The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 258 Preparation before Tiger Hunting

Early the next morning, Zhao Jun got up and had dinner, then returned to the room, took out his leggings, and began to wrap them around his ankles.

At this time, Li Baoyu was muttering to the side and heard him say: "Brother, please take me there. If I have this opportunity to see the world, you should not let me go."

"Go to the other side!" Zhao Jun said angrily: "What kind of world is this? Just stay at home."

"Then why did you bring me here?" Li Baoyu turned his back and left his back to Zhao Jun, and became angry and said nothing.

For people who hunt for siege, hunting tigers is the highest level of pursuit. Li Baoyu doesn't have that ability, but he wants to see it so that he can brag about it when he returns home after watching it.

Especially with his reading volume, he can tell it to his younger brothers and sisters, as well as his neighbors and colleagues.

But Zhao Jun refused to let him go, which made Li Baoyu a little uncomfortable.

"Alas!" Zhao Jun sighed at first, and then he was happy with him, and just said: "Baoyu, listen to me, today we will circle the mountain, and when we catch it tomorrow, you come with me, maybe I will And let you get started.”

"Really?" Li Baoyu turned around instantly when he heard this, his face beaming with joy.

"Really." Zhao Jun said angrily: "Today we are enclosing the mountain. I'm afraid that the tiger will pounce down again. Everyone else has a gun, but you don't have a gun. What will you do if something happens to you?"

When Li Baoyu heard this, he laughed and said, "I told you to bring our stick-mounted gun and I'll use it, but you won't let me."

Zhao Jun curled his lips, squinted at Li Baoyu, and said, "When we get back, we'll think of a way to get a gun for you to use."

After what happened yesterday, Zhao Jun was also reflecting on the fact that if Li Baoyu had a gun in his hand at that time, Daqing would not have died.

Therefore, Zhao Jun decided to wait until he returned to get another gun and let Li Baoyu practice shooting.

Because Zhao Jun knew that in the next few years, among other things, the price of bear bile would increase several times.

After Zhao Jun finished wrapping his leggings, he saw Li Yunxiang coming in with a big basin filled with steaming hot corn noodles.

Li Yunxiang pushed the front of the big basin down and raised the back to let Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu see clearly inside, and then said: "I poured the leftover cabbage soup from this morning into it."

"Oh, this is great." Zhao Jun stood up quickly, took the big basin from Li Yunxiang's hand, and said, "I'm troublesome again."

"This kid is being polite to your aunt again." Li Yunxiang responded with a smile, then turned back and looked out the door, and then whispered to Zhao Jun: "Zhao Jun, you have to go up the mountain today, please be more careful. Ah, that tiger mother is very powerful. Don't listen to them, catch whatever you can, catch her if you can, and pull her down if you can't."

"Okay, Auntie, I understand." Zhao Jun responded in the same low voice.

Li Yunxiang nodded to Zhao Jun and walked to the outhouse.

Zhao Jun put the basin on the kang and said to Li Baoyu, "When it gets cold, you can feed the dog."

"Hey, I got it." Li Baoyu reached out and took the chopsticks inserted into the hot corn noodles and stirred them. Seeing that the corn noodles were dry and full of weight, he said to Zhao Jun, "Auntie, she's a nice person."

Zhao Jun nodded, took off the gun from the wall, put it on his shoulder, took out ten dollars from his pocket, handed it to Li Baoyu and said, "I'm leaving. The doctor in the brigade will give the dog an injection in a while. You can give it to the dog." Give him the money, and we’ll pay for it ourselves.”

"Brother, I have it." Li Baoyu hurriedly reached out and pushed the money out.

Zhao Jun pressed the wrist holding the money, clenched his fist and pushed away Li Baoyu's hand, stuffed the money into his pocket, and said, "Take it."

"Yeah." Li Baoyu didn't refuse this time. He stuffed the money in his pocket and got up to see Zhao Jun off.

