The Witcher: My backyard leads to London

Chapter 280 Blackmailing Witch Weapons


Coop finally let out a hoarse, unintelligible roar, but its throat bones had been crushed by Ricardo.

Its strange human face began to glow with golden flames, and then finally covered its entire face...

As the vines wrapping its body completely turned into a pile of scattered ropes, the other party finally turned into ashes.

Ricardo withdrew the vines that had been controlled by inducing growth.


He also pulled out his left hand that penetrated the iron bed board, removed the covering of the vine armor, and transformed into a normal human hand.

During the whole process, Ricardo didn't care how loud the sound was.

If the dining car attendant in front dares to step back, then he will send both the other party and the weird Coop to where they should go.


Baker turned his head completely and looked at the pile of ashes on the bed in front of him with wide eyes.

His face and back were completely covered in cold sweat.

There was lingering fear in his eyes.

"He...he's dead? Is this monster Coop dead?"

For a moment, Baker also forgot that in bad situations, one should always try to stay quiet, or at least speak softly.

He muttered in a normal volume.


"Everyone, come down. Find a normal way out of this bad situation. You can't just stay here and wait for the next reset."

Ricardo checked the panel and said calmly.

He took half a step back.

He looked indifferently at the fat little apprentice Dortmund who was in Baker's original position on the lower bunk bed.

The other party had just used a witchcraft coin at the most dangerous moment, and then directly switched places with Baker.

I want to use the other party to block a fatal disaster for myself.

Baker was the child of the Tuva couple under Ricardo. Using Baker as a scapegoat offended Baker to death, and undoubtedly offended Ricardo in a subtle way.

Ricardo helped Baker get down from the upper bunk.

He glanced at Baker's lower bunk bed, gesturing for him to talk to him.

Behind Ricardo, the two female apprentices on the upper and lower bunk beds were also able to relax at this time.

Elizabeth, who was on the lower bunk, was a little shocked when Ricardo used his mind to control the quilt to gag her mouth.

After completely recovering his memory, he witnessed the scene where Ricardo directly crushed Weird Coop.

As a mature top apprentice, Elizabeth can naturally feel the terror of the other party.

However, she immediately realized that Ricardo was actually saving her by blocking her mouth with the quilt just now.

This shows that Ricardo was full of kindness towards her, a stranger.

She quickly recalled the information she had investigated and summarized about this evil situation before the time was reset, and she began to figure out how to escape from this evil situation with the help of the survivors on the train, including Ricardo.

And Tina, who was on the upper bunk, also sat up.

Just now, his brother Baker experienced a moment of life and death, and his fellow apprentices, whom he had met several times, directly came to his aid, saved his brother, and shattered the terrifying evil situation.

At this time, she also realized how bad the outcome would have been if Ricardo's false identity, Parambetta, had not taken action!

She also gradually recalled the information before the time reset. She looked at Elizabeth. Before the reset, she and the other party were together.

"Beta, have you also been involved in this evil situation?"

"This evil realm will reset its time. Before the reset, we didn't see you."

Tina asked behind Ricardo.

Ricardo did not reply immediately, his eyes were still fixed on Baker and Dortmund on the bed.

As someone who has faced the strange Kupp directly, Dortmund is the one who can best feel the terror of Ricardo's combat power!

If he could kill or seriously injure Weird Coop, he wouldn't choose to use the power of the witch weapon to replace Baker!

"You just...exchanged me with something?"

Baker asked hesitantly to Dortmund on the bed.

As a junior apprentice facing an old apprentice from the Gray Fog Towers, he did not dare to be too tough.

"Yes...yes, I had no choice but to do it. I really...had no choice but to do it. You have to understand, junior, I had no way to survive at that time, so I had no choice but to do that...forgive me..."

Under pressure from Ricardo, Dortmund muttered an explanation to Baker.


When Baker heard the other party's explanation, he did not attack the other party as Ricardo expected, but responded with some stumbles.

It seems that he is somewhat wary of the identity of the other party's top apprentice.

"The bad environment will be very dangerous next. We have to help each other, right..."

Dortmund followed Baker's tone and continued.


Ricardo stretched out his right hand at this time, and with a strong pressure on his hand, he directly pressed Dortmund, pressing the opponent's body and squeezing it against the iron wall next to the lower bunk bed.

Without putting his hands against his body, he stretched out his hand a little, and with a little more mental energy, he squeezed the other person against the wall, and the main pressure was directly locked on the other person's neck.


Dortmund did not expect Ricardo to take action directly in the midst of defeating monsters in a bad environment. He was choked and breathless. His face turned red because he could not breathe.

