After leaving Weibo, Yan Qin boarded the video platform again, watched Lin Sui's individual clips, and also saw the popularity ranking on it.

Lin Sui is currently ranked second, and the first place is a singer who is relatively famous on a certain platform.

Yan Qin immediately cast two votes for Lin Sui, and when he found that members could cast four votes a day, he immediately went to open a member voting.

But there is still a lot of gaps in the number of votes. Yan Qin wants Lin Sui to be the first. After logging out of the account, he registers in other ways, becomes a member, and votes for Lin Sui.

It's a pity that even if he uses two numbers alone, plus other registration methods, he can have up to four numbers. Yan Qin thought about it and transferred the voting link to the small group.

[McDang]: At five o'clock in the morning, brother An, you have such a healthy schedule and get up so early?

[Sui'an]: Didn't sleep.

[McDang]: Let me just say, we stayed up late in the night, I just lost the game and I couldn't sleep for a long time, did you have a burst of inspiration or no inspiration, that's why it took you until this time?

[Sui An]:.

This makes Yan Qin feel ashamed to say that he has survived happily until now.

[McDang]: Both votes were cast~

[Sui'an]: You don't have a member?

[McDang]: Membership is 15 yuan a month, isn't that killing me?

[Sui An]: [Good luck]

[McDang]: Thank you boss for the red envelope~ Let’s open a membership vote~

Yan Qin switched back to the video software to watch, and only after finding that the number of votes had indeed increased did he switch back.

[Sui'an]: Why don't you seem surprised at my soliciting votes?

[McDang]: Don’t you really like this young contestant? Being admired by you must have advantages. Do you think his voice can be used as a rock lead singer? Maybe I can invite him to cooperate.

[McDang]: His kind-hearted friend is also quite talented. How can I never meet such a kind-hearted person.

[McDang]: A certain composer is really bad, and the output is very small, and he even invites songs to love or not, and he refuses to send love for friends~

[Sui'an]: You'd better go to sleep, there is everything in the dream.

It's not that Yan Qin doesn't write songs for his friends, it's just that this kind of thing needs feeling. Whoever makes him think of Lin Sui has a steady stream of inspiration, so is this his problem? No, it's obviously a problem of his friends.

Yan Qin went to the topic circle on the platform to cheer him on, turned a blind eye to those comments related to him, and signed in to post on Lin Sui's topic.

By the way, he didn't know how to operate it at first, but only after reading the Mengxin Guide.

He also learned how to get popular on Weibo in the video software posting, and registered a new trumpet to start fiddling with the tutorial.

Looking at those jokes saying "Baby is sleeping next to me", Yan Qin put the phone aside, hugged Lin Sui and fell asleep.

Baby did sleep next to him.

When Lin Sui woke up the next day, yesterday's turmoil had subsided.

Without the large-scale black posts of the navy, no one would bring up this topic at all.

Lin Sui didn't intend to expose the matter just like that, and bought a marketing account to continue promoting.

It's not enough just to solve this matter, Lin Sui wants Lin Mohan to watch how he transforms the traffic he brings.

Lin Mohan fell asleep last night in anguish and restlessness. He was originally content to accept the dual feedback from reality and the Internet. Everything was broken by Zhou Xiaobao's phone call, which made him have a nightmare all night.

Dreaming that he was kicked out of the house, living with those people he despises, and returning to the track of his life that he should have.

That feeling was so terrifying that he almost suffocated. When he woke up in a cold sweat, he swore inwardly that he would never let what happened in his dream happen.

He is the child of the Lin family, the heir of the Lin family, not a poor child at all.

Lin Mohan washed his face to wake himself up, and wanted to go online to check yesterday's results. He knew that those things would definitely step on the moral bottom line of netizens, so he criticized Lin Sui with words and pens.

He doesn't want to have any musical dreams, let alone being liked on stage.

But when you see the Internet where everything is calm and calm. Lin Mohan was a little astonished, the password was uploaded, and he went to contact the sailors he bought on another account, only to find that the leader of the navy had sent him a message yesterday, saying that someone bought it with money and suppressed it, asking Should he continue to add money.

Lin Mohan was a little annoyed. This kind of thing is to add firewood to make the fire more prosperous. Once it is found to be reversed, netizens will be vigilant. Adding it last night is the best time.

It's all because of Zhou Xiaobao's phone call, which made him have to call the couple to let them take care of the children. He doesn't have any younger brothers at all, and even if he has a younger brother, he is Lin Sui in name.

In this terrible state, he was absent-minded about everything and didn't notice what happened last night.

Lin Mohan blamed that family for all his failure emotions, he is really a waste of nothing but success.

Lin Mohan transferred another sum of money to the head of the water army, telling them to continue posting more now, pack up their things and go to school.

There is no abnormality in the school, and everything is calm.

Before class, he heard two girls next to him discussing something, and vaguely heard the comments of "mermaid singer" and "good-looking song and nice song", and he felt a little worried.

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