The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 127: : What kind of weapon do you need to play your supporting role!

Does your big brother really have the confidence?

That's right, I haven't seen my eldest brother for a few years, what if my eldest brother's martial arts talent gets better again?

I can't say for sure about this thing. It's not easy to touch an old grandfather or something.

Just as Fatty was thinking about it, the people around him consciously took a few steps back. After all, Xia Ye's appearance was already being watched by onlookers, and the men around him naturally wanted to see Xia Ye make a fool of himself.

This is all due to jealousy. Just like a good-looking girl will be jealous of other girls, men are no exception in this regard.

When Ning Ruxue heard the last sentence of Xia Ye's first sentence, her face turned red, thinking about whether she should rush up to hold Xia Ye now?

However, this idea was dismissed by Ning Ruxue. As soon as I heard this, I knew that it was just an exaggeration, and Xia Ye would not really do such a thing.

I still look at Xia Ye, and if the situation goes wrong, I will rush up later.

It's okay to go through the plot, but no one can play the summer night!

The people on the street have moved away, and the two stand opposite each other.

The weapon in Tang Xing's hand is not the Overlord Spear. At this stage, his father has not inherited the Overlord Spear to Tang Xing, but it does not mean that the weapon in his hand is of low quality.

In Xia Ye's memory, the weapon used by Tang Xing in the early days was ranked 76th on the weapon list, but it was ranked in the top 30 on the gun list.

After all, the father is a master of marksmanship of the generation, and it is natural to be a weapon for his son, right?

At this moment, Tang Wenran finally opened his eyes. The tingling sensation had disappeared. Tang Wenran only felt an indescribable comfort in his eyes.

But as soon as his eyes turned, Tang Wenran's face showed a somewhat puzzled look, a strange feeling in his heart, and then he rubbed his eyes twice.

When looking at Xia Ye this time, Tang Wenran's mouth curled into a smile.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sense of relief in my heart.

Why am I laughing?

Tang Wenran's hand unconsciously touched his chest, he could clearly feel his heart beating, but the happy emotion could not be controlled.

Immediately, Tang Wenran turned his gaze to his brother, the happy mood disappeared instantly, and the smile on Tang Wenran's mouth was also wiped away.

In evil?

This was Tang Wenran's first reaction. He couldn't control his emotions just now.


This emotion comes and goes quickly, and I have to find a doctor to take a look at it later.

Tang Wenran didn't think much about it, Tang Xing had already raised his spear, and said with war intent, "Where's the weapon?"

From the very beginning, Xia Ye had no intention of taking out a weapon at all. In the martial arts, **** and kung fu are the basics, and weapons are the top priority.

There will never be someone holding a fist and confronting someone else's sword head-on, and within the same rank, there must be weapons who are slightly better.

Following Tang Xing's words, Tang Wenran's eyes subconsciously shifted to Xia Ye again. This time, Tang Wenran did not smile, but looked thoughtful, feeling a little troubled in his heart.

In a trance, Tang Wenran suddenly realized that this is not my emotion!

Do not!

I can feel the emotions of this man! …

This is too incredible!

Tang Wenran couldn't believe it, and then turned to look at the heavy, Ning Ruxue, his elder brother, the people who came and went on the street.

No, no, still no.

Impossible, how could there be such an outrageous thing in this world, I and Xia Ye have never met before this.

If it was his own relatives, such as his brother, Tang Wenran could guess his brother's mood closely.

But this person he had never met, and Tang Wenran didn't try to figure it out at all, as if the emotions of others had suddenly spread to him.

Too weird.

The next moment, Tang Wenran's heart suddenly became indifferent, and Xia Ye's words followed closely: "No, if you can meet me, even if you win."

[What kind of weapons do you need for a supporting role, Mr. 】

[If it wasn't for the fear of killing you, I would punch you high and low today to let you know the truth that a big fist is powerful. 】

[Anyway, I will play you, then you are in the protagonist, and when you come, the protagonist will naturally 揍. 】

[I'm sorry, I didn't see the protagonist, so I can only use you for surgery, sorry. 】

The voice of her heart sounded, and Ning Ruxue's dangling heart was relieved. Xia Ye didn't need to be beaten or bullied this time.

Fortunately, it's a supporting role. If I meet Zhao Hao on the street today, Xia Ye will inevitably be beaten.

Ning Ruxue also gave up the idea of ​​holding Xia Ye at this moment. Finally, Xia Ye had a chance to slap his face, so let him enjoy it.

Just when Xia Ye was still silent about how he could not hurt Tang Xing in the future, but also completely humiliate Tang Xing's face, he could not have imagined that at this moment there was a woman who was looking at him full of doubts.

When this feeling of apology rose, Tang Wenran was puzzled. Even if he could really feel the man's emotions, he shouldn't be apologetic.

Tang Wenran can understand the happiness just now.

As a playboy, he just likes to find trouble and have fun, so he is naturally happy. Tang Wenran wanted his brother to take care of him right now.

But it's not right now, this

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ What does apology mean?

How can there be someone who is deliberately looking for trouble, but also apologetic?

Aren't you putting the cart before the horse?

Tang Wenran couldn't figure it out, this person probably has a mental illness, right?

"Extremely arrogant!"

Tang Xing's whole person's aura suddenly dissipated, and the strength of the seventh-rank beginner was undoubtedly revealed. He grasped the spear with both hands, and just waved it lightly, a small wind blew the bags in the hands of the melon seed eaters.

【Good guy, you are not so good! 】

[However, it's okay, this plot is finished today! 】

Xia Ye said You are exposing your breath first when you come up, is it to make me afraid?

Xia Ye shook his head secretly in his heart. With his blue butterfly paddling and the strength of the seventh-rank middle-level, he really did not take Tang Xing in his eyes.

After all, the Tang Family Overlord Spear is famous for its ferocity.

But Xia Ye's Blue Butterfly swims and walks, which happens to be the most light and agile movement technique. If Tang Xing is fifth or fourth rank, Xia Ye's movement technique is useless.

After all, strength is the last word, but now Tang Xing's strength is lower than Xia Ye, and his ability is restrained, Xia Ye is naturally full of confidence.

Xia Ye's body didn't even move, he slowly raised his arm over his palm, shook his fingers a few times and said softly:

"I've heard about the Tang family's marksmanship for a long time. In my opinion, it's all blown out. I can't beat your father's master, but hitting you can also prove that your Tang family's marksmanship is rubbish!"

Please remember this book's first domain name: . . . : m..

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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