He wanted to mobilize the seals in his spiritual space, and wanted to respond and defend.

However, in his mind, a long black whip appeared directly, with barbs piercing out from the whip, as if he felt that if he used his mental power to mobilize the seal, the whip would swing over.

"When you attack Baker, you are trying to attack me, keep your life money, and then join my army. Otherwise, you will die here... The weird evil spirit in the evil place just now confiscated you. It doesn't matter. There are many evil spirits..."

Ricardo hadn't used the Netherworld Whip for a long time. After being promoted to wizard, he became more comfortable with this trick that had been modified by the Evil Brain Demon of Subspace.

Even without using much force, the long black whip in the opponent's space can cause the opponent to feel stinging pain not only in his mental space, but also in his limbs and joints.

While Dortmund's throat was being locked, he felt as if his whole limbs were being strangled.

"I give...I give...I give everything..."

As an old apprentice in the Gray Mist Towers area, Dortmund could naturally tell that Ricardo was not a youngster like Baker or Tina.

After staying in the Gray Mist Towers area for a long time, you can always see some life-and-death struggles among apprentices, and it is not uncommon for them to be involved in mission conspiracies and frame-ups. Ricardo is obviously using similar demands to ask him to pay for his life.

Buy your life...

Dortmund began to open the magic item storage bag honestly, preparing to dig into the house.

After seeing Ricardo's gaze glancing at the witchcraft coin that he had just used to switch places, he reluctantly gave the witchcraft coin to him.

At this moment, Ricardo stood directly in front of him, vaguely using the wizard's force field, sucked up the coin, and put it into his arms.

Dortmund, who saw this scene close at hand, suddenly widened his eyes: he understood that Ricardo turned out to be a real wizard!

For a moment, he no longer felt heartbroken that he had paid a huge price for his life, but felt a little grateful.

When Ricardo raided Dortmund.

Tina and Elizabeth also got out of bed.

Tina was surprised by the power Parambetta had just shown and how he now dared to rob an old apprentice's property.

Elizabeth remembered that when she lost her memory just now, Ricardo once said, "You don't recognize me anymore" and felt confused.

She frowned and tried to remember where she had met Ricardo.

The other party was obviously an experienced apprentice in the gray mist tower area.

However, after a moment of unexpected thought, she immediately stopped thinking and chose something more important:

"We have to leave, friend. Now the evil spirits are moving towards the back of the car. I don't know how you are in this position now... but time is running out... According to my investigation after the last awakening before the time reset. , the key to escape from this evil situation should be in the dining car compartment in front..."

"In addition, there are many newspaper fragments in these nearby carriages... The evil world is a toy used by the nightmare world to play with fear. Some of the information on those newspaper fragments should reveal clues for us to escape from this evil world."

Elizabeth immediately began to give important information about the bad situation.

Ricardo put away Dortmund's life-buying money at this time.

When the other party takes action against Baker, he may or may not seek justice for Baker. He takes action because he has taken a liking to the other party's coin witchcraft that switches places.

This function of changing the position of the witchcraft makes him feel like a precious prop involving space or even rules. Regardless of his life-saving ability, it itself has special value.

The way to save life with the witchcraft coin is to activate the coin within a certain range and then throw the opponent towards the life of the person you want to exchange places with. After the coin touches the opponent, you can exchange places with the opponent.

After exchanging positions, he also got the coins again.

"Yes, my lord, Elizabeth, I, and the dead Coop got a lot of information before the time in this bad world is reset. You will definitely need this information. Please allow us the opportunity to be your cannon fodder."

Dortmund had a flattering smile on his face.

Although the financial losses were heavy, he still cherished his life when faced with an official wizard who could decide his life or death in a bad environment.

"Let's go...just follow your own pace, Elizabeth. I'll watch you from behind."

Ricardo actually did not care about the results of their investigations.

Their so-called clues to escape from the evil situation are actually a glimmer of hope thrown out by the nightmare world to harvest evil thoughts. To pursue this hope, they can escape from the evil situation by making certain actions that are in line with the symbols of the evil situation.

But Ricardo is now waiting for the language of flowers in the darkness to give a picture of information about the way forward.

He has the ability to draw a sword to death, and he has many abilities and extremely high levels. As long as he can confirm the situation of the core evil spirits in the evil realm, he can directly solve the entire evil realm by purifying the core evil spirits.

He doesn't want to escape from the evil situation, but wants to penetrate the evil situation!

Of course, he felt that while he was waiting for pictures of the way forward to appear, it would be good to see how geniuses like Elizabeth solved this kind of crisis and gain some other experience in bad situations.

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