The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 124: : Grab that sheep and smash it!

Ning Ruxue snorted coldly, and it was considered to have let Shen Shen go. The three discussed that they would go to the street later, Shen Shen and Xia Ye had to go up and change their clothes.

After all, I drank yesterday, and the smell on my body was indeed a little heavy.

On the summer night back in the room, he summoned the system immediately: "Why is Bai Jinshuo here, and she is still investigating me?"

"Hey...Didn't I say it all? There may be deviations in the plot, but the result will not change. You see the plot of Midtown, isn't it pretty much the same?"

The blue border of the system emerges.

The plot progress of the villain in Midtown Summer Night is 90% (completed, subsequent rewards cannot be obtained.)

The villain Xia Yeyun Guanzong's plot progress is zero (in progress...)

"That's not what I'm asking, but Bai Jinshuo is not in the Yun Guanzong plot now. Whoever appears in the Midtown plot is a character in the plot, even Yun Mei is no exception, but what is Bai Jinshuo now?"


The system seems to have entered a state of crash, and after a long time, it suddenly made a very humanized voice: "Yes? Why?"

Well, I knew you were a piece of shit.

"Who are you talking about! Bai Jinshuo is here, it must be because of some unpredictable things. Now the world runs on her own, not under my control. Where does she go, what does she eat, who does she meet, and what does she have with me? Relationship! You can complete your plot with peace of mind, anyway, she is not one of the heroines in the Yun Guanzong plot."

Although the system has a relatively hot temper, it can be regarded as a relatively clear explanation.

Each plot has a specified heroine, such as Lin Naiyi and Ning Ruxue in Zhongcheng. If the heroine of the subsequent episode suddenly breaks in at this time, she will temporarily escape the heroine's plot line.

Xia Ye won't earn villain points on Bai Jinshuo.

Xia Ye sighed and took a step by step. Judging from Bai Jinshuo's attitude just now, it seemed that there was no malicious intent.

But this is also uncertain. After all, she bullied her fiance like that in Midtown. If she had to investigate first, and then do something to herself, it was very possible.

But a rule must be clear, don't take the initiative to mess with the heroine, as long as she doesn't mess with it, she can't get involved in her own plot.

Xia Ye thought so while opening his storage ring, and saw that there were loads of clothes inside.

Xia Ye's expression was stunned, and then a smile appeared. Lin Naiyi didn't know when he put it in the ring, and the clothes and accessories were already matched, so he didn't even notice it.

The family has a wife, Xia Ye feels very warm in her heart. In this strange and familiar world, there is such a person who cares about her, which also gives Xia Ye a lot of motivation.

Xia Ye figured it out long before he came to Yunguanzong, this time, he was going to add drama to himself like crazy.

He shoveled the wool of his own big boy. Originally, he went home alone, but now he has to take Linnai home one by one. If he adds another person, the burden will be heavier.

effort! struggle!

Just as Xia Ye took off his clothes, a red jade pendant fell from his waist pocket on the bed.

Xia Ye remembered that this was the jade pendant that Fu Bo gave him that night, but because he was too mother, he kept it in his pocket and almost forgot. …

How do you feel that this jade pendant is a lot red?

Xia Ye looked at Yu Pei on the bed and wondered, suspecting that the light was too dark that night, and he couldn't see clearly.

After changing clothes, Xia Ye took the jade pendant on the bed and was about to put it in the ring, but somehow, somehow, he put it back into his clothes.

Sitting in front of the bronze mirror and admiring his handsome figure, what should I say, just like this, going back to the real world is not the top class, but the top class in the world!


Yunguanzong, the mountain peak at the end of the tail, the green stone platform is surrounded by a circle of light air visible to the naked eye.

If you look down from the top of the stone platform, it will look like a gossip map.

Yang Guo was dressed in brown-gray clothes, with a big hexagram embroidered on his left chest. Small beads of sweat were streaming down Xiao Nen's face, his eyes were tightly closed and his hands were constantly gesturing something in front of him.

Then, the surrounding water began to speed up, and Yang Guo opened his eyes, but those were not normal eyes. These eyes were like light blue stars, radiating light.

As Yang Guo's eyes turned, the picture displayed in front of her seemed to be the end of the stars. After this beam of light lasted for a long time, it gradually faded until it disappeared.

The surrounding fresh air disappeared, and the water flow returned to its original state and began to flow slowly.

Far away from the stone platform, Ruan Yu was wearing clothes that were almost the same as Yang Guo's. Furong was like a face, and she was slim, holding a long sword in her hand, and her eyes were looking at Yang Guo's direction nervously.

After the light completely disappeared and the strange scenery disappeared, Ruan Yu ran to the stone platform and asked softly, "Is your practice not going well?"


Yang Guo shook her head, panting a little when she spoke, apparently in a state after losing her strength. Looking at Ruan Yu, she said nervously, "Sister Ruan, that man has come to Yunguanzong!"

Hearing this, Ruan Yu's face changed. In the past few days, Yang Guo couldn't calm down every time she meditated, and something vaguely affected her.

Early this morning, Yang Guo came to Shitai to find out her body.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is still a next page ^0^ of the problem, a few hours.

The hexagram of Xia Ye in Yang Guo's mind suddenly changed a little. The number of characters in the original hexagram has been increased by more than 20 characters, and the lifespan has also been reduced by one year.

"Master Except for the legendary hexagram master, otherwise no one can modify the hexagram, which is destiny, but his hexagram is indeed changing, and the number of words is still increasing, if he If it continues to increase, I estimate that I will not live to be twenty years old, woo woo woo."

Yang Guo began to cry as she spoke, regretting her original behavior, a knife on the head, Yang Guo fully understood this sentence.

It was because he admired Xia Ye's face that he couldn't hold back, so he counted this hexagram. As a result, now that his lifespan has been shortened, how could Yang Guo not be in a hurry.

"No, I really have to ask the master to come back quickly and find a way to solve this matter, or you will be dragged to death by his hexagram sooner or later."

Ruan Yu said, and immediately took out a blue jade talisman from the storage ring, and the faint light of the jade talisman radiated with the movement of his finger, and then it split into two halves.

He immediately hugged Yang Guo from the stone platform and asked, "Can you already feel that he has come to Cloud Crown Sect?"

Please remember this book's first domain name: . . . : m..

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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