The Witcher: My backyard leads to London

Chapter 323 Killing the Basilisk

There was a rapid whistle, and then a little old man yelled.

A group of black-robed wizard teachers and students rushed into the common room.

There were already many students gathered in the common room, but now this group of teachers and students rushed in, making it even more crowded.

"Emergency! Silence!"

The little old man's yelling turned into a roar.

At this time, the other party had not yet appeared, and the sound had already penetrated the corridor and reached the common room directly.


Nuonuo's voice rang in Ricardo's ears.

Ricardo looked in the direction where his inspiration came from and saw Nono and Granger in the corner of the lounge.

Both girls were wearing the black robes of Hogwart Castle, holding wizard books and quills that fit their temperaments.

Ricardo himself was a legendary knight. He immediately moved away and approached the two girls with dexterous movement.

Came to the side of the two women.


The little old man finally arrived at the common room.

"This is Mr. Fitch, the former head of the Investigation Department at Hogwart Wizarding University. I heard his story when I was at Hogwart."

Granger introduced quietly.

Ricardo saw that Mr. Fitch's face was covered with a faint layer of gray fog, and it looked similar to the faces of many people in Purple Leaf County in the Wizarding World.

He remembered what Liana had told him. The faces of these people were in a dying state, about to die.

"This is the situation at Hogwart Wizarding University in the 1980s and 1990s. The old school building castle was used at that time."

Granger whispered again.

At this time, Mr. Fitch, who was at the front of the lounge, looked over with cold eyes, his eyes revealing coldness, sadness and anger.

Across the corridor, there was the sound of chains dragging and the ground rubbing.

Zila Zila.

Very harsh.

Two stone golems gradually appeared in front of the students in the common room.

Everyone was a little confused, and then they saw a petrified two-headed dog of Warcraft wrapped around the chain dragged behind the stone puppet.

When the two-headed dogs appeared in front of everyone.

Mr. Fitch's face was full of sadness, as if the two-headed dogs were his cherished relatives.

"It's Widget, Mr. Fitch's pet dog, who was petrified last night... Sure enough, the monster appearing in the castle is true."

Ricardo heard some people talking quietly among the students in front.

Among those people, some had faces covered with gray fog, while others had no gray fog but had a subtle sense of vicissitudes in their eyes.

It looks like many years have passed.

Ricardo immediately thought of Ziye County: a place trapped in a bad situation that has been repeated countless times in the past.

Zila Zila.

The stone puppet at the back also pulled the chain-wrapped object it was dragging over.

The head of a petrified ghost old lady appeared in front of everyone.

"Ghost Granny!"

"Ghosts can also be petrified?"

People continued to talk outside the court.

"Gentlemen and ladies, I am very sad to tell you that last night, my dear Witch and our dear ghost grandma were attacked by terrible enemies and they were petrified! And the level of petrification magic is very advanced. For a while, even low- and medium-level magic potions can’t cure it..."

"Even if they come back after follow-up treatment, the active power in the bodies of pet dogs and ghosts may not be able to survive..."

said Mr. Fitch sadly.

"Now I declare a state of emergency in the castle. Starting today, the castle will enter a curfew until the murderer who petrified two innocent and pitiful lives is brought to justice!"

"Once anyone is caught during the curfew, or is found to have any relationship with the murderer, you will all receive the harshest punishment from the Hogwart Investigation Department!"

"I hope it's not someone who hates me for attacking Wichi. Then even if the principal comes back from a business trip, he won't be able to stop me from sending you to the wizard council court!"

said Mr. Fitch venomously.

The entire investigation department's lecture lasted for a long time, and later Mr. Fitch's subordinates came up to search the students in the common room.

It is said that there are five large common rooms in the castle, corresponding to four colleges and one school respectively. All five common rooms are currently under investigation.

"The secret room..."

Ricardo murmured the key words mentioned on the parchment of the previous mission.

He remembered what Granger had mentioned and wanted to say something to Granger...

At this time, he felt a burning gaze staring at him.

Ricardo looked in the direction of his gaze.

