The time has finally come to the end of November in the 16th year of the Ninja calendar, and it is close to the graduation exam of Qigaki and their current year.

Of course, although it is said that it is a graduation exam, in fact, the students who entered the school in the same year as Qi Yuan and they can really pass the test at one time are only a few students after all.

There is no doubt that the purpose of the Konoha Ninja School at the beginning was that the second generation wanted to use this militarized school to train non-ninja high-end ninjas for Konoha, and at the beginning of the Konoha Ninja Imagination, there were many geniuses in the school, but compared to the huge enrollment of Billy Na, it was quite low.

Compared with the “fall” of the ninja school in the later Konoha Twelve Strong, for a long time, the Konoha Ninja School was a supplementary point for the wartime reserve source, so the teaching here was almost to teach Naruto and their era that they needed to teach for six years to all students in just two or three years.

The tension of the curriculum and the difficulty of teaching allow only true geniuses to adapt to the rhythm.


It was another day of school at the end of the day, and Qi Yuan had just woken up from his sleep, of course, he did not wake up by himself, but was awakened by a sudden knock on the table.

“Hmm?” Turning his head to look at the same tired Orochimaru on the side, he found that the other party did not seem to be the one who woke him up, and then raised his head to look at his side, “Tsunade? What’s wrong, isn’t school out yet? ”

“Big! You two are fighting too hard, right? What time did you practice last night, you don’t need to work so hard, right? If that fool had the efforts of Sancheng of you, I am afraid that he would not be in such a hurry now…”

Tsunade, who was standing beside Urigaki with his hands crossed at the waist, shook his head and sighed, and when he talked about Jiraiya, he couldn’t help but look at Jiraiya who looked gray on the side, and shook his head again.

“Fortunately, I don’t have as strong Chakra and physique as you, nor do I have the talent in ninjutsu and good Chakra like Orochimaru, and you know that my Chakra is really pitiful…”

Speaking of his own situation, Qi Yuan is not really selling miserable, but his situation is weaker than that of ordinary students, which is a hard injury that cannot be repaired in the short term.

“Don’t worry so much, although the teacher said that this graduation exam will be more difficult than any previous one, but the exam is nothing more than a written test, ninjutsu results, ninjutsu results, and actual combat!” If you meet the comprehensive score standard, you can successfully graduate, what do you have to worry about? ”

Tsunade couldn’t understand the reason why Qi Yuan worked so hard, after all, Qi Yuan’s competition among the four items was because the notes of the big snake pill in the past two years had not been bad, coupled with the sudden theoretical improvement in the past half a year, he should not be afraid of the written exam.

And in fact, Qi Yuan was originally not excellent, even with the help of the big snake pill, only because Qi Yuan got Doraemon’s special props [memory bread] three months ago, and directly memorized all the notes made by the big snake pill at once, which made up for the lack of theory and became the second man in the class in one fell swoop.

“If my goal is only to graduate, then why should I work so hard? It’s just that recently I remembered something that made me have to work hard, after all, the goal is not just to graduate, but to become someone’s disciple, otherwise the future is likely to be cannon fodder…”

A certain person Qi Gaki said naturally refers to the three generations of Hokage, he suddenly remembered the news about the three generations of disciples and the rank of “Three Shinobi” when he was about to graduate not long ago, naturally it was clear that according to the historical development without him, the future who would become the three generations of Hokage disciples were Orochimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya, but now how could Qi Yuan be willing to be a cannon fodder that could die in a future war at any time, and naturally wanted to fall on the big tree of Hokage.

The written test is not afraid, in terms of actual combat, Qi Yuan is also confident, although the ninja control cannot reach the top level like the Uchiha family, it is also first-class in the class, the only worry is that the ninjutsu is too poor and directly lowers the final score.

“Or… How about we go steal the exam content now? ”

Just as Urushi stood up and prepared to continue the special training of ninjutsu with Orochimaru, such a sentence suddenly came out of Tsunade’s mouth that surprised Qi Gaki and them.

“What, what? Steal? What to steal, count me in! ”

Zilai, who had just returned from the world, suddenly heard such a word, and suddenly came to the spirit, and among the four people, he liked this evil and crooked thing on weekdays.

“Although the graduation exam has not yet begun, I heard that all the content of the exam has been sealed in the principal’s room of the school, or we stole it out today, or we should prepare in advance, I heard that the future grouping is related to the results of the exam… Or we coordinate, and in the future, I, Qigaki, and Orochimaru will be a team of three!” ”

Tsunade had unknowingly arranged all his future teammates, and Orochimaru’s strength was the strongest and most talented in the class, which had been confirmed in the past two years, and the other teammate’s choice of Urushaki was Tsunade’s little personal idea.

If you want to say why, it’s just because Qi Gaki’s teammate is definitely the most interesting one. Whether it’s psychic super foodie tablecloths or point-and-shoot bullets for a limited time, it’s quite a fun ability.

And although Orochimaru is very confident that he can’t steal the content of the exam at all, he also wants Qi Gakiichi to graduate with excellent grades and be able to team up together in the future, which is probably the friendship of Orochimaru.

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