Zhao Jun left the room and told Tao Fulin and Tao Fei that he was leaving. The grandfather and grandson sent Zhao Jun out, telling Zhao Jun to be careful.

When they arrived in the outer room, Li Yunxiang joined the send-off team and led Zhao Jun to the door of the hospital.

What we know is that Zhao Jun is going to enter the mountain. If you didn't know, you would have thought that Zhao Jun was going on a far journey.

In fact, this is just because Zhao Jun went to face the king of beasts.

"Don't give it away." Zhao Jun turned around at the door and said to everyone: "I will be back around noon."

"Then Auntie will prepare some food for you." Li Yunxiang continued, "Let's eat at noon."

"That's great." Zhao Jun responded with a smile. At the same time, he looked into the courtyard and saw the little flower standing in the courtyard, looking at him blankly.

Hua Xiaoer, on the other hand, was lying in front of the shack, looking at him from a distance.

In the past, if Hua Xiaoer saw Zhao Jun dressed in hunting attire and carrying a shotgun, he would definitely be excited to grab the rope and rush toward Zhao Jun.

But today, it didn't respond at all. When Zhao Jun came out of the house just now, Hua Xiaoer was lying there quietly, resting his chin on his front legs, basking in the sun motionlessly.

Zhao Jun turned his head, came all the way to the brigade headquarters, and opened the door directly.

But when he lifted the cotton curtain, he saw smoke filling the room, like a goblin cave.

Zhao Jun raised his hand and fanned in front of his eyes. Only when he focused his eyes did he see clearly that there were more than 20 people sitting in the room.

They are all men, and each has a gun next to his hand and a cigarette in his hand.

With more than 20 old smokers smoking, most people can't stay in this room.

Seeing Zhao Jun come in, Tao Dabao stood up, put the welcome cigarette in his mouth and took another deep puff before putting it in the ashtray and extinguishing it.

Then, he said to Yu Xuewen beside him: "Lao Yu, let's go over there."

"Be sure to pay attention." Yu Xuewen said: "Catch it if you can. If you can't catch it, just beat it to death."

"Well, that's what I think too." Tao Dabao responded: "Let Zhao Jun go up and have a look today. If it works, we will try again. If it doesn't work, we will be defeated."

With that said, Tao Dabao picked up the dog-skin hat on the table and put it on his head. He waved to everyone and said, "Let's go."

Everyone in the room stood up and filed out. When Tao Dabao passed in front of Zhao Jun, he patted Zhao Jun on the shoulder, and then strode out.

Zhao Jun followed him outside the large team, and saw people driving them over one after another. The owners of these cars were also from the hunter team, and among them was Li Laowu, who went up the mountain with Zhao Jun and Tao Dabao that day.

Zhao Jun followed Tao Dabao onto a sledge. Hearing the whistles of horses and the crackle of whips, seven sledges carried 24 people and headed straight for the mountain field.

All the way into the mountain, we passed the place where Zhao Jun and Tao Dabao last hunted tigers. Going up, the horse sledge could not go up.

Everyone got off the sledge and walked up together. The mountain became steeper as they walked.

Tao Dabao pointed upward and said to Zhao Jun: "Did you see it? Just at the top of the post, there are all big stone tigers, and the stone tigers are hiding there. Yesterday I led eight people up there , didn’t trap it.”

Zhao Jun did not speak when he heard this, but just nodded. If you can't beat someone to death if you try to trap a tiger, then you definitely can't trap him.

"We also brought dogs yesterday." Seeing that Zhao Jun didn't say anything, Tao Dabao added: "We brought nine dogs in total. Four of them were at the bottom of the slope and did not dare to come up. There are five dogs left. Let's talk when we get here. Why don’t you dare to move forward? It’s useless no matter what these people say.”

Zhao Jun nodded after hearing this, but still did not speak.

This is normal.

Some people say that as long as a person is wearing something made of tiger claws or teeth, no matter how ferocious a dog is, they will not dare to come forward.

