Ninjas are mercenaries in the Ninja Continent, they serve the Ninja Village on weekdays, receive tasks from the Ninja Village, and receive corresponding rewards by completing the tasks.

The task levels are S, A, B, C, and D from high to low, and the same levels of these tasks are not released arbitrarily, but are divided by the difficulty of the task and the corresponding remuneration.

Tasks like S-class and A|-level are generally only qualified to be performed by ninjas above the upper ninja level, and the rewards of remuneration range from 150,000 taels to more than one million taels, and for the vast majority of ninjas, the reward of an S-level mission is enough for them to not go out of the mission for nearly a year.

The B level and C level are generally suitable for the execution of the middle ninja, and the reward is between 10,000 and 150,000 taels, this level of tasks generally need to face the attack of enemy ninjas, relatively speaking, the situation of combat has been very common, although the danger is not as good as the S class and A|-level tasks, but it is by no means the next ninja can touch.

And the D level is the main task of the lower ninja, generally speaking, it is quite fragmented and even ordinary tasks, and even the village originally did not have a D-level task, and in order to be able to train the ninja who had just become a lower ninja, a large number of D-level tasks were arranged in the name of the residents of the village through the village’s finances, and the reward for these tasks was between five hundred and ten thousand taels, and the task was enough to complete the daily life of ordinary Shinobi.

“Sarutobei-sensei, I know all about the division of tasks you said, but… It’s completely different from the ninja life I thought! Why, Uncle Ben, who worked so hard to become a ninja, turned out to be… You want to collect firewood? ”

Zi Lai also held a large pile of firewood, looking at the shadow doppelganger of the three generations of Hokage who followed him, which was quite dissatisfied.

“There’s nothing to be dissatisfied with, do you want to help catch fish?” I remember that your Chakra control ability is very bad, not to mention treading water, I’m afraid that even climbing trees is not necessarily stable, or down-to-earth is good, this is also a practice! ”

Before the shadow avatar of the three generations of Hokage could speak, Qi Yuan ran directly down from the tree, as if he had completely ignored gravity, and this was also thanks to his Chakra control ability, using a limited Chakra to attach to the lower formation of suction to keep himself from falling off the tree.

And this is the D-level task that Qi Yuan and Zi Lai also received – prepare enough firewood for the winter, and the reward is 5,000 taels, although this reward is only the largest reward of D-level, but as a D-level task, it is also a lot of oil.

Of course, instead of the huge workload, the amount of firewood they need to prepare is more than 10 tons, such a workload can only be done by Qi Yuan and Jiraiya, which is definitely not easy.

“Qi Yuan said very well, this is practice! Jiraiya your Chakra control is very poor, so you need to continue to use Chakra attachment to the lower for tree climbing training like Urushaki, and remember this feeling every moment when you chop wood, and Qi Gaki Although the control is amazing, your Chakra amount is a problem, you must consume your Chakra again and again, and use the limit consumption to expand your Chakra total! ”

The arrangement of the three generations of Hokage for Qi Gaki and Jiraiya is naturally not purely for the mission, but more to hone the strength of the two through the mission.

After the last bell grab, according to the process of snatching the bell and the performance, the three generations of Hokage have arranged training plans for the performance of two groups of six people

The problem like Jiraiya is control, not only for his Chakra control, but also for his ability to control his emotions, and ninjas die the fastest if they don’t have enough patience on the battlefield.

And the disadvantage of Urushi is that his total amount of chakra, compared to other people’s chakra, he is too little, even less than some students in the ninja school, which seriously restricts Qigaki’s strength, otherwise Urushi will not even use ninjutsu once in the process of grabbing the bell, and the rest of the time is a relatively more labor-saving physical technique to solve the battle.

Just after graduating from the ninja school and becoming a shinobi, Qigaki’s system has completed a small upgrade, adding an evaluation and strength rating from the original crippled mission system, giving Qigaki a more accurate strength positioning.

Name: Qi Gaki

Gender: Male

Age: 6 years

Birthplace: Konoha Shinobi Village, the Land of Fire on the Ninja Continent

Identity: Shinobu Konoha

Possession system: the mission module of the strongest waste wood anti-sky system

Personal attributes

Ninjutsu: 12

Physical surgery: 31

Illusion: 19

Note: The sum of the three values of the ninja illusion is a manifestation of the ninja’s ability, and these three values are limited by the power exerted by the physical fitness (the maximum sum of the lower ninja is 50, and the maximum sum of the middle ninja is 100).

Power: 18

Speed: 21

Chakra: 9

Physique: 14

Spirit: 31

Combat effectiveness: 50

Comprehensive evaluation: C-level Shinobi (Note: D-level trainee ninja, C-level lower ninja, C+ elite lower ninja, B-level middle ninja, B+ level elite ninja, A-level special upper ninja, A|-level upper ninja, A+ level elite upper ninja, S-level quasi-shadow, S-level shadow?? )

Skills: Hand of God [Grade C], Song of the Elephant [Grade C], Undifferentiated Sword Art [Grade D], Fall Sleep Fast [Grade D], Time-limited Fool Bullet [Grade B], Psychic Super Gourmet Tablecloth [Grade B].

Items: Lie 800 potions, bad luck diamonds, bad luck point card

Jiraiya (Grade C), Orochimaru (Grade C+), Tsunade (Grade C), Soji Uchiha (Grade C), Yoko Hinata (Grade C).

Sarutobi Hibi (S-Class)!!

After getting the upgraded version of the system, most of the companions who looked at him were the same level of existence, only the ape flying sun slash as the instructor was the S level of Minghuang, which was the strongest person Qigaki had seen in Konoha Village, and naturally it was also the strong person that Qi Yuan was currently out of reach.

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