Translator: Kadowaki | Editor: NovelMultiverse

After everything, we returned from the Yakkumoon Kingdom to the Hazurattoon Empire.

We went to Yuki-sama’s place to welcome our beloved child, and Edward and I relocated to start living in the Empirical Palace.

Yuki said she wanted to come with us, but because of the alliances between various countries, it was difficult for her to come relocate with us.

However, she was given permission to travel up to one month at a time to other countries, and so she visited us from time to time. Apparently, she loved watching me and Edward’s child, Alexandorait, grow and progress.

We suggested that if she were so interested in kids, she should find a suitor to have children of her own with, but she disapproved of this altogether.

Evidently, she was against falling in love, at the moment.

Makoto came with us to the Imperial Palace, and he remained busy by attending to the crown prince. He apparently also liked looking after Alexandorait, and whenever he had time, he came to visit. He actually showed up more often than Edward.

Makoto was infatuated with Alexandorait, as well.

After all that had happened, Lord Yaakummo ascended the throne and ruled over the Yaakumoon Kingdom.

As for Lord Naaotto, I have only heard that he continues to be confined in the dungeons. I thought that he would be executed, but evidently, since he was a relative in-law that Lord Yaakummo grew up with, he was spared that fate.

However, I have heard that since he was defeated by me, a former slave of his, he has succumbed to breaking down in the dungeons and spends his day lamenting. For Lord Naaotto, this may have been a harsher punishment than death, after all.

As for Lyra, she has had an awakening inside of me. Right now, it is as if Lyra and I are sharing consciousness together.[Read this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at the “Novel Multiverse dot com” website @]

However, I am the only that appears on the surface. Lyra has had some dark experiences as an assassin, and she says that she does not really want to come to the forefront of consciousness.

As someone standing beside Edward, Lyra’s knowledge has come in handy quite a lot. Not only that, because of Lyra, my personality has become a lot bolder. As the Crown Princess that stands beside Edward, I had to be at least a little bit bold. There were many people aiming to take my position, after all.

However, at the end of the day, Edward loves me this way, and so that’s what matters most. My old self would probably have only been a burden on Edward.

“Edward-sama…” I said.

“What is it, Rachel?” he said.

Any time I called out to Edward, he would always immediately turn around from what he was doing and gently pet my hair.

“I’m very happy,” I told him.

I held Alexandorait out from my bosom as if to show Edward. Then, Edward quickly scooped up Alexandorait from my arms and held him against his chest.

“Hua…” Alexandorait said, surprised at suddenly being in someone else’s arms.

“Oh, my. Do you like being with your mother, better? Oh, let me love you, too, Alec,” said Edward. As Edward smiled gently, he rocked Alexandorait back and forth, gently.

Then, as if he were having fun, Alexandorait showed us a smile, and raised his voice to say, “Daa.”

“The expression in his eyes look like yours, Rachel – how cute,” he said.

“His mouth looks just like yours, Edward,” I said, caressing Alexandorait’s soft cheeks as he smiled. Edward smiled, too, as if he were melting from the cuteness.

“We’re all just like each other, now. I never knew there was so much love in us. Thank you, Rachel,” said Edward.

“Thank you, too,” I said.

In this way, the two of us spent our days in happiness.

I pray that these days will last forever…

The End

[Read this novel and other amazing translated novels from the original source at the “Novel Multiverse dot com” website @]

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