
Just when the fat man was looking distressed at the sleeping Su Bai, the door of the ward was suddenly opened, and a large number of people rushed in.

The leader, Yang Jiaojiao, held a syringe in her hand, and without saying a word, she directly pierced Su Bai's hand, which was unable to resist, making the fat man's eyes twitch.

Looking sideways at the fat man, Yang Jiaojiao said disdainfully: "Don't worry, this guy is stronger than an ox. How can I know his current condition without drawing blood?"

"Eh? You're not crying, are you?"

Yang Jiaojiao curiously approached the fat man, put away the blood samples, sat down on the stool, grabbed the fragrant grilled chicken wings and ate them.

"I'm starving to death. I didn't eat anything until midnight when Su Bai's blood sample was analyzed yesterday."

Wang Tao looked at the "unfettered" Yang Jiaojiao and shook his head helplessly. Despite this guy's behavior, in fact, it was this weak and special professional who rushed to Su Bai's side first.

"Still no signs of waking up?"

Chen Long stood aside, frowning, silently looking at the sleeping Su Bai.

"What did you analyze?"

Su Bai is too important to the entire human race.

It is unacceptable for all humans to allow a human leader to sleep like this... or to sleep without knowing why.

Especially when the commander-in-chief is also completely asleep... this is even more so.

"The dark fog that had a great impact on us didn't seem to have any effect on him."

Yang Jiaojiao looked very confused.

The invisible black pipes directly drained everyone's awakened power.

Originally, according to the patriarch's estimation, he would absorb everything through the black pipe, even souls.

But after Arceus took action, this behavior was stopped.

The greed of the patriarch is obviously not satisfied with just the power of the awakened ones.

For him, all existence derived from this world can be absorbed.

Because he is the master of the world... The whole world is at his mercy!

But Arceus's action ended all of this, but it could not prevent the Patriarch from absorbing the source of power without destroying the world...that is, the power of the Awakened.

Therefore, although everyone can still move normally, their strength has completely disappeared.

Everything has returned to the age of heaven, the age of relying solely on the flesh.

Although people can still move freely, the powerful force that could fight against the dead beasts before... has just disappeared.

The disappearance of power caused the entire human society to experience a huge upheaval.

Fortunately, the elf is still there!

It took Chenlong a long time to calm down the entire human society.

But that huge black column that connects from the ground to the infinite sky, especially the middle end of the black column, that constantly beating black sphere... is like a heavy boulder, weighing on the hearts of all humans.

Not to mention that recently, dead beasts can be seen on the human border from time to time.

It may not be appropriate to say it is a dead beast.

The form of these things has undergone earth-shaking changes.

No matter what, the original dead beast still had its own sanity.

However, the appearance of these new "dead beasts" is, without exception, quite dull.

It doesn't look like a living thing, but rather like... piles of living zombies!

And for all this, only Su Bai, who is still in the deep consciousness space, knows why.

The "souls" of dead beasts and sub-beasts were taken back by the ancestors.

Because of the existence of Arceus, the Patriarch does not dare to attack humans rashly. These "dead beasts" are actually the agents and puppets of the Patriarch, constantly monitoring human society!

"The activity of blood can reflect a person's physical condition."

"A truly comatose person's Qi and blood will not be too strong."

"But Su Bai's situation is different. His blood is becoming more active almost every day."

"This guy... is clearly sleeping, but he is getting... stronger day by day!"

"Obviously we have become ordinary people..."

"What a monster..."

While talking about monsters, Yang Jiaojiao suddenly put down the barbecue in her hand and gently stroked a stray strand of Su Bai's bangs, her eyes full of concern and tenderness.


Behind Yang Jiaojiao, a deliberate cough suddenly came from behind.

Liu Yunlan suddenly took a step forward, stopped in front of Yang Jiaojiao, waved his arms and said: "Okay, okay, you all can go out. Since Su Bai is not awake, we should wipe Su Bai's body."

"After all, it's been a week!"

As she said this, she nudged her best friend with her elbow, who had been staring blankly at Su Bai.

Murong Nan was stunned, his face suddenly turned red, but he still nodded and took out a bunch of toiletries in his hand.

"Ah this..."

Wang Tao looked at Murong Nan in horror and said, "Shouldn't this kind of thing be handled by my best friend?"

"There are differences between men and women, this is inappropriate!"

Liu Yunlan's face was flushed at this time, but she was obviously willing to risk it all to help her best friend snatch a man.

The look in Yang Jiaojiao's eyes when she looked at Su Bai was so intense!

My best friend didn’t dare to tell me, so how could she not help?

You must know that Yang Jiaojiao is close to the water, and he can keep in touch with Su Bai in the name of studying Su Bai's condition!

"What's inappropriate! I say it's appropriate!"

Liu Yunlan's small round face instantly came in front of Wang Tao and said word by word: "Yes. No. Yes!!!"

Wang Tao shivered and silently took a step back.

Yang Jiaojiao narrowed her eyes and had no intention of giving in: "It's up to me. I'm pretty good at cleaning experimental materials, and I don't think there's any distinction between men and women. It's not suitable for you, these young ladies. "

Liu Yunlan sneered: "If there is anything suitable or inappropriate, I'm afraid that you will steal it! And is Su Bai an experimental material?"

In fact, everyone present has a very good relationship.

But... in the current era of "male lust", in terms of distance and distance, of course Murong Nan has to be the closest.

In an instant, the situation in the small ward was tense!

The few elves floating outside did not understand this scene, and they all tilted their heads and showed curious eyes.

Chenlong slapped his forehead with a "pop" sound and made a shut-up gesture to Wang Tao.

Even Chen Long, who is now in charge of the overall situation of mankind, is not willing to get involved in this kind of thing...

Deep consciousness space, inside "Su Bai Pet Shop".

Arceus drank the hot tea that seemed to last forever and watched the pictures on the old TV.

"According to you humans, you seem to be very popular."

"Indeed, excellent genes are more likely to produce excellent next generations, and the attraction to the opposite sex will naturally be greater. This is also what civilization can develop..."

"Shut up!"

Su Bai covered his face in pain. This was simply a public execution!

Especially in front of Arceus, who views things from such a high and unhuman level, this guy's childish thoughts are probably analyzed directly to the most basic concepts. This feeling... is so difficult!

"Can't we stop them?"

"Stop them quickly!"

Seeing that Liu Yunlan was already arguing with Yang Jiaojiao and was about to unbutton Su Bai's buttons, Su Bai suddenly became anxious.

The rightful owner is watching! Be more reserved! !

Looking at Arceus who was unmoved, Su Bai suddenly said: "By the way, notice, notice!"

“Isn’t there something they have to do!!”

"Hurry, inform them!"

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