The Witcher: My backyard leads to London

Chapter 160 Obtaining Surprise and the Ice Mirror Plan

And Tachino has dominated the entire mission. long long as you control the constellation holy armor!

"Fortunately...fortunately, I extracted Terry Snow Valley's mirror spirit."

Takino understands that people like Terry who have passed the qualifications of Holy Knights will have the blessing of the Constellation Church in their souls. This blessing may not necessarily allow qualified people to be truly chosen as masters, but temporarily wearing the Holy Armor of the Constellation, or in After the Holy Armor is transformed into a Noble Phantasm, it is extremely useful to allow heroic spirits to gain temporary recognition.

Set up the ritual circle immediately!

Takino was well prepared. He immediately took out a scroll. After untying it, there was a prototype of a ritual circle on the ground.

He took out another pile of magic stones and energy crystals, then placed the puppet with the mirror in the middle, and began to move the magic stones and energy crystals to complete the final details of the magic circle...


At this time, the hall door was opened again.

Takino had already marked the auras of the main members of this team, and he already knew who was coming.

"You are late, Lord Lyra."

"I have successfully arranged it. The medium will be released by me immediately..."

Takino stood up, and the tip of the wand in his hand, a hexahedron with six mirrors on all sides, glowed dark blue.

He was about to point the tip of his wand to the center of the ritual circle, the puppet with the mirror in the middle.

"I have obtained the key core of the Storm Beacon in the control room on the fifth floor."

Lyra did not stop Takino, she walked to Takino's side.

She looked around and found that there was no trace of Ricardo, a trace of disappointment flashed in her eyes.

"The Holy Armor of the Constellation must be under the control of someone authorized by the church. Mr. Takino, even if you get it, you will be asked to hand it over when you leave the evil realm..."

She looked at the other party calmly.

The ritual array on the opponent's ground is extremely precious, and the surrounding dark blue cyclone is on alert. The opponent's first step is just to remove the constellation holy armor as a medium to summon evil...

In this case, if she stopped him, she would be breaking up with the other party. Not only would she be taking credit, but she would also offend many forces in the Storm Clan.

"Your Excellency Lyra, you have to believe in the Storm Clan's understanding of the Storm Lighthouse. In fact, once you get the key, there is still a long way to go before you can truly recover the lighthouse. In addition, there are people who are qualified to carry the Constellation Sacred Armor, and the accompanying knights brought by our Storm Clan Also, it’s nothing more than a matter of merit exchange later on…”

Tachino replied calmly, the light of his wand connecting to the mirror in the puppet.

The distorted face of Terry Mirror Spirit in the mirror finally stopped.

Takino held up the wand as if pulling an object, pulling out the constellation church blessing contained in the mirror. A group of star-blue fluorescence emerged from the mirror and was locked in the force field at the tip of Takino's wand.

Takino is ready to use the power contained in this blessing to connect to the Constellation Holy Armor...

…at this time…

The circles of twisted black light surrounding the sacred armor of the constellation next to it suddenly stopped.

Then there was a 'clang'.

The black light that originally shot upward from the holy armor broke like a broken string.

Then, after being still for a second, the distorted black light suddenly dissipated into the air.

The aura of pollution and curse that was originally spread all over the entire Constellation Holy Armor dissipated in large quantities.

All of a sudden, the bronze color on the armor's surface was removed, and many silvery white and jet black light bands were mixed in.

The originally turbid and evil aura of the entire Constellation Holy Armor seemed to have been purified, and there was no longer any feeling of pollution and curse.

"What's going on! I haven't encountered the Constellation Holy Armor yet!?"

Takino's movement of extending the wand in his hand had stopped, and he stared at the tip of the wand carefully.

He looked at the star-blue fluorescence at the tip of the wand, which was still far away from the Constellation Holy Armor.

"This is…"

Tian Qin was also looking at the scene in front of her in shock at this time.

"The medium...has been successfully released..."

"It seems that someone from other places... broke the situation!"

Lyra looked at the sudden changes in the Constellation Holy Armor. The first picture that came to her mind was that of Ricardo, who was quite confident before...

Could it be him?

Tian Qin couldn't believe it. Although the other party was indeed special, he was not a real wizard. He was still accustomed to relying on knight combat skills and extraordinary talents. Such a person could really think of removing the medium from such a distance. Method?

"Your Excellency Takino, it seems that the credit for removing the medium does not fall on you and me."

"As for the Leo Sacred Armor, I advise you to give up. Without removing the merits of the medium, the possibility of the Constellation Church allowing you to arrange for your subordinates to inherit the Sacred Armor is greatly reduced. Even if it is allowed, how much price are you prepared to pay?"

Hearing Tian Qin's words, Takino's eyes widened.

He had no intention of giving up, but he knew that the Constellation Holy Armor in front of him had become part of the core authority of the entire Storm Beacon and occupied a dominant position. Obtaining it was equivalent to controlling the Storm Beacon.

The authority key Tianqin obtained cannot resist this kind of dominant authority at all!

He can still recycle the Storm Beacon! After that, it’s just a matter of compensating for some more merit and redeeming the key from the Constellation Church!

"The price is allowed."

"We will pay enough."

