The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 129: : Tang Wenran's test

Every time Tang Xing's spear swung, Xia Ye could feel the oppressive aura emanating from the spear.

Lan Die paddled the clouds and walked with all her strength. Xia Ye was still very confident in the movement technique given by her system. Tang Xing's spear head kept stabbing from Xia Ye's side, but it didn't hurt one bit.

In fact, Xia Ye is really excited to be able to play against the characters in his own writing. In the middle of the city, there are very few plots that can be played.

But Yunguanzong is different, battles like this will happen often.

The figures of the two moved like thunder, and the other floated like a willow branch. Every time they saw the red spear sliding past Xia Ye, Ning Ruxue's heart twitched, for fear of something unexpected.

On the other hand, he looked at the heavy weight with relish. After not seeing him for a few years, his eldest brother has made such great progress in martial arts.

I was in Midtown before, didn't I measure talent?

But now that he looks like this, he has fought back and forth with the Tang family son, how can this talent not work?

And Xia Ye's light-hearted appearance naturally attracted the screams of the girls watching the show on the street. They were strong and handsome. These girls had followed Xia Ye all the way, and naturally knew how the conflict just happened.

But since ancient times, the three views have followed the five senses, and they all shouted for Xia Ye regardless of the reason for the conflict.

The louder the son cheered, the more Ning Ruxue and Tang Wenran looked very bad.

"Are you heavy?"

I don't know when, Tang Wenran was already standing in front of the heavy weight, with a hint of tentativeness in his eyes.

Xia Ye's joyful emotions had long filled Tang Wenran's heart. This feeling made Tang Wenran very unhappy. The strange man's emotions were released on him, and Tang Wenran felt as if he had been taken by that.

Moreover, the summer night in the field did not mean to fight back at all, but just blindly avoided Tang Xing's attack.

Isn't that surprising?

In fact, Tang Wenran didn't know that it wasn't that Xia Ye didn't attack, but that he didn't have the means to attack. Whether it was a deliberate punch or a flying immortal, it was all one-shot martial arts.

There is no complete set of boxing skills at all, and Tang Xing uses a gun, but Xia Ye doesn't even have a weapon, it is indeed difficult to meet Tang Xing.

Looking at Tang Wenran in front of him with a heavy look, he also put on a bowed look, but said with arrogance on his face without any signs of abating, "Here is the heavy one, my father Shen Wansan."

Tang Wenran's face became even more black when he heard this answer, who wants to ask who your father is!

But Tang Wenran didn't show his anger. He could see that Shen Zhong was actually not hostile. He was just a spectator, just like the onlookers.

"Xia Ye provokes my brother, why exactly?"

Tang Wenran asked this question. If two people bumped into each other on the street, it would be fine if they insulted each other and fought each other.

How could there be such a thing, he didn't even touch him, he would provoke him when he came up, and involved the other party's family, he was ready to leave, and he came back to fight him with abusive words.

If there was nothing weird in it, Tang Wenran could write his name upside down.

"Then who knows, I just can't stand it."

He spread out his hands indifferently and replied, in his eyes, doesn't his eldest brother just dislike Tang Xing? …

Otherwise, can you force the opponent to fight with him?

I don't know why, but I just want to support my big brother.

Tang Wenran was a little disappointed that he didn't get an answer from Shen Zhong, she knew about Shen Zhong.

The son of a chaebol, he is considered a small name in China, but from the time we met just now, Tang Wenran could see that Shen Shen and the girls over there were all centered on this man.

So what is the origin of this man who can make Shen Shen willing to be a younger brother?

This kind of body technique alone is not a person from an ordinary family!

Could it be that the family has formed an enemy abroad?

Is this intentional revenge?

The more Tang Wenran thought about it, the more likely it was, otherwise what was the purpose of this man doing this?

It is very likely that he was forced to be his younger brother because of this man's background.

Tang Wenran has already made a decision in his heart, starting from the heavy as a breakthrough!

"Your Shen family is quite famous in China, so openly provoking our Tang family, aren't you afraid of conflict between the two families?"

"Get up and get up."

Shen Zhong looks like it doesn't matter. For families like Shen Shen or the Tang family, even if there are some conflicts, they are nothing more than an apology to solve the problem.

The war between the two parties will not only affect the two families, but will also involve other families in China.

Therefore, the general big family is very cautious in the way to deal with the problem, unless there is a deep blood feud, or it will not reach the point of death.

But having said that, there is no bottom in the heavy heart, and some people must be punished at the end of the conflict.

Then Xia Ye will definitely not be able to escape the relationship by then.

"I think you should pay more attention to your brother."

Ning Ruxue's voice rang out, and she fought against Lin Nai for a long time in Zhongcheng. Under Lin Naiyi's extreme brain power, Ning Ruxue naturally grew up.

She could hear Tang Wenran's intention to inquire inside and out. If this was Ning Ruxue from two months ago, Tang Wenran would definitely get some information out.

But now she is different. After baptism, her IQ has grown visibly to the naked eye, and she has some own considerations in judging things.


"You are?"

To be honest, Tang Wenran only saw the existence of this woman at this moment, and he had been focusing on Xia Ye and Shen Zhong before.

Xia Ye, the provocateur of the conflict, needless to say, but the weight is due to his identity and background.

This woman was naturally ignored by Tang Wenran subconsciously.

At this time, looking at the girl carefully, the first thought to Tang Wenran was that this girl was pretty good-looking.

It feels a little watery, even if it is placed in China, it is still the best.

It's just that because there is a better man, the eyes of the people around are all on Xia Ye, not on her.

Ning Ruxue glanced at Tang Wenran lightly and didn't answer. Before the conflict broke out, Tang Wenran's eyes could naturally be seen by Ning Ruxue.

In her eyes, Tang Wenran and the women who followed Xia Ye's **** along the way were the same raccoon dog.

In fact, when she came to Qingxia Town, the biggest blow to Ning Ruxue was here. Originally in Zhongcheng, she was followed by a group of people, including Xia Ye.

It was only because of Xia Ye's identity that he could follow him closer.

But when they suddenly came to Qingxia Town, the positions of the two changed, and they became the one who followed, because of their relationship with Xia Ye, they could get closer.

She remembered that when Xia Ye pursued her at that time, was Xia Ye's hostility towards those boys the same as her own?

Please remember this book's first domain name: . . . : m..

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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