He saw James Byrne, standing on the other side of the lounge.

Beside him were two companion assistants he brought with him, one girl and one boy.

The boy's face felt somewhat familiar to Ricardo.

Granger caught Ricardo's gaze and immediately explained.

"James also invited me before, but I refused. That boy is Enke, the brother of Enlos whom we have met. They are both from the Lion of Gaia Academy. Miss Meredy is also now Hogg's The president of the Gaia Lionheart Club at Warburg University, I heard from her that the strength and potential of these people are pretty good..."

Ricardo frowned a little after hearing this.

"Where's that girl? Do you remember?"

Ricardo asked.

At the moment when James' eyes were staring at him, he felt that the micro-field purifying force field on his body seemed to have purified a curse.

Can James cause a curse just by looking at him?

Ricardo felt something was wrong in his heart. He recalled it and felt that in his memory, he didn't seem to see a girl next to James before.

"That girl... seems, seems, indeed a little strange... my memory is a little fuzzy..."

Nono interjected at this time.

She glanced at Granger, both of them had the same feeling in their eyes.

Could it be...

Ricardo had some guesses in his mind, but since the other party was not related to him, he naturally had no need to care about him.

"Let's go directly to the most cursed and polluted place in the evil realm."

Ricardo said.

"Aren't you going to investigate directly?"

Granger asked.

"No need yet."

Ricardo has the hope in the darkness of the language of flowers. Now that they have entered a bad environment, they only need to go to the most polluted places to stimulate the language of flowers to produce more pictures of the future.

Maybe we can break the situation directly.

"Then how do you find the most polluted places?"

Nono looked at Ricardo's determined eyes.

"Follow me. On the way, Granger, tell me all the future information you dreamed about before."

Ricardo had predicted in the past that when he received future information from other prophets, his ability to speak "hope in the dark" would be enhanced, and he would generate a picture of the road ahead based on the future information he had already obtained. .

The Department of Investigation interview conducted by Mr Fitch has concluded.

Ricardo and the three left the common room.

There were many people in the lounge, and James obviously wanted to come over, but Ricardo left directly with the two women.

Ricardo temporarily stopped the scientific research on the subspace evil brain.

Then use the evil flowers of the two realms to sense the direction in which the curse of evil thoughts is spreading.

"This way!"

Ricardo took the two women directly to a slope of Black Lake.

"Why are you there?"

Granger felt very strange.

Under Ricardo's guidance, the three people came to a hidden low-slope shore of the Black Lake. The shore was located in a blind spot of a castle, and people outside could not see what was going on inside.

Down the low slope of the shore is a sandy beach with a cave on the edge.

The deeper you go in the cave, the deeper you go, directly to the bottom of the castle.

"Is this the secret entrance to the old school castle?"

Nono guessed.

It was extremely dark inside the cave, but once the Ricardo force field was opened, golden light spots flew around, and then Nono reached out and summoned a bright fireball.

Suddenly the entire cave was illuminated...

…But it’s a pity…

The front of the cave is a dead end, and the passage is very narrow, so you can't see much more.

"Dead end."

Granger felt disappointed.

But Ricardo did lean against the cave wall at the dead end.

He could feel the strong evil curse pollution coming through the rock wall.

It seems that behind the rock wall, there should be many stone layers, then the foundation of the castle, and then the underground space of the castle.

The source of the pollution is in the underground space, a little closer to the rock wall here.

Ricardo stood there silently.

Then let the micro-domain purification force field be fully deployed, swallowing up the pollution of evil thoughts.

His heart became calmer and calmer.

Although Madness's Purifying Eyes have not yet opened, the effect of the language of flowers still plays a role. He swallows the pollution of evil thoughts, and then while calming down, another language of flowers is activated in his mind, and pictures of the road ahead are constantly generated.

"In the dream, I saw what happened in the next four years. I dreamed that I attended Fort Holding War College next to Yale. I studied there for four years. During those four years, I experienced many horrific and magical events. : One year I experienced a horrific classroom incident where an evil spirit possessed me, another year I experienced a basilisk crawling out of a secret room, a werewolf attack on campus, and... I was personally selected as one of the top four of the Ancient University Alliance. Members of the competition, and then saw the resurrection of the dead dark wizard Demon King during the competition..."

