The affair was broken by the fiancé and his fiancé's friends, who were accused of being promiscuous and ruined his reputation.

The original owner has a mouth and nowhere to clear his grievances. He can feel that he has not been done anything, but he doesn't know how to make others believe in him.

His reputation was ruined, and his brother and sister were also sent to reform to varying degrees because of their participation in the activities of his father's company. He was isolated and helpless.

His best friend sent him to this somewhat remote planet, saying that he would provide resources to take care of him in the future, let him escape from those storms temporarily, and would take him back later. The original owner was very grateful, but after arriving on this planet, he found that his friend was disconnected.

What was even more frightening was that the original owner suddenly discovered that he had lost consciousness in his left calf.

He has no money to see a doctor, and is even restricted from traveling far because he is listed as the child of a criminal with bad deeds on his identity certificate.

In other words, he can only stay on this remote planet, dragging his disabled body and living in embarrassment.

However, he picked up a helmet in this temporary residence, which is the game cabin of the most popular holographic online game "Miracle Continent" in the interstellar world.

A citizen ID can only be bound to one game account, but it is not required that only citizens can log in.

One game cabin can only log in to one account, and cannot be switched. Once the race is selected, it cannot be changed. If you want to change the race, you can only log out of the account and try again.

The original owner logged in without hope, but found that this account can be logged in without any biometric verification, which was a surprise to him.

In this way, he can use this account to add back his former friends and ask them to help him out of his predicament.

The original owner thought that this game cabin was his hope, but it was precisely this game that pushed him into a deeper abyss.

"Miracle Continent" is a holographic online game with Western fantasy elements. Everyone chooses their own race to log in to the game, and then start their own adventure life in the continent.

The original owner used to play the elves, and the elves are good at bows and arrows and healing, that is, the nurse in the game.

To the surprise of the original owner, this account was also an elf nanny, and the owner of the account had a similar face to him.

In order to give everyone an absolute sense of substitution in this holographic online game, they cannot adjust their facial features.

The original owner thought it was fate, and it must be easier to find friends with this account, but since he logged into the game, he has been hunted down.

Only then did the original owner know that this is a well-known scam account that has been marked with red flags.

The owner of the account is on a few boats in the game, seducing many men with sweet words and his real identity as the third sex. Money, and then mercilessly kicked people away.

It can be said that this account is notorious in the game and has always been on the reward list. As long as the original owner shows up with this account, no matter where he is active, he will die at any time.

This caused the original owner to collapse a bit. He was already very wronged, but he didn't expect to be wronged in the game.

He wanted to explain that it was not his account, but those people said that he had already used this trick.

The original owner wanted to move out his previous account as proof, but the period when this account was active happened to be the period when his family had an accident and he did not log in to the game.

In other words, the online time is completely staggered, and he has no way to provide proof that he is himself and not this person.

The original owner wanted to give up this account, but he had no money to buy nutritional supplements to live on, so he had to continue to use this account to go to unmanned mines or low-level forests in the game to mine and log, and use these resources to sell. Use this to earn in-game currency, and then exchange it for real crystal coins in proportion to maintain your daily expenses.

Before Lin Sui came, the original owner had been mining for a month.

Everyone's online time in "Miracle Continent" is related to their own mental strength. Ordinary people will run out of energy and become sleepy after staying in this game for twelve hours at most.

Mining and logging activities are the lowest life occupations in the game. There are basically no players who waste time on such activities with basically no return rate, and only some novice players will mine under the guidance of tasks.

For the past month, the original owner has been online for ten hours a day to exhaust his mental power, and the crystal coins he exchanged every day are enough to buy a low-level nutritional supplement.

Therefore, the place where he lives is empty, because the original owner has no money to buy anything, and the nutrients he eats every day are things that can only be purchased after a hard day.

Poverty is his status quo.

He didn't have money to see a doctor, and he didn't know what happened to his left leg. He also tried to do some work, but he didn't have any skills.

In the past ten years or so, he has only learned how to be a perfect wife, cook and make small desserts, arrange flowers and play the piano, but these things are of no use on this remote planet.

His legs are not good, and he has trouble walking, and the outside recruiters will not recruit him, and he has a good face. Ever since he was stared at by malicious eyes, he was so scared that he dared not go out. .

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