in the warehouse is very suitable for weaving silk and making cloth. There is also a certain resistance.

So Du Caicai also specially released such acquisition news, and Yan Qin specially set up the transaction column in a conspicuous place to let everyone express supply and demand.

In addition to this, Yanqin also set up free literacy classes, requiring everyone in the territory to have a certain level of literacy.

The winter in the other world has not yet come. After the windy and sandy month passed, the temperature dropped, but the land was not stiff. The seeds found from the 704 shelter have been planted. Both Lin Sui and Yan Qin are very concerned about this matter.

Before the seedlings had grown, the guests from the Black Tower came again.

Shu Xing finally saw the beautiful neighbor again, and also discovered the changes in this territory, the vigor and vitality, the vigorous feeling can be felt even by people who are not in it.

It's very interesting that there are still people selling things here. The barbecue skewered on skewers smells even better than the barbecue that Shu Xing has eaten before.

He asked curiously, "How do you sell this?"

Los Angeles is doing its best to promote: "One purple coin, two, big opening bonus, buy four and get one free, one for guests?"

"What are purple coins?"

Luo Shan showed him the purple coin, and Shu Xing was sure that it was the currency in their territory, so naturally he didn't have it.

"How much can one crystal coin buy?"


Los Angeles did the math, one gold coin is one hundred purple coins, and all the meat skewers he had at the stall were not enough, even if he packaged and sold this barbecue tool.

He said honestly: "I can't find it."

Seeing that Lin Sui came, Shu Xing didn't plan to buy it. He felt that the lord was still not very good at doing business. If he set the price so low, it would be enough for outsiders to smash the crystal coins to disrupt his order.

But soon he regretted this idea. Lin Sui couldn't do business, he was too good at doing business. After taking him to see the improved syrup and sugar cubes, he opened his mouth and asked for two profit points.

"It's indeed much better than before, and we can even go to the tables of those noble people in the East District. We want all the current output, but the price has to be lower than what you said."

After some haggling, the deal was finally settled at a purchase price that was 1.5 profit points higher.

Although Shu Xing was a little heartbroken, it was okay. His business method was a little different from that of his predecessors. He felt that it was not very meaningful to blindly lower the price from the purchaser. It was better to sell a higher price to the buyer. After all, both parties The gap between rich and poor is needless to say.

Lin Sui asked Claire to take out the packed goods and got a big bag of crystal coins.

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