The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 584: The Fire Mouse Drills into the Badger’s Hole (September monthly ticket adds 2935)

As we enter October, the days in the Northeast become shorter.

Around 5:30, it was getting dark in the mountain village, and smoke was rising from every house.

Zhang Yuanmin's family had no employees, so Xiao Lingdang was the only one who went to school and came back from school early.

Yang Yufeng stewed a dish, stir-fried a dish, mixed a cold dish, and cut a box of canned lunch meat.

Then the three of them sat on the kang, eating and drinking, talking and laughing.

Yang Yufeng and Xiao Lingdang mainly ate, while Zhang Yuanmin drank happily.

This old boy left four dishes without eating, insisting on picking up peanuts and drinking wine.

These peanuts were brought to him by Li Yuan and Li Weiwei.

The two brothers studied with Zhang Yuanmin at the beginning of the spring, and came to the burning black bear warehouse, but their failure in learning caused them to fail.

In the end, Zhao Jun took action, beat the black bear, and sold the bear's bile to give Zhang Yuanmin a share. And Zhang Yuanmin did not lose out to the two brothers. Before going to Yongxing Brigade, Zhang Yuanmin asked someone to send the money to Li Yuan and Li Wei.

Although the two brothers were a little confused, they still repaid their kindness. When the family was harvesting peanuts, they asked someone to deliver a sack to Zhang Yuanmin. Yang Yufeng fried the peanuts and divided half of them into Zhao Jun's family.

For Zhang Yuanmin, these peanuts are no ordinary peanuts. Each and every one of them has great significance.

So he didn't eat any of the four dishes and just ate peanuts and drank wine.

Peanut's drinking was the right thing to do, and since he hadn't been at home for several days, Zhang Yuanmin started telling stories to Yang Yufeng and Xiao Lingdang when he was happy.

This guy has only been studying for three days. When he read a little book, he couldn't even pinyin the words he didn't recognize, he could only pinyin them.

But to put it bluntly, it’s a bargain.

Yang Yufeng and Xiao Lingdang were dumbfounded and panicked when they heard these two stories about two people escaping from a tiger's mouth and planning to destroy a bear bully.

But some people, after drinking some wine, can't hold back what they say. The key is that they can ramble. Just say one thing over and over again, for fear that others won't understand.

No matter how wonderful the story is, you will still get tired of it after hearing it three times in a row. The smiles on the faces of Yang Yufeng and Xiao Lingdang gradually disappeared. Yang Yufeng even pulled Zhang Yuanmin and said, "Eat quickly. I have to clear the table after eating."

"Why are you so anxious?" Zhang Yuanmin looked at the food on the table and asked Yang Yufeng with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, tell me, who is responsible for the good life our family has now?"

When he said this, Zhang Yuanmin puffed up his chest, waiting for Yang Yufeng to praise him.

But Yang Yufeng glanced at Zhang Yuanmin and said unceremoniously: "This is all the credit of our brothers."

"Huh?" Zhang Yuanmin was startled when he heard this. When he thought of Zhao Jun, he sobered up a little and nodded: "That's true."

"Isn't it?" Yang Yufeng continued: "I didn't expect that you would be lucky if you asked the black blind man to chase you away!"

Zhang Yuanmin, who was tipsy from drinking, was speechless for a moment. He could no longer brag about this. He turned his attention to Xiao Lingdang, who was eating luncheon meat.

No matter when, even during the most difficult two years for the family, this child was Zhang Yuanmin's pride.

After taking a look at the little bell, Zhang Yuanmin felt proud again and said to Yang Yufeng: "Our eldest son is so promising, who should he follow?"

When Yang Yufeng heard this, she couldn't help curling her lips and said angrily: "Suit me!"

Looking at this expression and listening to this tone, you should know that what Yang Yufeng said was ironic, but Zhang Yuanmin laughed and said, "You are right!"

At this time, Xiao Lingdang put down the remaining piece of lunch meat and frowned at Zhang Yuanmin.

This little girl has been studying hard from the first day she picked up the book. It can be said that she has memorized every sentence in the textbook. The teacher writes a sample question on the blackboard, and she can tell which page in the book the question is on.

At this time, Xiao Lingdang felt that the results she had achieved through hard study were summed up by her own father's words, "Follow me."

Seeing his daughter looking at him with wide eyes, Zhang Yuanmin laughed and sang loudly: "Who else has a brain like this..."

He made up the lyrics himself, and the tune was played by two people. Yang Yufeng pushed him and said, "Stop howling and eat quickly."

"Don't pull at me." Zhang Yuanmin shrugged his shoulders dissatisfied and said, "I haven't choked you yet!"

Immediately afterwards, he continued to sing: "Who...ah, lengkeli, lengkeli, lengkeli..."

"Dad!" Suddenly, Xiao Lingdang spoke, and Zhang Yuanmin's humming stopped abruptly. He smiled at Xiao Lingdang and said, "What's going on, eldest son?"

Xiao Lingdang looked at Zhang Yuanmin and asked softly: "Dad, your brain is so good, then why did you and my mother never have enough to eat before?"