Tachino replied firmly.

He slightly adjusted the ritual circle and modified the circle circuit used to remove the medium.

Then he raised his wand again and pointed it at the constellation holy armor on the round platform.

The star-blue fluorescence at the tip of the wand burst out with light and shot towards the Constellation Holy Armor.

The Constellation Holy Armor levitated.

However, just when Takino was about to take over the Constellation Holy Armor.


The hall door opened again.

Ricardo came in.

At the same time, the Sacred Armor of the Constellation was originally suspended in the air. After the light from Takino's wand was emitted, it vibrated slightly and seemed to be flying towards the opponent.

But after Ricardo appeared.

The Constellation Holy Armor suddenly made a swish sound and flew quickly towards Ricardo!

In the blink of an eye!

The constellation Sacred Armor Leo Cub flew in front of Ricardo.

Then, each component of the armor quickly disintegrated from the main body.

Arm armor, leg armor, breastplate, skirt armor, helmet...

Each part floated directly to the corresponding position on Ricardo's body and was assembled.

Ricardo directly transformed into a costume wearing the sacred armor of the constellation Leo.

"The Holy See...Knight..."

"He and Leo...successfully chose a master..."

Tian Qin looked at the scene in front of her in shock and slowly explained the situation in front of her.


A lion's roar came from the armor on Ricardo's body.

"What...what's going on?"

Tachino stood there in a daze, looking at the empty round platform in front of him, and looked sideways at Ricardo in a daze.

At this time, Ricardo was in the same situation as when Tian Qin had just put on the Lyran Holy Armor.

The whole person was put on the holy armor of the constellation, and every armor part on the body fluoresced under the three-color background of bronze, silver white, and pitch black.

There are mysterious and special inscriptions on each part of the armor. Looking at these parts as a whole, those inscriptions seem to outline an abstract lion pattern.

A dark lion flows like a rhyme on the surface of Ricardo's armor.

Then suddenly sprang out from Ricardo's left shoulder.

A small black lion stands on Ricardo's left shoulder, making a roaring gesture.

Ricardo looked at the little lion beside him.

The little black lion immediately lowered his head docilely and rubbed against Ricardo's neck.

At this moment, the little black lion, the constellation holy armor, Ricardo, and the surrounding storm lighthouse seemed to be unified in style, and their temperaments were so harmonious.

"Congratulations! Colonel Ricardo, you succeeded in getting Leo to choose you!"

"Now you are a Holy Knight of Leo Young."

Tian Qin looked at Ricardo. The disappointment in her eyes was completely gone, but instead revealed a kind of curiosity and admiration.

Ricardo had previously said that he would act alone, which should have been reckless in this originally dangerous situation, but the other party proved himself right with the results.

"Haha, is this the Constellation Holy Armor?"

Ricardo felt the warmth flowing from the armor to his body.

When he originally merged the evil flower vine armor from the two realms, his physical constitution reached more than sixty points.

At this moment, he put on the Sacred Armor of the Constellation like this, and felt that his physical strength had increased by half again, reaching more than eighty points, surpassing the mental strength value in one fell swoop.

In addition, the Holy Armor and the Heroic Spirit are faintly transmitting power. It seems that by making good use of this power, he can exert more combat power.

However, the Holy Armor was previously contaminated by energy from nightmares and treacherous realms. After these contaminations were integrated into the Heroic Spirit, and after Ricardo devoured the Black Vine Monster, the nature of the Holy Armor became slightly different from that of normal Holy Armor. The specific differences are Still need to observe…


Tachino looked at Ricardo blankly.

He noticed the dark little lion and the looming connection between the little lion and Ricardo.

"It turns out that you subdued the heroic spirit of Leo Cub elsewhere. The Leo Cub has been transformed into a Noble Phantasm, so its heroic spirit is the core of the Sacred Armor of the Constellation..."

Takino muttered.

He was completely lost for a moment. The wand in his hand was originally raised, but at this time, the head of the wand was weakly pointing down.

For a moment, the whole person found it difficult to accept his failure at such a close distance.

He looked at Ricardo, his eyes flickering, and an inexplicable meaning flashed across his eyes.

Ricardo frowned.

He felt the slight increase in the progress of the Flower of Evil.

A scarlet light flashed in his eyes.

The whole person's spirit has been locked on the other party invisibly, ready for possible changes in the other party at any time.

In one of the mirrored corners of the mirrored wall surrounding the hall.

A trace of the clothes of the evil flower spirit puppet's clone appeared on it.

After acquiring the new flower language, from now on, his clone gained the ability to travel through mirrors.

The evil flower ghost puppet that originally could only appear physically can enter the mirror and stick to it like a mirror ghost.

This provides great convenience for the clone to attack from behind and shoot cold arrows in the future.

During this trip to a bad place, because there were high-level outsiders present, Ricardo did not let his avatar come out to gain experience.

But after gaining the ability to travel through mirrors, Ricardo considered whether he should combine his Storm and Frost Sword to learn some spells that could create ice mirrors.

In this way, when you fight in the future, you can create an ice mirror by the way. Even if there are various outsiders present, you can also let the clones attach themselves to it and make sneak attacks to improve the knight's skills.

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