The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 555: One breath of gunshot

The black bear was hit on the forehead and half-conscious in a daze. Eleven dogs pounced on it and bit it, but it didn't feel much pain.

But the black bear could feel that there seemed to be a lot of heavy things on its body. The black bear had no choice but to push its right hind paw on the ground and try to raise its buttocks first.

The black bear's leg moved, but the black tiger biting its other leg was startled.

The black tiger was agitated, fearing that the black bear would attack him, so he quickly let go and ran away. He stopped three meters away, turned around and shouted "ouch" at the black bear twice.

But looking at the black bear's right leg kicking on the ground, the right buttocks were lifted up, and something seemed to be squealing under the black bear's belly.

The black tiger's eyes lit up, and he trotted out. He pressed his front body, put his head under the black bear, and opened his mouth to take a bite.

The black tiger bit it, turned around and pulled back, pulling the head out from under the black bear, then let go and ran away.

"Ouch!" The black bear's cry was similar to the black tiger's usual cry, but the black bear was screaming in agony.

The black bear, who was still dazed and unconscious just now, woke up the moment he was bitten by the black tiger.

But when they saw the black bear propped on the ground with all four paws, he suddenly raised his body and pounced on the dogs that were biting on the left and right sides of the black bear. Their bodies were lifted up by the black bear. They suddenly knew that something was wrong and they all let go and fled.

The black bear stood up, raised its body, and stood with its legs upright like a human. It held a pair of bear paws in front of its chest, put a pair of back paws on the ground, took a few quick steps, turned around, and stood with its back against the big tree.

The black bear stood with his palms raised, as if he wanted to compete with the dog gang.

If a dog attacks a black bear from the front, it can use its paws to strike; if a dog attacks it from behind, it can use its paws to claw back.

Ordinary dogs would suffer more from the black bear's backhand move. The bear's paws are as flexible as human hands.

It stands to reason that a black bear in autumn would only behave like this when it is injured.

But I have to say that although the bite from the black tiger failed to tear the crotch of the black bear apart, it was really painful!

The black bear was in pain. When the black bear turned around just now, it felt very painful when its two thighs moved and touched the place where it was bitten.

"Hang! Hug! Huh..." The standing black bear kept raising its head and roaring.

But the hunting dogs are not afraid of it. Some confront the black bear with roars, while others wander around, trying to find opportunities to attack the black bear again.

But this black bear was standing in front of the tree. The distance between the bear and the tree was less than one meter. The dog wanted to sneak up behind the bear, but there was no space.

When faced with the upright black bear, the hunting dogs did not act rashly. It was not that they were slippery, but that they were unsure.

"Woof! Woof!" Big Yellow raised its head and barked twice fiercely. As it roared, saliva splashed from its mouth.

People have human speech, and animals have animal speech.

Although the barking of dogs and the roar of bears were mixed together, the two barks of Big Yellow were clearly transmitted to the ears of every dog.

"Woof woof woof..." Echoing Rhubarb, there were a series of calls from the little bear. The little bear stopped, its tail bent and the tip of its tail wagging slightly.

Rhubarb moved, and it ran towards the black bear with small steps. It ran very fast, but its eyes were full of fierceness.

Seeing Dahuang running towards him, the black bear let out a roar and closed his mouth, arched his back slightly, and raised his right palm that was held in front of his chest.

Dahuang suddenly stopped one meter away from the black bear, stopped abruptly, and stared at the black bear with his eyes.

The black bear jumped forward. The bear was in mid-air, and his right palm swept the wind towards Dahuang. Dahuang turned around and ran away, but the bear's paw missed. The black bear instantly changed from standing on two legs to four legs on the ground.

The little bear rushed from the side, but the black bear raised his body, stood up again, turned over his left palm, and grabbed the little bear.

The little bear retreated, but Rhubarb was getting closer. The black bear reached forward with his right palm. When Rhubarb moved away, Bailong and Big Fatty came around behind the black bear and opened their mouths to bite.

The black bear just pounced on the rhubarb, causing it to move away from the poplar tree, giving the hunting dogs room to move when they came behind the black bear.

Being bitten on the buttocks, the black bear reached back with his right palm and dug it behind him. The big fat man let go and pulled away. Bailong, who was biting the black bear's left leg, turned back and pulled the black bear's head around, grabbing the white dragon's neck with his left palm.

When Bailong bit the bear, he looked up and saw the black bear drop its palm. Bailong hurriedly let go and turned to run away.

At this moment, seeing the black bear turning back, the other dogs were waiting for the black bear to turn around and chase the white dragon, so that they could take the opportunity to dig out the black bear's buttocks and thighs.

Only the black tiger saw the black bear turning its head. It jumped up, retracted and spread its four legs together, and was in front of the black bear in an instant.

At this time, the black bear stood on its legs like a human being, with something hidden between the long hairs under its belly, and the black tiger opened its mouth and took a bite.

"Hang...ow..." The black bear's voice changed midway, and the whole bear pressed down, and suddenly it was on four legs again.