Zhang Yuanmin: "..."

Compared with Zhang Yuanmin's family, the atmosphere in Zhao Jun's family was much more harmonious. Their family of five, plus Jiechen, gathered around the kang table and finished the meal without crying or howling.

Wang Meilan washed the dishes in the outer room, while Zhao Jun and Jie Chen went back to the room to wash their feet and get on the kang, getting ready for bed.

Early the next morning, just after five o'clock, Zhao Jun and his ministers got up, put on their clothes and went outside.

I saw two cages placed sideways on both sides of the fence outside the courtyard. One was empty, but there was a big rat in the other.

This mouse is more than a handful long from head to buttocks, and its food is round and round. It seems that it is taking advantage of the autumn to cause trouble to the food.

Zhao Jun carried the cage back to the courtyard and hung it up to avoid letting the dog pick it out. At this time, when Jie Chen went to press the water in front of the well, Zhao Youcai trotted out of the house.

"Smash!" Zhao Youcai came to Zhao Jun and asked in a low voice: "When will we go up the mountain?"

He is anxious!

Ever since most of his five yuan pocket money was deducted, Zhao Youcai leaned against the door every day in anticipation of his son's return.

Zhao Jun finally came back, but Zhao Youcai couldn't tell Zhao Jun about it at the dinner table yesterday.

Zhao Jun smiled and said: "Dad, don't be anxious. Today we go up the mountain, dig out a badger hole in the morning, and look for wild boar tracks in the afternoon. Tomorrow we will take the dogs and hunt two wild boars; we will go back the day after tomorrow to hunt a black blind man and complete the surrender." It's time to go home. Once he leaves, we will look for opportunities."

After Zhao Jun finished speaking, he saw Zhao Youcai looking at him strangely. Zhao Jun hurriedly asked: "Dad, what's wrong?"

"That's what you said..." Zhao Youcai wanted to ask for something, so he didn't say any unpleasant words, and only said: "The animals in the mountains seem to be able to hunt whatever you want."

Zhao Jun smiled when he heard this, raised his chin and said, "Dad, look at the dogs in our yard. They can't hit anything they want."

With that said, Zhao Jun pointed to the warehouse again and said: "Dad, you came back yesterday and looked at that big bear, right? That big bear of 1,300 kilograms could be killed by two shots from me." ”

Zhao Youcai curled his lips and whispered: "If I want to fight like you, I can fight too."

After saying that, Zhao Youcai also pointed to the warehouse, but he did not mention the bear bile, but asked: "Our big black... no, it's that... black tiger and little bear, they are matched?"

"Yeah." Zhao Jun nodded and said, "If you put Yongxing in front of you, don't you want to let them stay together for a while?"

After returning home from Yongxing Brigade, Zhao Jun took Erhei and Hualong out of the warehouse and let Heihu and Xiaoxiong live in them. At this time, the little bear is still in estrus, which will last for about ten days. During this period, Zhao Jun will not take it up the mountain.

Hearing what Zhao Jun said, Zhao Youcai nodded twice, and then said to Zhao Jun: "Damn it."

"Huh?" Zhao Jun glanced at Zhao Youcai and asked, "Are you okay?"

Zhao Youcai said: "You can't give away this litter of dogs that Little Bear gave birth to."

"This..." Zhao Jun frowned and said with some embarrassment: "Dad, I promised that sister-in-law Zhang that I would give her a litter of puppies. Otherwise, sometimes my elder brother Zhang is not at home, and she and Lingdang The two of you are scared."

When Zhao Youcai heard this, he was very resistant, but to be honest, he also liked the child Lingdang. Moreover, Zhang Yuanmin and Yang Yufeng were also very kind to their family, and they would bring whatever delicious food they had to them.

"Okay, give her one." Zhao Youcai had just finished speaking, but Zhao Jun continued: "I also promised to give Jiang Nai one. The old lady is at home alone, is that okay? How can I give her the whole dog? A companion or something."

"This..." Zhao Youcai was speechless and wanted to say no, but when he thought about it, Zhao Jun was right. The old lady was helpless and wanted a son of a bitch. How could she not give it to her?

But before Zhao Youcai could say anything, Zhao Jun said again: "I also promised Ma Ling to give her one."

"Repay it?" Upon hearing this, Zhao Youcai thought, is this a return? How many puppies will Little Bear have in his next litter? According to Zhao Jun's division, if three of them are given away, can they still be left for themselves?

But this is the future in-laws, and others have given it to them. How can the relatives not give it to them?

Just when Zhao Youcai was struggling, Wang Meilan's voice calling for dinner came from inside the room.

After breakfast, Zhao Jun and Jie Chen changed into their clothes for going up the mountain, packed whatever items they might need, and then took off their guns from the wall.

"Brother!" Li Baoyu burst into the house. He was also dressed and ready to go up the mountain with Zhao Jun and Jie Chen.

Asking Li Baoyu to bring Wang Meilan's steamed steamed cakes, the three of them came out of the house. As soon as they arrived in the yard, all the dogs became anxious when they saw them wearing mountain climbing clothes.

