Although Zhao Youcai heard what Zhao Youcai said, Zhao Jun didn't pay attention to Bailong. In his opinion, if a dog can lose his temper, it means he is not hungry. If you are very hungry, go find something to eat by yourself.

Besides, the meat is right next to it. It can eat it whenever it wants.

Another thing is that Zhao Jun is tired today. As he told Lin Xiangshun, he hasn’t been running in the mountains for so long. After dinner, his feet were burned with hot water, and his back and waist were a little sore. He lay on the kang. I don't want to get up.

Therefore, Zhao Jun ignored Bailong.

When Zhao Jun woke up the next morning, it was already past six o'clock.

He woke up a little late, and as soon as he came out of the room, he saw Zhao Youcai putting food on the plate.

Today he is frying cabbage and fungus.

At this time, there were artificially grown fungus.

There are several families in Zhao Jun's village who make a living by growing fungus.

But what Zhao Jun’s family eats was brought back by Zhao Chun when he returned to his parents’ home a few years ago. It was a pure wild autumn ear given to Zhou Chunming by someone else.

At this time, the door opened, and Wang Meilan came in with a basin of food for the dog. When she saw Zhao Jun getting up, she said to him, "Look at how angry you are with that dog. He didn't even eat the meat."

"What?" After sleeping all night, Zhao Jun almost forgot about that matter. Unexpectedly, Bailong hadn't forgotten it yet, and he hadn't even eaten the meat and bones given to him.

Zhao Jun pushed the door open and took a look. He saw Big Fatty, San Fatty, and Black Tiger. The three dogs were all looking at where White Dragon was from a distance.

To be precise, they were all staring at the piece of meat in front of Bailong.

At this time, Bailong was sitting in front of his kennel. The meat and bones that Zhao Jun gave him yesterday were placed ten centimeters in front of his feet without touching them.

The little bear closest to it lay on the ground, looking at the Harappa bone eagerly, stretching out its paws from time to time, tentatively picking out the meat.

But every time the little bear stretched out its evil little black claws, the white dragon grinned and made a protesting sound.

As soon as he heard the sound, the little bear hurriedly retracted his paws. But when the white dragon stopped snoring, it stretched out its claws to test again.

Zhao Jun came over. When the little bear saw Zhao Jun, he hurriedly came to his side, stood up and stretched his two front legs on Zhao Jun's legs.

Zhao Jun touched the little bear's head and saw Bailong looking at him. Zhao Jun pointed to the bones in front of its feet and asked, "Do you want to eat it or not? I'll give it to the little bear if you don't."

When Bailong heard this, he just turned his head and stopped looking at Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun looked again and saw that there was corn batter boiled in boiling water in the dog food bowl next to Bai Long.

The little bear's food bowl is already empty, and the white dragon is going on a hunger strike.

Zhao Jun let go of the little bear, turned around and went back to the house.

During breakfast, Wang Meilan asked him: "Son, what are the two left ribs? Can I feed them after you leave?"

Yesterday, Zhao Jun left two and a half fans of wild boar ribs. According to Lin Xiangshun's instructions, one and a half fans were given to Big Fatty, and one and a half fans were given to Third Fatty.

Zhao Jun held the steamed bun in his hand, chewed the fungus, and replied: "Yeah, wait until I leave before feeding him, otherwise the little bear will get angry again when he sees it."

Wang Meilan heard this and looked out the window. Her eyes fell on the black tiger turning over to dry its belly under the eaves. Then she turned back and asked Zhao Jun, "Did the tiger see it?"

This dog is particularly good at pulling its whiskers, and will play with Zhao Hong and Zhao Na. Even if the two little girls pull its ears without struggling, Wang Meilan likes it very much. So Wang Meilan didn't call it a black tiger, but a tiger.

"Ah?" Zhao Jun was startled, but he forgot that there was a black tiger at home. Although this dog didn't work, he couldn't let other dogs eat meat and let him watch. That would be too cruel.

