Although his parents “died unexpectedly” in Konoha’s records, Urushigaki, who became an orphan, did not survive because of this.

How to say that Konoha is now also one of the best economic and basic conditions among the five major ninja villages, and it is also quite caring for Urushigaki, who has entered the ninja school to study, and the daily living needs of each month can still be provided.

Although it is more or less because of the consciousness of adults and the ability of the system to prevent itself from being really surpassed by a group of little children, but in the era of geniuses, if you want to always be ahead of everyone, you must pay ten times or even dozens of times the efforts of ordinary people with Qi Yuan’s physical qualifications.

After completing the Beginner Mission trilogy, Urigaki acquires three abilities from Shinnosuke Nohara, the protagonist of the Crayon Shinshin world, more precisely three relatively funny abilities.

They are: The Hand of God, The Song of the Great Elephant, and Undifferentiated Swordsmanship.

The hand of God can also be quickly undressed, of course, if it is used to practice the seal is not a god skill, but the seal is only an aid, ninjutsu and illusion more rely on the operation of Chakra, the root of the seal is to assist the operation of Chakra.

The song of the big ‘elephant’ is the illusion that is most in line with the development of Qi Gaki, Qi Yuan’s qualification is slower than ordinary people in learning illusion, and the song of the big ‘elephant’ perfectly makes up for the shortcomings of Qi Yuan’s lack of illusion, and can become stronger according to the growth of Qi Yuan’s spirit, the only drawback is probably that this move is easily affected by the chakra in the other party’s body.

When dealing with Tsunade at the beginning, Urushigaki’s Elephant Song was enough to control the time of the opponent’s song, and the time that could have an effect on Tsunade in the subsequent time was getting shorter and shorter, and the fundamental reason was that the Chakra in Tsunade’s body was getting stronger and stronger.

And the last one is based on Nohara Shinnosuke’s swordsmanship talent evolved [undifferentiated sword technique], of course, this is also where Qigaki has been complaining about the system pit daddy, this sword technique is indeed sharp to almost “nothing does not kill”, but it can’t cut people, that is, the sword technique that does not kill.

Name: Undifferentiated Swordsmanship

Type: Physical surgery

Level: Class E (upgradeable).

Target: Individual and group

Effect: Lock on the target and use the sword technique, which can be displayed any number of times between 1 and 10 in an instant, so as to split any object without injuring people

Skill cooldown: 15 seconds

Activation form: non-empty-handed

Evaluation: Killing is protecting life, cutting karma is not beheading! Well, this kind of swordsmanship that doesn’t kill people is just because Shinnosuke Nohara’s swordsmanship talent is a little crooked, so who did he learn his swordsmanship from? It seems that he watched “Wanderer Sword Heart” to teach himself?

After Qi Yuan acquired these three skills, the task of the entire waste wood against the sky system could be regarded as the real beginning. Nohara Shinnosuke’s novice mission can only be regarded as a trial, and then before Urigaki can experience a blank period, he experiences the tragedy of the death of both parents.

And in the three months after his father’s death, Qi Yuan received the first task of the day, and the sender of the task was none other than the legendary robot, known as a parenting cat-type robot, but in fact, it has countless terrifying props that can easily destroy the earth, the earth’s biggest source of unease – Doraemon.

And this is the biggest difference between formal tasks and novice tasks, the initiator of the novice task is often not necessarily the “protagonist of the waste firewood” itself, but the initiator of the task is the person around them.

The mission initiated by Doraemon is also not easy, and its name is – because of the waste of firewood, so work hard!

Urushigaki inherits Nobita’s talent of falling asleep quickly, then sleeping in the daily ninja school teacher’s lectures, and maintaining it and staying within the top 10 of half a grade.

In this way, Qi Yuan seems to sleep during the day, but in fact, he has to prepare and even learn all the courses in advance every day without the teacher’s explanation, and he works overtime every day more tiring than ordinary students.

It took Qi Gaki three months to complete Doraemon’s mission, during which he experienced his mother’s “killing” again. However, it is precisely because of the death of his parents that the teachers of the ninja school can tolerate Uragaki’s almost “self-defeating” sleep in class.

However, compared to the problem of Urushigaki, Konoha was destined to spend 14 years of grief in the ninja calendar, and the original Hokage died after a battle with Uchiha Madara, because of an old injury 9 years ago, and the generation of ninja god Senjukuma died when he was only in his 40s.

Although many of the Warring States died at a young age, but the strength reached the level of the Thousand Hand Pillars, if there were no old injuries caused by Uchiha, I am afraid that it would be easy to live to be a hundred years old.

The first generation died, and was succeeded by Senjujuma’s younger brother Senjukuma.

As the younger brother of the ninja god, the strength of the Senju is naturally not bad, but it is a pity that the Senju Pillar lacks the overwhelming strength of the Senju Pillar and Uchiha Spot, so less than half a year after the death of the Senju Pillar, the first Ninja World War, which was already close to being pacified, has a chaotic trend.

In Yunyin Village, which was about to sign an armistice, the voice of the main war faction was heard again, and the ninja world, which had gradually calmed down, had a tendency to become chaotic again.

As early as when the Thousand Hands Pillar was seriously injured in the past two years, the Thousand Hands Pillar was already performing the duties of the Hokage on his behalf, and when the Thousand Hands Pillar really died, the upper position of the Thousand Hands Pillar was almost a matter of course, there was no handover problem during the period, and what the Thousand Hands Pillar lacked was only overwhelming strength.

After the confrontation between the two sides for nearly half a year, Senjuma, who had been a Hokage for more than half a year, finally dealt with the affairs in the village and went to the neutral country with his own escort to sign an armistice peace treaty with Yunyin.

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