This is Yan Qin's natal sword, and Yan Qin's mind is connected.

Lin Sui had never manipulated this sword before, but he knew that although Chen Shuang had no spiritual intelligence, he had spiritual consciousness, and he had always been very close to him.

But when he held Chenshuang, he suddenly found that he could swing the sword freely, as if it was also his sword.

Not far away, Jianxiu in black closed his eyes with a slight struggle between his eyebrows. When he opened his eyes again, the expression in his eyes was as gentle as a good night.

Lin Sui was thinking about where he should start talking about this matter with Yan Qin. He didn't know whether Yan Qin could remember it, and he was not obsessed with whether Yan Qin could remember it. Even if he didn't need the memory of the past, Yan Qin still loved him. This point has been confirmed in the realm of chance illusion just now, so there is no need to say more.

"A Sui."

He heard someone calling him like this, in such a tone... Lin Sui met Yan Qin's gaze, and his expression stiffened slightly.

Obviously just now he was thinking about how to tell, but when he met this pair of eyes that knew everything, he was a little speechless.

They have experienced too many things, impure beginning, chaotic sincerity, torture and hurt, forgetting and parting, Lin Sui didn't know how to speak.

What kind of words should be used as the opening remarks of the meeting, which is the most appropriate?

"You are more important to me than people in the world."

Yan Qin's voice broke the silence, making Lin Sui somewhat astonished.

Lin Sui has extreme inferiority and conceit. He thinks that he is worthy of everything that is admired in the world, except full of sincere love.

Love is too unique. It is different from friendship and family affection. It becomes something that cannot be transferred with absolute exclusivity and exclusivity.

"I tell Heaven that the affairs of the people of the world should be shared by the people of the world. I will let it find you a body suitable for cultivation, otherwise I will give you the bones of the Tao. I can also stay with you for two hundred years."

"But when I feel that the memory about you is being erased, I know something has changed, and I inject my thoughts into Chenshuang. As long as you come to see me, as long as you hold Chenshuang, I will definitely think of you .”

"I understand everything you have done for me, Ah Sui, I know your heart, I believe that you love me, then can you also believe in my heart, believe that you are more important than everything in my heart?"

Yan Qin tried his best to maintain calm, but in fact he also wanted to ask, why don't you believe in my love, why do you think that I will definitely choose the people of this world and abandon you?

But after all, he wouldn't question him like this. He was also responsible for this situation. They both kept secrets from each other. If he had been more honest, wouldn't everything have been like this, and there would have been no such twists and turns between them?

Yan Qin is not a young man who can vent his emotions indiscriminately, he always has a lot of scruples and considerations.

What he wants is to be happy with Lin Sui, not to be unable to end.

Lin Sui is actually ready to meet Yan Qin's sadness and anger, because his decision is really too selfish, Yan Qin has paid a lot for him, he knows that he may watch him die unconsciously, I am afraid I will go crazy.

But looking at his lover who is so restrained in expressing his sadness, Lin Sui is puzzled.

"What do you love me for?"

He no longer doubts that Yan Qin loves him, but he has this confusion in his heart. He resists the urge to ask again and again, because that's not his style, but he really doesn't know why Yan Qin loves him, so much that he is willing to do it for him. He paid so far.

Only those who have never been loved will doubt themselves when facing love.

Lin Sui's suspicious and sensitive personality comes from his childhood, which was his trauma. He thought that when he grew up, those traumas would disappear with his revenge, but never, those unstable emotions made him more and more self-loathing , so he turned those uncontrollable pains into pains that he could control, torturing himself and those he loved.

He ignores his dedication and sincerity, and magnifies all the evil sides. In this emotion, he becomes more self-loathing and falls into a vicious circle.

"I can say many reasons, but love is a feeling, A Sui, you don't have to do anything, you just stand here, I can't look away."

Yan Qin's smile was a bit bitter: "I want to ask, why does Ah Sui love me?"

"If you don't have this bone, I'm afraid you will never get close to me. When you leave me, how can I find you."

Yan Qin knew that he was bored, he was always not good at words, at first he couldn't even say a few love words, so he could only try his best to treat Lin Sui well and let him know his heart.

When he knew Lin Sui's covetousness for him, Yan Qin felt a little sad of being deceived, but great panic followed.

What should he do if Lin Sui succeeds or is no longer needed? He is even glad that he has something that can keep Lin Sui, and spends every day in secret fear, afraid that when he opens his eyes the next day, there will be no more in his arms. There was no sign of Lin Sui.

He knew Lin Sui's arrogance and obsession, so he never stopped Lin Sui's actions, even if he set foot on the road of searching without telling him.

No matter how panicked Lin Sui is to leave, he hopes that Lin Sui will live happily. Even if Lin Sui will leave him one day, he will try his best to find him.

On the way to find a solution for Lin Sui, Yan Qin found a treasure called Soul Mirror.

He quietly established such a relationship between Lin Sui and him, so that whenever Lin Sui suffered soul injuries or serious body injuries, he would know, but it's a pity that the soul mirror can only transfer the damage of the soul.

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