The Villain Fantasy Heroine is Completely Broken

Chapter 55: : How did you become a crybaby?

Xia Ye will naturally not refuse Yun Mei's request. After all, Yun Mei still has a sick and tender nature in her heart. Occasional meetings can greatly alleviate this symptom.

Saying goodbye to Yun Mei, Xia Ye left Yichun Building. Along the way, Xia Ye was watching the latest news from the system.

Yun Guanzong's plot character, replacing Ye Fan.

If it is said that Xia Ye is the character that the protagonist starts to slap in the face in the first stage, then Ye Fan is the second one.

"What does it mean when you get a new plot, but it doesn't trigger?"

Xia Ye looked at the small line in the lower right corner and asked suspiciously.

"The plot of the villain Xia Ye is not over yet. After the plot ends, the host will automatically take the place of the villain Ye Fan (just take over the plot, not transform.

With this explanation, Xia Ye understood. He was still worried at first, but now that the plot has progressed, he still has very few villains before he can go home.

Now I understand, I don't need to become Ye Fan, and I don't need to die early, just continue to cause trouble for the protagonist.

"What about the original villain Ye Fan?"

Xia Ye still asked the question in her heart. What she was supposed to do fell on her head, so what should the real villain do?

Am I still me?

"Erase! 0.0!"

You are arrogant.

Xia Ye complained in her heart, but she suddenly became ecstatic in the next second: "If you enter the next episode, don't you need to lick Ning Ruxue?!"

"NICE! The host has the ability to think independently, and the cub has finally grown up. The system is very pleased."

"You are taking advantage of me, aren't you!"

"That's right, it's just to take advantage of you."


Xia Ye has become accustomed to the daily bickering of one person and one machine.

However, Ye Fan's plot is not so low-end that the heroine and the protagonist become enemies, no brains, no offline arrangement, but another reason.

The villain thing suddenly became interesting.

"But! If the host wants to spend the next episode in a stable manner, he must escape the death of the villain (Xia Ye) and enter the next episode."

In the early summer night of the villain, the ending was death.

"System, are you reminding me?"

Xia Ye wondered, and escaped from death. The literal meaning is very simple.

But Xia Ye seems to have realized a new meaning, the protagonist Zhao Hao has already started to kill himself!

"Villain system, 24-hour company, caring and warm~"


There were black lines on Xia Ye's forehead, and Sophie couldn't blow like you.

However, Xia Ye still thanked the system in his heart. The system is not obliged to inform him about this. This is to prepare himself deliberately.

After being silent for a few seconds, Xia Ye suddenly asked in his mind, "Are you a woman, System?"


Shut down.

Why can't you be so funny?

Xia Ye walked towards his own mansion. It was almost three watch now. Apart from a few lit lanterns, there was only an occasional cool breeze on the street.

Just as he walked to the gate of Xia Mansion, Xia Ye saw a figure pacing back and forth at the gate.

It was too dark, and Xia Ye couldn't see the faces. After walking a few steps closer, Xia Ye said, "Why are you here?"

The woman in front of her was none other than Lin Naiichi.

Lin Naiyi also obviously didn't expect Xia Ye to come back from outside, and was suddenly startled by Xia Ye's voice, her face turning pale.

After seeing that it was Xia Ye, Lin Naiyi breathed a sigh of relief.

Xia Ye noticed that Lin Naiyi was different from the past. He was wearing an ordinary cloth, and there were holes in his clothes that he didn't know what torn open.

The blood had scabbed onto the clothes, his face was covered with dust, and his eyes were very tired.

Seeing Xia Ye coming, Lin Nai couldn't tell the expression on his face, it seemed to be aggrieved, but also uncomfortable.

The blood-stained palm turned, and a dilapidated book appeared in Lin Naiichi's hand.

"I'm here to deliver this. I think you should have a better mentality."

Xia Ye looked at the words on the paper--Hai Feng Jue.

The surface of the book has been corroded a lot, but it is extremely clean.

Xia Ye looked at Lin Nai's mind, and bad thoughts flashed in his mind.

"You went to the Demonic Beast Mountains, didn't you?"

Blast of the Wind is an episode that the protagonist Zhao Hao experienced in the early stage. He obtained the mental technique in the Mountain of Warcraft, but there are better ones in the protagonist's family, so naturally they are not used.

Later, the protagonist gave this mind method to one of his brothers, and the general plot is like this.

Seeing that Lin Naiyi didn't answer, but buried his head very low, Xia Ye didn't know why, a nameless flame suddenly burst into his heart.

No wonder, Xia Ye knew in his heart that there was no fourth-grade cultivation technique in this middle city.

He was still in the Lin family, but he, the author, didn't know about it.

It turns out that the mind method that Lin Naiyi mentioned is this book, so it makes sense.

"You're so sick, aren't you! Is the Mountain of Beasts a place where you, a ninth-rank woman, can go! Do you know how dangerous it is!"

Xia Ye roared like this, and Lin Naiyi could no longer restrain the emotions that had accumulated in his heart for a long Since the last time he was scolded by Xia Ye, Lin Naiyi actually only smiled wryly at himself. Xia Ye started from the very beginning. The goal is to return to his home.

Maybe he loves himself originally, but that is only his own world, and one day he will go back.

Originally, Lin Naiyi had also figured it out, Xia Ye was right, the two of them were parallel lines, people from two worlds.

But Lin Naiyi couldn't help thinking about Xia Ye.

In his mind, he was thinking about how to get a better exercise for Xia Ye. Maybe there was still a little hope in his heart, hoping that if Xia Ye had a better exercise, he would not die and would not return to his world.

Emotional collapse, often at this moment, the moment Xia Ye roared out, Lin Nai couldn't collapse any longer.

"I know you want to go! I know you want to go home! But is there no one you care about?! Is there no reason for you to stay here! Is it that good over there?!"

Unfortunately, these words only turned into tears in Xia Ye's ears.

Lin Naiyi couldn't tell Xia Ye's hidden secrets, just like Ning Ruxue couldn't tell Xia Ye what he could hear.

Xia Ye took Gao Fengjue in his hand, reached out and grabbed Lin Naiyi's wrist and dragged it into the Xia residence.

"You let go!"

As soon as Linnai cried, she struggled, trying to escape from Xia Ye's big hand.

When I set you up, you were a conspiracy queen, how did you become a crybaby.

I cried on the carriage, and I still cry now.

In this world, who is the most difficult person to solve?


What is more difficult to solve than a woman?

A woman who is crying.

"Don't cry! You want Dad to hear it and kill me, don't you?"

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