Look Good? (2)

The exclamation of everyone exploded in the training room instantly!

But before everyone recovered from their astonishment, Duan Wenzheng swung the gun away, and the sniper scope opened only in a split second!

System prompt: Reset successfully killed Unknown

System prompt: Reset successfully killed Frank


“This angle is already more than 90 degrees?! If I didn’t see it with my own eyes… I really thought it was a hang!”

“That sniper just now…is he really Tianxiu!!”


The whole training room is boiling up!

“Why didn’t I see you so handsome when I was alive?” Meng Weiran took off the headset: “Is it because I’m alive that I delay your output?”

Xue Lan smiled embarrassedly, knowing that he was joking, and didn’t answer.

Qi Siyu seemed to be in a good mood, and he smiled excitedly: “How do you say that sentence… teammates sacrifice to the sky, and their mana is boundless!”

“Ayan, these two people are really…” Zhou Wangqing stared dumbfounded at the two people who were still sitting in front of the computer: “I really didn’t expect this kid… to go to the wall and take a gun to find a way to pull it away.” The biggest angle…hasn’t he ever thought that if he doesn’t succeed, wouldn’t he become a living target and be taken away by a wave…”

Wen Yan didn’t speak, he looked at Duan Wenzheng at this moment, but slowly moved his eyes away from him and finally landed on Xue Lan in the corner.

Xue Lan’s eyes were falling on Duan Wenzheng like everyone else. Because the game was over, he stopped to control the character to run, but unconsciously held the injured wrist with his palm.

Wen Yan frowned slightly.

“Come on, it’s the next round.”

Qi Siyu returned to the queue interface, and was about to continue the second round of BO3, but saw the medical soldier standing opposite suddenly dropped his headset——

“What else are you playing? We are in a team competition now, so you can’t let go of your personal grievances?!”

The noisy training room fell silent in an instant.

Deng Ruiqiu also took off the headset, and put it on the table with a sullen face. His face was tense, and he was silent for a moment: “Personal grievances?”

“If it’s not a personal grudge, why did you accept this challenge? If it’s not a personal grudge, why are you chasing that Reset?!”

Deng Ruiqiu also stood up when he heard the words, and said unceremoniously: “Is it glorious for the three of you to be wiped out by an assaulter who has just reached the level?”

His words instantly changed the faces of the three people in the seat, and the atmosphere was so oppressive that everyone present could feel it.

Qi Siyu frowned and looked at these people who suddenly quarreled, as if he had no interest in the content of their quarrel, raised his eyebrows and asked, “Should we still fight?”

“do not fight!”

The person who said this was not the person who had a dispute with Deng Ruiqiu, but a sniper who went with them to intercept them. After saying that, he stood up straight away, slamming the door and leaving the training room regardless of the expressions on the faces of his teammates or opponents.

After the team member left, several people beside Deng Ruiqiu also stood up one after another, and left the training room one after another.

While everyone was discussing in astonishment, Wen Yan seemed to be used to such things. He calmly glanced at the team that only had Deng Ruiqiu left: “Are you sure you want to give up the game?”

Deng Ruiqiu’s complexion faded instantly.

He just stood there blankly, for a long time, he finally nodded, turned and walked out of the training room.

Xue Lan looked at the members of the enemy team who were leaving the training room one after another in surprise, and then turned his gaze to Wen Yan who was standing aside in a daze, not knowing what was going on now.

The BO3 match has only been played once now, and it’s not like they have no chance to comeback, why…

The competition finally came to an end, but the crowd still couldn’t get enough of the competition. They gathered around Duan Wenzheng and Xue Lan and encouraged them happily. Xue Lan’s gaze skipped the crowd and quietly landed on Duan Wenzheng who was surrounded by the crowd at the other end. Duan Wenzheng’s expression is still indifferent at this moment and there is no unnecessary expression, but no matter what he feels… Duan Wenzheng seems to be…

in anger.

But aren’t they just playing a game now? Why is Duan Wenzheng angry? Didn’t they already win the game?

Could it be because of Deng Ruiqiu’s cunning, when it should be a one-on-one confrontation, he was deceived more than others?

It must be so.

Xue Lan felt that he had found the answer, and secretly planned to “take good care” of Deng Ruiqiu in the next game, but Duan Wenzheng, who was staring at the game interface, opened the private chat interface and typed a few words casually.

In the next second, Xue Lan’s headset heard a notification that the game received a message.

Xue Lan hurriedly looked away, and clicked on the private chat in the game like a distracted student who was called out by the teacher in class. It was indeed Duan Wenzheng’s message.

Reset: Does it look good?

Good… nice…?

Xue Lan stared at the three words in the dialog box, and his face instantly turned red like cooked shrimp.

What looks good?

Is it about his sniping just now, or… himself?

The excited cheers of the spectators behind them erupted. It was obvious that they hadn’t won the game, but they were actually more excited than the other players.

“Lanlan! Congratulations!! You are now number one in points!!”

“It’s really amazing, your operation just now is really brilliant!”

“Sister! Can I worship you as my teacher?”


There was still a blush on Xue Lan’s cheeks. While putting away the keyboard, he waved to everyone awkwardly and politely: “No, I…”

Before he finished speaking, Wen Yan came over and stood by his side.

“Their team really stopped fighting? But…”

“That’s their own choice.” Wen Yan cast his eyes on his wrist: “Your hand…”

Before Wen Yan finished speaking, a lazy figure stood in front of him very naturally——

“They stopped fighting. Is there anything else to do with the Winter Church?”

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