Seeing that the black bear did not run away, the white dragon jumped forward again and bit the black bear's hind thigh. Seeing this, the fat man next to him jumped up and opened his big mouth to bite the black bear's butt!

"Hello..." The black bear didn't care about the white dragon and the fat man at all, and his small eyes were only focused on the black tiger.

This is the pain! That's what it did just now!

This lazy dog ​​is still looking back while running!

The angry black bear opened and closed its limbs together, and quickly chased the black tiger.

Now, Bailong and Big Fatty couldn't hold the black bear back. The two dogs bit the black bear and were dragged forward by the black bear for half a meter. The two dogs couldn't bear it anymore and both let go. Then they continued to chase the bear while running, licking their teeth with their tongues.

I was dragged by a black bear just now, which made their canine teeth feel a little uncomfortable.

Seeing that the black bear was about to leave, the hunting dogs swarmed in pursuit.

At this time, a scene like this happened on this hillside. A black bear chased one dog, but was chased by ten dogs.

"Ouch..." The black tiger, being chased by the black bear, howled and ran down the hillside. It knew that at the foot of this hillside was its most trusted Zhao Jun.

The black tiger's cry was like an early warning to Zhao Jun. At this time, Zhao Jun had just crossed the ditch and pond and was on his way uphill.

It's not the fault of Zhao Jun's slow speed, it's just that the mountain is too steep and it's very difficult to go up and down. But at this time, when he heard the black tiger's unique cry getting closer and closer to him, Zhao Jun knew that this guy had attracted the black blind man again!

Oddly enough, Black Tiger couldn't attract wild boars, but he was able to lure Black Blind Man with every move.

In this case, Zhao Jun simply stopped going up. He ducked behind a tree, held his gun at one end, and stood ready.

This is not the first time this has happened, Zhao Jun has experience with it.

Before, Zhao Jun didn't know how this happened.

But last time, Zhang Yuanmin designed a bear hunt, and what Black Tiger did was seen by everyone.

Zhao Jun was on the slope that day and did not see the black tiger tearing off the bear's crotch, but Zhang Yuanmin and his ministers did.

After learning that the black tiger had this ability, Zhao Jun knew why it could attract hatred like this.

After learning about Black Tiger's behavior and style, Zhao Jun specially arranged a set of tactical coordination for himself and Black Tiger.

It is said that it is tactical cooperation, but in fact it is just putting gold on one's own face. It is just a black tiger luring a bear, and Zhao Jun squats in a trap to fight.

But at this time, Zhao Jun had to hide, otherwise the black bear would see him and run to him.

Although they are quite far away, Zhao Jun is not afraid, but a good dog protects its owner.

Seeing the black bear rushing towards Zhao Jun, the Dog Gang will definitely fight with the black bear to protect their master.

If that were the case, the gains would outweigh the losses.

Zhao Jun had been behind the tree for three minutes when he saw a puff of smoke rushing down the hillside.

Hearing the "ouch" sound in the smoke, Zhao Jun knew it was a black tiger. Now that the black tiger is down, the black bear is coming soon.

Sure enough, as soon as the black tiger passed by, the black bear appeared in the gun star, and behind it, ten dogs roared in a large area.

It’s not that the dog gang didn’t work hard, it was mainly because the big black bear was so angry that it rushed down the hillside. With its speed and inertia, the big body of more than 300 kilograms could not be dragged or stopped by the dogs. I can only let it run away.

Zhao Jun observed the black bear through the gun star. The black bear was about thirty meters away from him. It ran and jumped together. To put it bluntly, it would rise and fall while running.

When hitting such a target, when looking for lead time, you have to choose whether to attack or to control the height of the muzzle.

This is close, if not far. Zhao Jun had to consider another thing, that is, he was on the hillside and the bear was on the slope. Zhao Jun is at the top and Xiong is at the bottom.

As the saying goes: hit the hair on top and hit the belly on the bottom.

The bullet comes out of the chamber and moves in mid-air until it hits the prey, forming a parabola.

When Zhao Jun hits the black bear below, he must raise the muzzle of his gun.

When the bullet comes out of the chamber, the aiming point should be at the same level as the bear's back. This will ensure that when the bullet hits the side of the bear's body, the gun will be in the middle.

On the contrary, if Zhao Jun is at the bottom and hits the black bear above, he must press the gun down and aim the gun at the same level as the black bear's belly.

In this way, the actual location where the black bear was shot will move upwards and be in the middle of the black bear's body.

This process sounds complicated, but in actual combat, Zhao Jun's brain could not function for more than one second.

This is not an exaggeration, this is twenty years of experience in shooting. The moment he saw his prey, Zhao Jun knew how to take the shot.

Moreover, according to the shooting essentials: aim intentionally and fire unintentionally.

When shooting a gun, the more you aim, the less accurate it becomes.

When the muzzle of the gun moved forward, it stabilized and held its breath. When the black bear appeared in the gun star, and the bear was pointing upwards, Zhao Jun fired directly!


A shot of gun!

