When he heard the second half, Zhou Lu opened his eyes wide, and subtitled the lyrics in the intimate later stage.

Zhou Lu couldn't help the turmoil in his heart, so he opened the barrage and sent a series of meaningless "ahhhhh".

All this is not the sailor's imagination, the beautiful and alluring mermaid really exists, devouring his soul, making him completely lost in this sea area, never to find his way back.

At the end of the epilogue, the merman croons happily as he eats.

[Sisters who are numb, Sui Sui eat me! I am willing to eat for you! 】

[Baby eat me, my brain is 90% new, and the taste is good! 】

【My wife sucks me! 】

[Bold maniac, everyone eats, but you smoke, right? 】

[Who made my head full of water, I can't eat it. 】

[Wife post post, eat me first! 】

[I'm so freaked out, I'm so freaked out, my Mermaid Ji, you are not allowed to compete with me, this captain is already lost. 】

[Brothers and sisters, please remember to vote for the benefits of the Easter eggs in the next issue. 】

Zhou Lu couldn't help but listened to it twice, but unfortunately he couldn't download the clips, he could only record them with his mobile phone, and planned to keep them as sleep aid ringtones.

It's impossible to be an alarm clock, after all, the fastest way to destroy the love of a song is to be an alarm clock, especially since she is still a social animal who resists going to work.

Zhou Lu returned to the beginning of the video and began to listen to other singers singing. The resurrection match is also worth watching, and the ratings of Teacher Sui'an are a highlight.

When the first group of viewers who watched the variety show saw the ending, the recording on the scene also came to an end.

Lin Sui waited for Yan Qin in the car as usual, and Yan Qin drove back to the apartment where he usually lived.

The interior has been remodeled. The wall in the living room is not a load-bearing wall, but has been remodeled into a wide single-sided floor-to-ceiling window.

In order to ensure safety, Yan Qin also went to the front of his apartment to observe the glass of his home with the naked eye and take pictures with his mobile phone to ensure the reliability of the single-sided glass.

After confirming that it was impossible for the outside to see the situation inside through the glass, Yan Qin returned home.

Lin Sui was taking a shower when a person squeezed into the bathroom.

"You said today..."

Yan Qin was a little awkward, and a little embarrassed.

He had memorized that sentence all night, and Lin Sui said "he fell in love recently".

The kind-hearted man is him, and he has only written love songs for one person.

Lin Sui didn't turn around, but lazily replied, "Huh?"

Drops of water dripped down his black hair to his neck, and then to his lower back.

Yan Qin asked implicitly: "Then am I considered to be famous?"

"Does Teacher Sui'an still want to fall in love with someone else?"

Lin Sui turned off the shower, wet hair fell on his forehead, and his eyes looked extraordinarily deep under the light.

"Of course not! I'm only in love with you!"

Yan Qin moved forward excitedly, completely ignoring that his clothes were wet from Lin Sui's body, hugged Lin Sui, and even turned around in a circle.

"I just got out of the shower."

"I'll help you wash it again."

It seemed like an act of apology, but something was wrong.

After becoming Lin Sui's boyfriend, Yan Qin was no longer so restrained in his words.

The love songs he wrote did not leave any words of like and love in the lyrics, but whispered repeatedly in his lover's ears and lips.

No one can fail to be subdued by ardent affection and loyal sincerity, which teaches people to love others as well as themselves.

The blue butterfly flies through the wind of love and the soul of people.

The red bead on Lin Sui's wrist flickered, and there were only three times left in ten times.

The newly installed floor-to-ceiling windows, which had been cleaned by Yan Qin's housekeeping, were reused on the first night of the owner's new stay.

The high temperature in summer will always make people follow the existence of lower temperature. The floor-to-ceiling windows of apartments and the floor-to-ceiling windows of high-rise hotels are two kinds of feelings.

One is a condescending overlook, and the other is subtle tension.

The floor-to-ceiling windows that had been cleaned before moving in were stained with dirt not long after, but this time Yan Qin felt ashamed to hire a housekeeper.

After two days of tossing like this, Lin Sui's work and rest were completely out of order.

Sleeping for a while and waking up for a while, Lin Sui looked at the display at three o'clock in the morning, but didn't feel sleepy.

He simply dealt with the emails that he hadn't read much in the past two days, and the situation worked as he expected.

The parents of the Lin family felt the threat to the company, so they were busy all day long. Lin Mohan was only a sophomore, and he couldn't interfere with the company's affairs at all. That trouble, has fallen into a kind of anxiety.

What's more interesting is that Lin Mohan called the couple and asked them to take their young son home, but Zhou Xiaobao stayed here and refused to leave.

This big city is much more prosperous than the city they originally stayed in, and the Zhou family and his wife were also fascinated by this city, let alone taking their son home, they were unwilling to leave.

Lin Mohan not only didn't send away a trouble, but ushered in a new trouble, because when he had no money, those people would ask him for it.

Although he said that if they continue to behave like this, he will not be able to successfully inherit the property of the Lin family, but these people have shallow vision, they only care about the immediate benefits, and they don't care about the long-term. He heard from Zhou Xiaobao that Lin Mohan got on the road in a sports car. million

, I feel that Lin Mohan is not short of money, and any leak in his fingers is enough for them to survive. If it doesn't work, he sold the million-dollar car, and it is enough for them to stay here for a long time.

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