This is just a legend. But in front of it is the habitat of the tiger. When it passes up and down the mountain on a daily basis, it will definitely leave behind its smell, even its urine. If it smells its smell and dares to rush up, the entire mountainous area will probably not be too big. many.

Seeing that Zhao Jun still didn't speak, Tao Dabao asked him, "Zhao Jun, what do you think we should do now?"

Zhao Jun asked instead, "Uncle Tao, did you go forward yesterday?"

"No." Tao Dabao said: "If the dog doesn't go forward, we can't surround it even if we go in, and the big net we brought can't be used, so we just go back."

"Yeah." After hearing Tao Dabao's words, Zhao Jun felt a little unsure, so he asked him again: "Then where is the big gentle slope we talked about? Lead me over and take a look."

When Tao Dabao heard this, he pointed to the top and asked, "Aren't you going to go up?"

"I won't go." Zhao Jun looked at Tao Dabao and said, "You were right in not alerting it yesterday. We won't alert it today. We will let people go in and shoot it away tomorrow."

"Then let's leave now." Tao Dabao seemed to understand something after hearing Zhao Jun's words. He greeted everyone and headed west first.

After only walking about a hundred meters, there is a wide open space ahead. From the top down, you can see a hillside. The mountain is gentle and not steep.

But this hillside, as Tao Dabao said, was once a poplar forest, but it was cleared.

Two years have passed, and many branches have branched out from the remaining tree trunks.

Zhao Jun walked forward and saw among the two forests, there were roe deer footprints, deer footprints, and cat-like footprints that were as round as the mouth of a bowl.

Among these animals in the mountains, wild boars like to hang out at the foot of the mountain, where there are many walnut hills, and wild boars will pick up walnuts and eat them.

At the foot of the mountain, there live black blind man, roe deer, deer, and rarely seen lynx, tiger,

The new leaves growing on the branches of this second-crop forest are what roe deer and deer like to eat most.

As for the tiger footprints, they are naturally there to hunt roe deer and deer.

Zhao Jun looked around, but he didn't come back or speak for a while. The hunters who came together were whispering.

"What's wrong, Zhao Jun?" Tao Dabao also got impatient and came over to ask Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun pointed around and said to Tao Dabao: "Uncle Tao, it won't work if there is a forest here. It doesn't matter whether it is a mature tree or a second-cropping forest."

Tao Dabao frowned and said, "Is it blocking your eyes?"

"Not only blocking eyes." Zhao Jun said with a smile: "It's also blocking people." As he said that, Zhao Jun stretched out his finger, moved around, and said: "Uncle Tao, after we go back, you have to organize people to come up. Today No matter how long we work, we still have to clear this forest."

"That's easy to handle." Tao Dabao said nonchalantly, "It will be done in less than two hours."

"That won't work." Upon hearing this, Zhao Jun understood what Tao Dabao meant and hurriedly stopped him and said, "It won't work with a chain saw. When the chain saw whines, won't the tiger above be scared away?"

The tiger heard the sound of a chain saw for the first time. He didn't know what it was, so he would definitely run away. He's about to leave, where can he catch him?

Tao Dabao glanced at Zhao Jun, frowned and asked, "What's that? Still using human power to attack?"

"This is the only way." Zhao Jun said: "So what I say is that you have to find some people to hit all the branches with a big axe."

As soon as Zhao Jun said this, it was Tao Dabao's turn to be silent. Catching this tiger is indeed a task, but it is not a fatal task.

After all, everyone knows that it is easy to kill a tiger but difficult to catch a tiger.

Moreover, Tao Dabao was also able to carry Qing. Whether it was catching or beating, there was a prerequisite, that is, no matter what, there should be no casualties.

Otherwise, no matter who gives the task, Tao Dabao will not accept it.

But what he has to consider now is whether Zhao Jun's method is feasible? Will it waste so much manpower and end up working in vain?

Zhao Jun saw Tao Dabao's thoughts and stood aside without saying a word, waiting for Tao Dabao to make his own decision.