From the moment the gun hits your face to the moment you pull the trigger, you must not take a breath.

With just one breath, the gun will be inaccurate. The further away, the greater the difference!

Zhao Jun's shot was all perfectly timed. The bullet came out of the barrel, entered the black bear's armpit, and shot out from the opposite side.


The black bear turned around and faced Zhao Jun.

It wants to eat people!

It wants revenge!

At the same time, all ten dogs except the black tiger pounced on the black bear in an instant.

Zhao Jun held his breath and aimed steadily at the black bear, but the hunting dogs were all focused on the black bear. He was afraid of hurting the dogs, so he could not shoot.

Therefore, Zhao Jun was waiting, waiting for the black bear to come and kill him, or waiting for it to catch the dog with its palms.

No matter what happens to the black bear, Zhao Jun will be given the opportunity to fire a second shot.

But Zhao Jun wanted the bear to run toward him more. There was still thirty meters away. As long as the bear jumped forward, he would definitely be given a chance.

But the black bear didn't give Zhao Jun any chance. After being pounced by the dog gang, the black bear turned over and fell down, letting the hunting dogs tear at its body, and then became motionless.

Zhao Jun picked up his gun and walked towards the black bear.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin's voice came from not far below: "Brother, brother!"

The mountainous terrain was too steep. Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen were both short-legged and inexperienced, so they were both left behind by Zhao Jun.

"Brother!" Zhao Jun responded, and then saw Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen coming up in a hurry.

"Ouch, Brother Jun!" Jie Chen gasped, "I'm sweating all over my pants!"

The temperature is not low today, and it is afternoon, the hottest time of the day.

"Brother." Zhang Yuanmin glanced over there, pointed at the black bear that was bitten by dogs, and asked Zhao Jun, "Did you just beat it?"

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded. Said: "As soon as the shot was fired, the blind man lay down."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yuanmin put the end of the gun in his palm and said, "Brother, I'll go ahead!"

It happens all the time that a black bear gets shot and then gets up and attacks people again. Therefore, we have to guard against it.

"Okay." Zhao Jun did not refuse. He asked Zhang Yuanmin to go forward, and he did not let him be cannon fodder. He followed him behind him. If there was any emergency, he would have time to shoot.

Zhang Yuanmin was in front, Zhao Jun was in the middle, and Jie Chen was behind. Zhang Yuanmin stopped about two meters away from the black bear, pointed the muzzle of his gun at the black bear's head, and fired a "bang" shot.

The bullet shook the black bear's head, and he was obviously dead.

"Ouch! Ouch!" At this time, the black tiger who was watching the excitement ran up to Zhao Jun and shook his head and tail. This was asking for credit and reward from Zhao Jun.

When the other hunting dogs heard the gunshots, they tore at the black bear even more fiercely.

"Brother." Zhao Jun said to Zhang Yuanmin: "You and Jie Chen, disembowel this blind man."


Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen both stepped forward. Zhang Yuanmin lowered his arms, then raised them up, shouting: "Go, go."

When Zhang Yuanmin hit him, most of the dogs let go. Only Qinglong lay on the black bear. Seeing Zhang Yuanmin swinging his arms towards him, Qinglong barked at Zhang Yuanmin, then turned around and bit the black bear, and stopped talking.

This is food protection!

But Qinglong's food protection is different from the general food protection. In its mind, the prey it has worked hard to capture can only be given to its owner.

Also, when we were at home before, Zhao Jun brought back the roe deer and let Qinglong watch it. The black tiger tried to eat it but couldn't get it.

This is Qinglong, just like Zhao Jun in his previous life. Although he is still young, his character is so domineering.

Seeing that Zhang Yuanmin not only did not retreat, but instead came forward, Qinglong held the black bear in his mouth, but his lips trembled and turned up, making a whirring sound between his teeth.

Zhang Yuanmin smiled, pointed at Qinglong and said: "If you don't get up, how can I cut open the body and feed it to the bastard?"

"Woof! Woof!" It was okay that Zhang Yuanmin didn't speak. As soon as Zhang Yuanmin spoke, Qinglong turned his head sharply and bit hard twice in the direction of Zhang Yuanmin, but the bites were all in the air as a warning to Zhang Yuanmin.

Then, Qinglong turned his head and bit the black bear again, but rolled his eyes and kept staring at Zhang Yuanmin.

"Qinglong!" Suddenly, Zhao Jun called out. Qinglong opened his mouth and raised his head. Seeing Zhao Jun waving to him, Qinglong hurriedly got off the black bear and ran to Zhao Jun in a hurry.

Qinglong came to Zhao Jun's side and turned to look at Zhang Yuanmin and Xie Chen who were moving the bear.

"Azure Dragon!"

Zhao Jun called him, and Qinglong turned around again. He only took two steps to reach Zhao Jun's legs, then turned around and looked at the two people again.

Zhang Yuanmin and Jiechen turned the bear over and used their knives to disembowel the bear. When they were removing the bile, Zhang Yuanmin saw that the bear's heart was broken.

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