The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 111: : Take the initiative to come to the door to be the second room?

Now, watching Xia Ye walk into Lin Naiyi's trap, Ning Ruxue is not feeling well.

But just now Xia Ye's inner voice could be heard clearly, and Ning Ruxue seemed to have grasped the law of Xia Ye's inner voice disappearing.

The two of them wiped the water stains on the corners of their mouths in unison, and the people around were watching the fun and not taking it too seriously.

The commoner who had just restored the bench to its original state suddenly raised his arms and shouted, "One more!"

At this moment, the emotions of the people were mobilized.

"one comes!"

"one comes!"


The uniform voice made Ning Ruxue bow her head in shame and anger, Xia Jiu also had a faint smile on her face, released Ning Zheng's arm and said softly, "Your daughter and my brother are ready to eat, I advise you to go home. hold head high."

Xia Jiu laughed secretly in her heart. Although her soul is not from this body, this body and Xia Ye are real brothers and sisters.

And helping his brother marry his sister-in-law, no matter how many, it is Xia Jiu's duty.

"Inverse... inverse child..."

Ning Zhengqi was trembling all over, if this matter reached Zhao Hao's ears, his Ning family would definitely be in danger!

Shenzhou, that's right!

Is that kind of family that Ning Zheng was able to provoke?

Actually, Ning Zheng was not so willing to marry his daughter, but he felt that his daughter would definitely be better than Xia Ye when she married the Zhao family in Shenzhou.

Coupled with the help from Zhao Hao, Zhao Hao must be stronger than Xia Ye in terms of the ability to solve the spirit stone mine in just one sentence.

As a father, he naturally wanted to find a better place for his daughter.

But I didn't expect that recently, my daughter was getting more and more wrong, and she came to Xia's house more and more frequently. Yesterday, when she entered the door, she started arguing.

Ning Zheng said that he broke his tongue, and Ning Ruxue was going to marry Xia Ye with all her heart.

Then Ning Zheng said, you have to marry if you don't want to marry, and the flames between the two stopped for a night.

This morning, Ning Ruxue's room was empty. He heard the servants say that her daughter came to Xia's house with her luggage.

Ning Zheng exclaimed that it was not good.

Originally wanted to quickly pull Ning Ruxue back when no one was there, but seeing this, the people of the entire Zhongcheng surrounded the streets.

If it weren't for the sign of his Ning family hanging on the carriage, Ning Zheng would still be unable to get in at the corner of the street.

"What's the noise about early in the morning?"

A scolding came out from the gate of the Xia Mansion. Lin Naiyi didn't know when he had finished dressing, and walked out wearing a familiar cheongsam.

After all, with so many people, Lin Naiyi naturally couldn't embarrass Xia Ye.

If it were just two people, or when they were in the Xia Mansion, Lin Nai would not talk about makeup, the clothes would be ordinary.

"Why did the eldest Miss Lin family come out of the Xia Mansion?"

Lin Naiichi's appearance instantly aroused the curiosity of the people around him, and some of those who knew the inside story naturally began to exaggerate.

"You don't know this? Young Master Xia was seriously injured some time ago, and Miss Lin took care of her personally!"

"Yes, yes, I also heard about this. A friend of mine works in the Xia Mansion. I heard that Miss Lin and Young Master Xia are living together. Let's sing every night!"

"No way? Did the two live together before they even walked through the door?"

"Hey, going through the door is important to us, and it's just a passing scene for people like them. Look at Young Master Xia's sluggish appearance, what did you do last night?"

It's strange to say that these people talking about things are not loud or small, and it happens that they can be heard at the door of the entire Xia Mansion.

Ning Ruxue's face turned cold, and she looked at Lin Naiyi with a bad expression.

It doesn't matter if you lie to your feelings, but you lie to his body? !

Xia Ye was also stunned in place, and then his expression became cloudy and uncertain.

[Who exactly leaked the news? There are traitors in our Xia Mansion, right? ! 】

【Night life? This is defamation! Outright slander! 】

[My Xia Ye's innocence, who on earth was slandered like this! 】

If Lin Nai could hear Xia Ye's thoughts, he would only smile charmingly and say, "Husband, it was the concubine who passed it on."

Hearing Xia Ye's thoughts, Ning Ruxue breathed a sigh of relief, and after glancing at Lin Naiyi, she didn't pay much attention to it.

Now, Ning Ruxue understood why there were so many rumors of bad summer nights in Midtown. Thinking about it carefully, it wasn't Lin Naiyi's ghost.

Fortunately, I could hear Xia Ye's heart, or I'd be deceived by Lin Naiyi!

And after hearing her voice clearly again, Ning Ruxue seemed to have caught some rules. It seemed that she could only hear it when Xia Ye was emotional?

Yes, I heard my heart before because the plot changed and Xia Ye was emotional.

Lin Nai also walked to Xia Ye's side at this moment, looked at the carriages behind Ning Ruxue and said, "Miss Ning is playing that trick? Everyone knows that you don't like my husband, why did you take the initiative to come to the door today? Are you going to be the second room?"

Lin Naiyi's expression was also very unhappy. She wanted to use Ning Ruxue to keep Xia Ye, but this was not the case. If you entered the Xia Mansion, wouldn't you shoot yourself in the foot?

This Linnaeus is absolutely not allowed!

You can chase Xia Ye, but if you want to enter the Xia Mansion, that's impossible!

"Yes, I'll be the second room."

Ning Ruxue smiled lightly, not being fooled at all.

Did Linnaeus still think he was the old self? I have already seen through such a three or two language offensive, you are shameless, I am even more shameless than you!

"Ning'er! Are you going back with my father?"

Ning Zheng couldn't bear it any longer. Why did his daughter, who he took good care of, suddenly become like this one day?

In this world, there are only pigs with cabbage, how can there be cabbage with pigs?

Cabbage: Pig, don't run away, come to help me?

Ning Zheng was refreshed by Ning Ruxue's appearance. She raised Ning Ruxue for twenty years. In Ning Zheng's eyes, Ning Ruxue has always been a good girl.

But since many days ago, Ning Ruxue suddenly learned to talk back, be rebellious, and be disobedient.

Could it be that the rebellion period has been postponed? There is no reason for this!

People's fiancées have been humiliated like this from the mansion, and Ning Zheng's old face really has no place to put it.

"Hahaha, who doesn't know your Ning Ruxue's attitude towards my husband? I heard that the Ning family assigned Ning Ruxue to a man named Zhao Hao?"

This matter is known to everyone in Zhongcheng. More than ten days ago, Ning Zheng personally sent the news that his daughter was going to marry Zhao Hao.

Just when everyone was still wondering who Zhao Hao was, the problem of the Ning family's spirit stone mine suddenly disappeared.

At the same time, many Ning's shops on the streets of Zhongcheng also reopened.

A fool can also think of what happened to the Ning family, but this news made the people of Zhongcheng look down on the Ning family. After all, what Xia Ye has done for the Ning family has been a lot in the past four years!

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