Zhao Jun thought for a while and said: "Let's see in a while. If the white dragon doesn't eat the piece of Harappa, give it to the black tiger."

Silly dogs are blessed with a lot of meat.

Hearing what Zhao Jun said, Wang Meilan twitched her lips and said: "Yesterday when you left, your dad said, take two and keep two. Can the two who stay agree? Look, they don't even have food. Don’t eat anymore.”

According to the plan, the little bear and the white dragon were to be taken up the mountain today, so Wang Meilan cooked corn noodles for them and the black tiger. Little Bear and Black Tiger ate all the corn noodles, but Bailong didn't take a bite.

"This stubborn bastard!" Zhao Jun couldn't help but curse. He didn't have the habit of beating dogs, and there was nothing wrong with Bai Long, but his temper was a bit troublesome.

This dog hasn't eaten since last night, and he will go up the mountain to fight for a while. It has no food in its belly, so it's strange that it can run.

"Cough!" At this time, someone next to him coughed, but it seemed that he did not do it unintentionally, but on purpose.

Zhao Jun turned around to look at Zhao Youcai, his heart moved, and he hurriedly asked: "Dad, how do you deal with this situation?"

"Ha." Zhao Youcai snorted coldly, stuffed the bun into his mouth, took a big bite, and said vaguely while chewing: "You are so powerful now, why do you still need to ask me?"

What is this nonsense!

Zhao Jun felt particularly uncomfortable when he heard this. Wang Meilan also frowned and said to Zhao Youcai: "Look, what are you talking about? My son is asking you. If you want to know, just tell him."

"No." His own father had no choice. Zhao Jun could only smile and said, "No matter how powerful I am, am I still your son? Without you, how could I be here?"

What Zhao Jun said made Zhao Youcai very useful. He turned to look at Zhao Jun, but was suddenly startled.

Zhao Jun was holding chopsticks in his right hand to pick up pickles, and his left hand was making a fist on the table. His thumb rubbed the second joint of his index finger twice.

If you rub your thumb and index finger together, you are counting money!

Now that Wang Meilan is on the side, Zhao Jun can't do anything too obvious, this is the secret code!

Zhao Youcai immediately understood. He put down the steamed bun and grabbed Zhao Jun's signal hand, saying, "Come here and I'll tell you."

"What a good thing, you won't let me hear it." Wang Meilan ate cabbage and looked at this scene with amusement, but she didn't know that the father and son had reached a deal under her nose.

After eating, Zhao Jun followed Zhao Youcai's instructions and went back to the house to change clothes and put on leggings, put on his bag and gun, and then went to the outhouse to pick up the spoons for dog food.

Zhao Jun took the spoon with only half of it left, walked out of the house, and walked out as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Zhao Jun's outfit, the little bear instantly straightened the chain and let out an urgent cry. The big fat and the third fat also reacted, but not as strongly as the little bear.

As for the black tiger, it doesn't matter who it sees, as long as it's the Zhao family, even two little girls, it will have fun.

Only Bai Long turned his head to look at Zhao Jun, then looked away. After two seconds, he looked at Zhao Jun again, and then turned away again.

This is a stubborn species, a pure stubborn species.

Seeing that the temptation was ineffective, Zhao Jun had no choice but to use his last move. He rushed to Bailong's side in two steps, stretched out his arms to clamp his neck, and at the same time grabbed Bailong's chin with his hand, and used his hand to open Bailong's mouth.

Bailong opened his mouth subconsciously, and when he closed it again, Zhao Jun's thumb had already clasped its lower teeth.

Bailong closed his mouth, and when his upper canine teeth touched Zhao Jun's hand, he opened it again instantly.

Even if it is angry, it is afraid of biting Zhao Jun.

Zhao Jun took a spoon in his right hand and scooped it into the dog food bowl. He scooped half a spoonful of corn noodles into a dry paste and stuffed it into Bailong's mouth.

Then he pulled the hand that was holding the dog's mouth and put the corn noodles in the spoon into the dog's mouth.

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