But Zhao Jun took no one with him. He only left the house with Li Baoyu and Jie Chen, got into the car and went straight to Zhang Yuanmin's house.

At this time, Zhang Yuanmin was also ready. Yesterday afternoon, he placed eight cages around and caught three rats, two large and one small.

When the car came, Zhang Yuanmin showed the rats in the cage to Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun took one look and asked Zhang Yuanmin to keep the two older ones and just kill the younger one.

After handing over the two cages containing the big rats to Zhao Jun, Zhang Yuanmin got into the co-pilot to guide Jiechen, and the group drove out of the village and headed straight for the mountain farm.

Walking along the road into the mountains, Zhang Yuanmin kept pointing the direction to Jie Chen. After driving for more than half an hour and nearly thirty miles, the car stopped at the side of the road.

Four people got out of the car. Li Baoyu, Zhang Yuanmin, and Jiechen each carried a cage, while Zhao Jun carried a gun.

It was Zhang Yuanmin who led the way, and the four of them entered the forest and climbed over the mountains and ridges.

After walking for more than 40 minutes, the four of them came to a relatively open place. Zhang Yuanmin pointed to a hole under the tree and said to Zhao Jun: "Brother, this is it. You can tell us how to fix it."

When they came up just now, the four of them saw a large pile of sand and gravel at the bottom of the slope, which were all dug out by the badgers.

But what is different from the badger hole digging last month is that the area around the badger hole before was full of tree leaves, but the area around this badger hole is clean.

This is also one of the habits of badgers. After they clean up the hole, they will hug all the leaves on the ground around them into the hole.

I don't know what they are doing by collecting this.

Stopping at the entrance of the cave, Zhao Jun led the three people to spread out and look for the entrance of the cave. Once you find it, use a wooden stick to poke in. Once you are sure it is a badger hole, block it with a big stone.

Anyone with a discerning eye can understand at a glance that Zhao Jun is going to attack with fire. But the last time he dug out badger holes, Jie Chen said that he and his friends used to dig out badger holes and failed with fire attacks.

That's because the Badger Cave has a smoke outlet, and if the fire starter enters the cave, the smoke goes in or out.

This is just like building a kang in rural areas. If some smoke goes in, the kang will be hot; if some smoke goes out, the kang will not be hot.

But Zhao Jun didn't care about this at all. He took out two pairs of labor protection gloves from his shoulder pocket, handed one pair to Zhang Yuanmin and said, "Brother, put on two layers of gloves on one hand and pick out the mouse for you."

"Hey!" Zhang Yuanmin agreed, put both gloves on his right hand, then opened the cage door, and pinched the back of the mouse's neck when it was about to crawl out.

The mouse struggled in Zhang Yuanmin's hand, and even used its claws to attack Zhang Yuanmin's gloves.

Catch on.

Zhang Yuanmin firmly grasped the mouse, and saw Zhao Jun take out a roll of rag strips from his shoulder pocket. These strips of cloth were damaged by Zhao Hong and Zhao Na's clothes. Zhao Jun took out one of the strips and put it in front of Zhang Yuanmin. The strip was tied around the mouse's waist, with both ends of the strip hanging down on both sides of the mouse's body.

Then, Zhao Jun took out a bottle of gasoline from his pocket and dipped a small amount of gasoline into both ends of the cloth strip.

After putting away the bottles, Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin said: "Brother."

Zhao Jun raised his chin towards the badger hole, and Zhang Yuanmin understood. He smiled and said: "Brother, your move is really amazing!"

At this time, Li Baoyu couldn't help but asked from the side: "Brother, Brother Zhang, this mouse is on fire, what can you do if you get in?"

I don’t know how deep this badger’s hole is, and it’s very winding. If too much gasoline is poured, the mouse will be burned to death before it can run very far. If there was less gasoline, the fire would go out before the mouse could get far.

There are some things that people who are also fighting against can understand at a glance. Zhang Yuanmin was more experienced than Li Baoyu in dealing with badgers. He saw the secret at a glance and said to Li Baoyu: "Brother, just look at...ours!"

Zhao Jun and Zhang Yuanmin looked at each other and smiled. Zhao Jun said, "Brother, please be careful and don't burn your hands."

"It's okay." Zhang Yuanmin pushed the mouse's head into the hole. Seeing that he had somewhere to go, the mouse kept kicking his legs and grabbing the ground underneath him.

At this time, Zhao Jun struck a match and moved it in front of the cloth. The volatile gasoline caught first, and the flames suddenly started.

Zhang Yuanmin let go without hesitation. There was no fire on his hands or arms, but the rat caught fire immediately and plunged into the hole.

As the mouse entered the hole, smoke came out of the hole, but within a few seconds, there was a roar from the hole, and thick smoke billowed out.

On the hillside, there were also wisps of white smoke rising from the ground.

Li Baoyu was startled, he knew that gasoline emits black smoke, and that white smoke... Li Baoyu's eyes lit up, and he suddenly wanted to understand why Zhao Jun had to break this badger hole after October 1st.

At this time, the badger pulled in all the dry leaves around him! When the dry leaves blow, isn't this hole filled with smoke?

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