Granger recounted her dream again.

However, in order to prevent her secret from being leaked due to the illusory sand table on the Goblet of Evil Flame, she used the sound transmission spell.

Ricardo trusted Granger who had the Purple Flower Card of the Prophet.

After hearing this kind of information, his flower language was also strengthened.

in one picture after another.

Ricardo saw many secrets about this old castle:

In the bathroom of the Weapon Snake Academy on the third floor, there is a thick water pipe channel, and a huge basilisk sprang out from the water pipe channel...

The basilisk wanders along the water pipes in the castle, and then leads to the secret chamber lair underground...

Then it attached itself to a physical snake puppet in the lair, and its body turned into nothingness...

Next to the snake puppet, there is a girl standing there with dark eyes...

"found it!"

A platinum light flashed across Ricardo's left eye.

He removed the force field around him, then rushed out with the two women.

The area between the cave rock wall here and the underground space of the castle involves the foundation of the castle and the Black Lake passage, so it is difficult to damage it.

"found it?"

Nono and Granger were still confused.

Ricardo then led the two girls to the bathroom on the third floor of the old school building at Fort Hogwart.

He had given three people the natural concealment spell in advance.

When the three people entered the bathroom on the third floor of the old school building, they were somewhat silent.

"it's here?"

"Men's room or women's room?"

Granger asked. She studied in the new campus of Fort Hogwart. There are many similarities in the layout of the old and new campuses, and she knew many details clearly.

Ricardo looked at the arrangements on both sides and compared them with the pictures in his mind.

"Women's room."

Ricardo relied on the magic of natural perception to determine that no one was inside.

Then he entered directly with the two women.

"It's in the bathroom pipe passage above, where the basilisk came out."


Ricardo gave the answer at this time, Nono was surprised, and Granger compared it with the dream pictures in his memory.

"Damn, the water pipe channel is closed. Is there a way to open it?"

Ricardo originally wanted to fly directly into the water pipe channel, but found that there was a closed magic wall inside.

"It seems...someone has to speak parseltongue."

Granger recalled the pictures in the dream, and then seemed to use his Purple Flower Card ability to see some information.

"I'll do it. A witch can do just that."

Nono said at this time.

She took out her wand, and a red light flashed in her eyes. Only the people next to her could see it. A purple card seemed to flash in her eyes.


Nono directly imitated the snake language.


The magic wall of the bathroom pipes is directly unlocked.

"Wait for me, I'll deal with it directly!"

Ricardo saw the sound of the walls opening so violently that he understood that this sound must attract others in the castle.

In the black robe under him, black vine armor spread directly.

Then a bleak frost sword appeared in Ricardo's hand.

He held up the Frost Frost Sword and jumped directly into the giant water pipe in the bathroom.


When Nuonuo saw Ricardo rushing in without any care, he felt a little panicked.

In the process of using snake language just now, I felt that snakes seemed to be responding deep underground in the castle, and they began to move closer to the third floor.

Just rush in like this...

Nono was suddenly shocked.

However, Ricardo was already flying.

His whole body was wrapped in a micro-realm purifying force field and then stabbed deep into the ground like an arrow.


Deep in the water pipe, the roar of the giant basilisk could be heard.

After Ricardo's whole body was wrapped in a layer of black vine armor and a layer of micro-domain purifying force field, he activated the bleak frost sword, and the front end was covered with a layer of ice and wind spell energy.

the other side.

Charles River Valley, Boston, Honeysel Castle Complex Grand Library, Banquet Hall.

Around the Goblet of Fire.

The students from the four schools who were watching all witnessed changes in the illusory castle sand table above.

The original space of the bathroom area on the third floor has been enlarged.

The sight of Ricardo breaking into the bathroom water pipe like a sharp sword happened to be witnessed by everyone.

"This is…?"

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