The five major powers on the Ninja Continent, based on factors such as geographical advantages and environmental climate, are undoubtedly the most suitable for ordinary people to survive and cultivate.

The same land area of the Fire Nation may not be the largest of the five major countries, but it is definitely the one with the highest overall value.

The soil is fertile, the climate is suitable, the same kinds of products are extremely rich, and the people’s material living conditions are basically in the ranks of the top five major countries.

And the same Fire Nation has a lot of hidden dangers in such an advantageous situation, the long border borders are bordered by many other countries, although these countries do not directly border any of the other four powers, but the Fire Country is surrounded by strong enemies, and may bite the Fire Nation when it is weak at any time.

The Land of Kawa, the Land of Iron, the Land of Frost, the Country of Taki, the Country of Grass, the Land of Fields, and the Land of Rain are the small neutral countries that now surround the Land of Fire, and these countries have built a dispensable line of defense for the Land of Fire.

The other four powers would inevitably need to pass through these neutrals if they wanted to attack Konoha, and in fact these neutrals were not loyal to the Fire Nation, on the contrary, they had no strength to fight against any of the five powers, and could only follow the situation to the dominant side.

The way of survival of small neutral countries is despicable, but it is precisely because of this despised behavior that these neutral countries have never been destroyed.

The border where Urushigaki’s dark detachment was this time was located near the border line between Tanokuni and the Fire Country.

After leaving the wood industry for more than four days, when on the morning of the fifth day they were about to set off again after a short rest, the captain of the team, after hearing a loud eagle neighing, jumped to the top of the tree, and with the whistle, the ninja eagle in the sky fell on the right hand of the green tiger.

Taking out a note from the thin bamboo tube on the ninja eagle’s feet, the captain Qinghu released the ninja eagle again.

Opening the note and taking a look, Qinghu jumped off the top of the tree.

“What’s wrong, any new news? Captain! “Urushaki’s teammate [Akama] looked at the captain Qinghu, who had just landed.

“That’s right! The target is out of the mountain, and it seems to have settled in the nearest city, Aobabara, and the top asks us to stay those guys in the country of fire forever! ”

Captain Qinghu said it easily, but the killing intent revealed between the lines made people shudder when they heard it.

The top let Naoto Yautani and them stay in the Land of Fire forever, naturally they want Qi Yuan to kill each other directly, and only in this way can Naoto Yautani never leave the possibility of them leaving.

This directive requires Urushigaki that the enemy they are dealing with is no longer just Naoto Yautani, but to kill all the ninjas of the Mist Hidden Village who have infiltrated the Land of Fire in order to convince Naoto Yautani.

After receiving the new instructions, Urumaki did not stop and changed their direction and came to Aobahara, where their target was.

Aobahara, a medium-sized border city near the northern border of the Land of Fire, has a permanent population of more than 10,000 people, plus a floating population of 17,000, of course, it is definitely not difficult for the dark department to find a target person in such a city.

When Urushigaki and them entered the city, they left the three of them in Konoha’s stronghold in Aobahara, and Aozhima, as the captain, went out alone to collect intelligence.

Just half an hour later, the returning Qinghu brought back the news that made Qi Yuan and them breathe a slight sigh of relief.

“The target has been confirmed! Naoto Yautani, once a special Shinobi, in addition to him, there are four Mist Ninjas, one of which should be the Kami-Shinobu of the Mist Hidden Village, known as the Blood Shark Kazuma Funaya! The other three people should be three Zhongnin, and the strength of the other party is still within our control! Next listen to my arrangement, we…”

After detecting the strength of the other party, and then finding out through bribery that Naoto Yautani and the others seemed to wait until two days later for the caravan going to the Land of Water in the city to go together, the captain Qinghu already knew that the purpose of the Mist Ninja was mostly to blend into the caravan and the identity of the merchant, safely blend out of the country, and then transfer to the country of Water.

Urushigaki has four of them, but the enemy plus Naoto Yautani has five people, and the comprehensive strength of Urushigaki and these Konoha dark detachments are not enough to completely destroy the target, at this time it is necessary to talk about the means of the dark department.

Before Qi Yuan joined the squad, the team of Qinghu, Chima, and Lanque had already included all the functions of a squad.

The captain Qinghu as the main combat force, Chima as the torturer and healer, and Lanque who is responsible for tracking down and poisoning.

The combined combat power of the three is enough to complete the vast majority of tasks.

The addition of Qi Yuan makes this three-person squad more complete, and Qi Yuan’s sealing technique is a rare skill.

In some special cases, Urushi with the sealing technique can maximize the survival rate of the entire team, which is the fundamental reason why Qi Yuan was placed in such a dark team.

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