The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 131: : This one-armed hero, who are you?

Tang Wenran lifted up Tang Xing, who was terrified. He couldn't understand how that action was done just now.

Xia Ye just raised his hand lightly, and resolved his own killing at will.

From the time the two fought until now, Xia Ye did not choose to take the initiative to attack, and in the end it was just a defensive counterattack...

At this time, Tang Xing really realized the gap between the two!

An emotion of worry spread from Tang Wenran's heart, and this emotion was stronger than his own worry!

Tang Wenran raised his head and looked at Xia Ye, only to see that Xia Ye's expression was only slightly wrong, and then immediately changed back to the appearance of the second generation ancestor and said, "This is the Tang family's marksmanship? Two words, normal."

"What the **** do you want to do!"

Tang Wenran couldn't help it, she was sure that the emotion in her heart came from the man in front of her, but she couldn't understand what the purpose of this man was.

[Oh, sorry, sorry, I can't do anything about it, if your brother is the protagonist, he will beat me up, but he is only a supporting role, so I can only beat him. 】

[It doesn't matter, when you get to know the protagonist, won't you come back with a slap in the face? 】

[Quite fair. 】

"What to do, it's just to see that your Tang family is unhappy!"

Xia Ye's face was cold, but Ning Ruxue couldn't hold back her smile when she heard Xia Ye's heart. This guy is too good at acting. It is estimated that everyone present except himself was deceived by him.

For the first time, Ning Ruxue stood on the sidelines, and learned that Xia Ye was not easy. She had been rejected in every possible way by chasing herself before, but now she wanted to go home and offend others.

He's so hard, a man is so hard, being a villain's's so hard.


Tang Wenran couldn't control it anymore, maybe this second ancestor had a perverted mind?

Is this what he does for fun?

Tang Wenran's heart towards Xia Ye's character had reached rock bottom.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is, but now Tang Xing grabbed Tang Wenran's arm, stood up from the ground, covered his stomach with one hand, and said, "You are not his opponent."

Xia Ye's reading level, as well as his martial arts talent, completely surpassed Tang Xing's.

Tang Xing was sure in his heart that even if he and his sister were together, they would not be the opponent of the man in front of him!

But the Tang family's face can't be lost!

Looking at Tang Xing who picked up the spear again, Xia Ye also admired it very much. Don't look at this as a supporting role in his own writing, it is also a supporting role beside the protagonist!

This character is definitely far better than ordinary people, and Tang Xing will also be the second-in-command next to the protagonist in the future, a new generation of gun sects in the future!

Just when Tang Xing was protecting his sister behind him and was about to start again in Xia Ye, a slightly hoarse voice rang from the street: "Under the feet of Yun Guanzong, it is shameless to blatantly provoke others!"

The people looked back one after another, only to see a man with a pale face and a somewhat depressed figure walking forward slowly from the crowd.

Everyone's eyes were first amazed at the man's cheeks, the woman's silky skin, and the lips were red as if they had been smeared, but the next moment, everyone's eyes shifted to the man's side.

Xia Ye was puzzled and subconsciously asked: "This one-armed hero, who are you?"

"Xia Ye! You did all kinds of evil when you were in Midtown! Do you really think that no one in the world can control you!"

Yes, the speaker is the protagonist Zhao Hao!

He had seen Xia Ye and Tang Rising conflict a long time ago, but he just kept standing in the back. After hearing that Tang Xing was the Tang family, Zhao Hao's face was filled with joy.

In this, of course, there is an element of Tang Wenran. Although Zhao Hao is still in a state of inaction at the moment, the lustful energy in his bones has not changed.

As a shuangwen, there is one and one for the stunning beauty in any world.

Looking at Tang Wenran's unique beauty, how could Zhao Hao hold back?

But Xia Ye was in conflict with the Tang family and had nothing to do with him. Zhao Hao didn't have a proper reason to appear for a while, so he could only watch from behind.

The Tang family is naturally a well-known existence in Shenzhou. At this moment, Xia Ye has provoked the Zhao family again. Zhao Hao wants to see how Tang Xing slaps Xia Ye in the face, and can also relieve his anger in Zhongcheng.

But after just a few rounds, Tang Xing was kicked away by Xia Ye. Zhao Hao didn't expect that Xia Ye had grown to this point during the time he left.

This is a good time for the righteous to take action!

Zhao Hao's heart condensed, and he stood up immediately. At this time, joining hands with Tang Xing, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone?

And this is the Yunguanzong site, Zhao Hao doesn't believe that the great master woman of Xia Ye can still protect him here!

Zhao Hao took a step and walked to Tang Xing's side, first nodded to Tang Xing, and then looked at Tang Wenran again, his heart was overjoyed again, and an unconscious evil smile was revealed.

We are disabled and determined, aren't we?

What if it gets cured later?

There's nothing wrong with teasing first.

Zhao Hao's calculus was quite good. It would be impossible for him to kill someone in the Yunguanzong site, but he still had full confidence in joining forces with Tang Xing to teach a lesson to this indiscriminate Xia Ye.

In addition, Zhao Hao discovered a few days ago that since he was made like this by that woman, his cultivation speed has accelerated a lot. Although he has just entered the first stage of the seventh rank, with Tang Xing, he is sure to deal with Xia Ye!

At that time, won Tang Wenran's favor, wouldn't it be easy to capture?

But Zhao Hao didn't see it

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^ Here, since Zhao Hao finished the second sentence, Tang Wenran stared at Xia Ye with a strange expression, because in Tang Wenran's heart, a joy suddenly flooded into his heart .

That kind of happiness was something Tang Wenran seldom experienced under the strict discipline of the Tang family.

This feeling is very strange, as if all the troubles just now have been forgotten.

In the next second, Xia Ye's voice also sounded: "Zhao Hao!"

【Good boy! My eldest son, my father is going to miss These days without you, I am a little villain and have no long life! 】

【Do you know how much I miss you? I look forward to it so much, you know? 】

[Speaking of what's going on with your arm? Is it broken or hidden on purpose? 】

Xia Ye's heart is so happy. After more than a month, he finally saw the protagonist of his own writing. Can he not be excited?

It was only then that Ning Ruxue realized that the man in front of him was Zhao Hao!

It's just that I haven't seen it for a short month, Zhao Hao has changed so much, and the appearance that was slightly sunny can no longer be seen at this moment.

Even the slightly dark skin has become extremely fair now, and it seems a bit... a woman.

When Zhao Hao left Ning's house, he just sent someone to say hello to Ning Zheng, and left Zhongcheng quietly, Ning Ruxue thought that Zhao Hao had finally given up on himself.


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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