After a while, Tao Dabao looked up at Zhao Jun and asked. : "Then what? Do you need anything else?"

Tao Dabao asked Zhao Jun again if there was anything difficult besides that. If not, just pruning branches might be a decision for Tao Dabao. If there are other troubles, Tao Dabao may make another decision.

"Yes." Zhao Jun did not hide it and said directly: "Prepare a few pairs of boar skin skis and ski poles, and then follow my instructions and cut some branches. Also Then there’s the manpower, I’m afraid we’ll have to use the people we have now.”

Tao Dabao nodded, not commenting on what Zhao Jun said, and just asked everyone to go back.

After returning to the Yongxing brigade, Tao Dabao discussed it with Yu Xuewen. Yu Xuewen personally came forward, organized about 200 people, and sent 30 militiamen to escort them with guns and go up the mountain to cut branches.

In the evening, Tao Dabao came to Tao Erbao's house and told Zhao Jun that the slope had been cleared and that he could operate as usual tomorrow.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu got up early.

Today, Li Yunxiang still makes dumplings, but she changes them to stuffed with wild boar and pickled cabbage.

While eating, the four members of the Tao family repeatedly told the two of them to pay attention to safety today.

After breakfast, Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu both returned to the room to put on their leggings.

After putting on his leggings, Zhao Jun walked out empty-handed without even carrying a gun or a bag.

According to Tao Dabao, today there will be more than fifty militiamen armed with live ammunition to guard and guard, and they will definitely not let the tiger hurt anyone.

When Zhao Jun came out of the house, Hua Xiaoer changed his lazy look yesterday and rushed towards Zhao Jun again and again. But being tied up by a rope, Hua Xiaoer would stop every time he was halfway through the rush.

Seeing that Zhao Jun could not be reached, Hua Xiaoer made a chirping sound from his mouth.

Zhao Jun glanced at Hua Xiao'er and thought that it had recovered its strength, but he had already made plans yesterday and would not take Hua Xiao'er into the mountains to hunt in the future.

But after hearing Hua Xiao'er's whine, Li Baoyu came in front of it in two steps. He squatted down, held both sides of Hua Xiao'er's neck with both hands, and groped up and down. He didn't care whether Hua Xiao'er understood it or not, and just said: " Hua Xiao'er, we won't take you with you today, we're going to fight tigers today, and you can't stop this."

I don’t know if Hua Xiaoer understood what he heard, so he just said something in front of Li Baoyu. At this time, Zhao Jun shouted: "Baoyu, let's go."

Li Baoyu patted Hua Xiaoer's head, got up and followed Zhao Jun out of the yard. Today, Tao Fulin, Li Yunxiang, and Tao Fei not only sent the two of them outside the hospital, but also took them a few steps further.

While sending them off, Tao Fulin told the two of them to pay attention to safety when going there, but not to let the big paw pounce, otherwise they would be in danger.

"Old man, don't worry." Zhao Jun said to him: "Uncle Tao has arranged more than fifty militiamen today. Even with more than fifty guns and big claws and wings, they can't escape.

"That's true." Tao Fulin thought for a while, and with more than fifty semi-automatic sights, even an elephant was killed.

At this time, Zhao Jun said to Li Yunxiang: "Aunt, take the old man back quickly. It's very cold outside."

"Okay, then you two should pay attention to your safety." Li Yunxiang warned Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu again, and then he and Tao Fei helped the old man walk home.

Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu turned around and walked towards the brigade headquarters.

The three generations of Tao Fulin and his grandson had just walked to the door of their house when they saw Hua Xiaoer rushing out of the yard.

After Zhao Jun left, Hua Xiaoer pulled and pulled in the yard, and managed to break free of the rope around his neck.

"Oops." Tao Fei flew forward and wanted to stop Hua Xiao'er, but failed. He saw Hua Xiao'er running towards the direction Zhao Jun left and chased him out.

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