The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 39: : Get ready, get ready!

If Ning Ruxue just said it casually because of Xia Ye's words, it is different now.

Looking at Ning Ruxue's appearance, it didn't look like she was joking at all.

It seems that he really wants to agree to his request.

But this matter became completely incomprehensible in Zhao Hao's eyes. Although the issue of the Lingshi Mine was a major event.

But even if the incident broke out, the Ning family had only become the third place in Zhongcheng.

Why is it worth asking Ning Ruxue to agree to this request for a spirit stone mine?

Besides, Zhao Hao still lacks a low-grade spirit stone mine?

As long as Ning Ruxue becomes his woman, even Zhao Hao, a top-grade spirit stone mine, can give it to Ning Ruxue.

But now?

For a Lingshi Mine, he had to agree to Xia Ye's proposal and kiss Xia Ye in public.

How could Zhao Hao, who has always been conceited to the end, accept this?

But then again, Zhao Hao thinks that he still understands Ning Ruxue's character very well. She is not a woman who sells her body for this small profit.

If you look at Xia Ye's pursuit before, you can see that what Xia Ye spends on Ning Ruxue can be compared to a low-grade spirit stone mine.

If Ning Ruxue were such a person, she would have agreed to Xia Ye's request long ago, and she would never wait until now.

Could it be that Ning Ruxue still has a backer?

At this moment, not only Zhao Hao has such an idea, but also Xia Ye.

No matter how the plot changes, it is impossible to affect Ning Ruxue's character.

Xia Ye also felt that a low-grade spirit stone mine was not enough for Ning Ruxue to pay so much.

"Da da da..."

Just as the three of them were trying to figure out each other's thoughts, a carriage stopped at the gate of the Xia Mansion.

Immediately afterwards, a very tempting voice came from the carriage.

"I didn't expect it, I thought the dignified Ning family eldest lady was a girl who guarded her body like a jade, but she turned out to be a villain with worldly fame and fortune. If you exchange your body for the development of the Ning family, it's really yours!"


Xia Ye only felt goosebumps on her back.

I saw the driver pull the curtain, and Linnai stepped out of the carriage with his long legs. Unlike yesterday, Linnai changed his outfit today.

The long red dress inside was tightly wrapped around Lin Naiichi's body, a standard low-shoulder dress, with a layer of transparent tulle attached to her back.

Xia Ye didn't have much, after all, he had seen more exciting outfits than this.

But Zhao Hao on the side was different. The moment Lin Nai got out of the car, Zhao Hao's eyes were straight.

His eyes are full of desire to possess.

Unexpectedly, in the small boundary of Midtown, there can be two stunning beauties at the same time!

Feeling that the clothes on his body would slip off at any time and hang on his body so skillfully, Zhao Hao swallowed unconsciously.

This scene was captured by Lin Naiyi and Ning Ruxue.

There was a sneer in his heart, and Lin Naiyi naturally sneered because he knew what kind of person Zhao Hao was.

Ning Ruxue is different.

Can such a person also be the protagonist?

Can someone who can't walk when they see a woman be called the protagonist?

Looking at Xia Ye next to him, his eyes were as clear as the surface of a lake, without any miscellaneous desires or even a trace of disgust.

This is the first time Ning Ruxue has discovered this side of Xia Ye.

She herself did not expect that Xia Ye would not react at all when she saw Lin Naiyi dressed like this.

Immediately, the eyes of the two beauties collided in the air, and Ning Ruxue was angry.

Linnaeus, on the other hand, had a playful look on his face.

Lin Naiyi felt a great sense of satisfaction yesterday by cheating on the Ning family, but she never thought that the Ning family would react so quickly.

I learned that Ning Ruxue, a woman who usually ignores Xia Ye's love, came to the door in person.

Can Linnaeus sit still?

Of course not.

He hurriedly picked out a very tempting costume and rushed to the Xia family.

When I first arrived, I heard that Ning Ruxue agreed to Xia Ye's unreasonable request.

Lin Naiyi looked at Xia Ye with some grievances in his eyes, the stinky man actually made such a request to Ning Ruxue.

Why does Xiang Ning Ruxue want a kiss? I can give it to you. You can kiss anywhere.

Don't look at the lack of expression on Xia Ye's face at the moment, his heart can be considered happy.

[Wow, it's raining in time, come here soon, I can't stand it anymore, if this stupid woman really agrees, I don't know what to do! 】

[Fortunately, you are here, patience! 】

Of course, only Ning Ruxue could hear this voice, not Lin Naiyi.

As soon as Ning Ruxue heard Xia Ye's thoughts, her irritability became even greater.

Why can't you compare to Linnaeus?

Ning Ruxue subconsciously looked at the clothes she was wearing today, although it was also noble, and she was well-dressed when she went out.

But when she looked at her chest and then at Lin Naiyi, Ning Ruxue lost her confidence.

She still clearly remembers that last time Xia Ye scolded herself for being small.

After she went back, she subconsciously ate a lot of food that increased in size, but it didn't work at all.

In terms of appearance, Ning Ruxue was at a disadvantage in an instant.

A big white rabbit is a good figure. Who doesn't know how to choose clothes?

But facing this woman, Ning Ruxue didn't want to be disadvantaged.

"What is betrayal of the body? Xia Ye likes me, and I promise him, is this called betrayal of the body? It's called mutual love!"

After saying the remaining three people present were stunned.

Lin Naiyi was even more so, she knew exactly who Ning Ruxue was.

In the previous life, he followed Zhao Hao almost completely, treating Xia Ye's life and death as if he were an ant.

How can you say such a thing today?


A purple sword was unsheathed in an instant, Lin Nai clenched the long sword and pointed at Lin Nai Yi and said, "Be careful when you speak, the Xia family wants face, and I am Xia Ye's fiancee!"

The sword was unsheathed, and even the servants of the Xia family stood where they were and dared not move.

With the aura of the rank nine, Xia Ye could feel that Lin Naiyi really wanted to do it.

[What's going on here? You are a high IQ woman! How can you do it? And Zhao Hao is still there, you can't beat him. 】

[What the **** is going on with Ning Ruxue! How could this be said in front of Zhao Hao? 】

[No, you can't say such a thing without facing Zhao Hao! 】

"Hey, hey! Don't do it!"

Xia Ye hurriedly pressed down Lin Naiyi's sword in the last issue. This scene was not a pleasant sight in Ning Ruxue's eyes.

You hold her because you're worried that she won't be able to beat her, right?

what about me?

Immediately, the ring on Ning Ruxue's finger lit up, and a cyan sword also appeared in Ning Ruxue's hand.

The tense atmosphere made the people present dare not move.

And what about Zhao Hao?

At this moment, he was deeply immersed in self-doubt, and he thought in his heart just now that Ning Ruxue was behind.

The next moment Ning Ruxue took action for Xia Ye.

He didn't understand why the woman he saw at a glance turned around Xia Ye.

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