The Witcher: My backyard leads to London

Chapter 359 Seeing an acquaintance

Just now in the process of going from the first floor to the second floor, Ricardo had already learned the identity and name of the person going upstairs.

However, those wizards who could be enemies were all killed by Ricardo just now.

The only ones left now are Palanfani, Palanlia...

No…there’s another one!

Ricardo thought of the Archbishop of the God of War Church who just stepped back!

And that's not all... Ricardo also thought of what the Duke of Storms had mentioned before his death, that a Duke of Storms came to the evil realm!

Before Ricardo entered this evil situation, he had received information from Vera:

The Snow Duke Tagula kidnapped Alice from the Dragon Whale family and came to this evil place!

It is very possible that the Storm Duke perceived by the Storm Marquis is Tagula!

"The target of the execution is Nolen Wagner! His true identity is the Archbishop of the Church of God of War who was contaminated by nightmares!"

After Ricardo quickly chose the Devouring Knight card, he got the duel partner in the language of flowers!

"Evil, show your true face!"

Although Ricardo was in a state of temporary amnesia, he still maintained a cold expression.

After using this flowery language, the second grader directly said something!

Then Ricardo went directly into a state of longing!

The subconscious mind awakens and the conscious mind assists!

After Ricardo, who was in a state of ecstasy, read out the words from the second chapter, his expression turned even colder than before.

His left eye closed and closed, and a white-gold eye appeared in it!

Crazy eyes that purify the world!

At the same time, a large amount of black mist suddenly erupted from Ricardo's body. The black mist quickly enveloped Ricardo's body, and then condensed into a pair of huge black wings of purgatory behind him.

The black mist on Ricardo's body enveloped his whole body, and there was an aura of darkness and sulfur.

Ricardo, who was conscious, immediately felt his brain become clear.

Just now he felt that he was in a state of amnesia, and now all those memories are back!

The nine members of the Paran clan team at the beginning, all the members he killed, and the archbishop of the God of War Church who escaped...

These people are all remembered!

As before, after entering the sword-drawing death state, Ricardo in the longing state has the ability to expel strange and confusing mental effects.

And this time the effect is even more significant!

Ricardo could feel that the divinity of war that surged in his body when it broke out just now was also being invoked by the yearning Ricardo.

After the force field transformed into the domain state just now, it was obviously still unstable.

However, Ricardo, who was in a state of ecstasy, mobilized the memory of the Purgatory Lord he had acquired and quickly learned to control the power of the domain.

The divine power of war, the suppression of the purgatory lord's personality, and the power of the dragon that had been erupted by Ricardo before were all integrated together.


Shenchi Ricardo completely maintained the realm of divine power around him!

The divinity of war is perfectly integrated into the person of the Lord of Purgatory...

According to legend, at the junction of the two top negative worlds, the abyss and hell, endless devils and demons are engaged in a never-ending bloody battle;

According to records from another wizarding world, in many worlds where faith is spread in the heavens, the purgatory controlled by the heavens will periodically arrange for the purgatory devils to land on those planes. The mortals in those planes, and the indigenous people led by religions under the command of the gods of the heavens, The outbreak of war…

The properties of the power of purgatory itself contain these two meanings of war...

At this time, Ricardo perfectly inspired this meaning, allowing the person of the Lord of Purgatory to carry the divinity of war!

Not only that!

Ricardo saw that in the field around him, a shadow of the door of purgatory was taking shape, and a familiar scene was revealed in the door:

It is Ricardo’s purgatory territory and the Hornisel Castle complex in the modern world!

While Ricardo is controlling the divinity of war, he is also causing subtle changes in the prototype of the Kingdom of God, the Hornisel Castle Group, in conjunction with Ricardo's changes and control!


After a few breaths of making these adjustments, Ricardo moved!

The black wings of purgatory behind him flapped!

Then, facing the side wall of the second floor, Ricardo encountered a high temperature with a sulfurous smell.

The side wall of the Exorcist Tree Temple on the second floor was melted!

A cave that can accommodate several people out suddenly took shape!

At the edge of the cave, many wall tiles were quickly transformed into ice mirrors.

The ice mirrors are constantly changing and laying along the front and rear sides!

Ricardo just shot out!

A moment!

Ricardo flew outside from the second floor of the Exorcist Tree Palace!

It’s snowing heavily outside!

A little further away, there is thick gray fog and an invisible barrier.

And when Ricardo went outside, the nearby blizzard snowflakes condensed directly, and ice mirrors took shape!

It turns out that the heavy snow outside the temple contains a special kind of polluting energy. High-level wizards who are sensitive to energy will naturally feel aversion to being exposed to snow...

However, this environment now allows Ricardo to quickly create his own home court!


A huge illusory vine suddenly pulled out from behind Ricardo!

Then the illusory vines are covered with a large amount of wind and thunder power, war power and world-purifying force field!

After possessing law totems such as [King of Wind and Magnetic], the energy that Ricardo can now control has expanded to electromagnetic thunderstorm energy.

After covering these layers of energy, the illusory vines then stabbed directly towards the ground!

Is... where is...?

Ricardo, who was conscious, saw the direction in which the illusory vines were stabbing. Suddenly, he remembered that when Liana brought him here, he saw several members of the Exorcism Hall near the open space in front of the hall!

There's an entrance to the Storm Crypt there!

Is Archbishop Nolen Wagner of the Church of the God of War in there?

The illusory vines covered with multiple layers of energy are now more destructive than the Noble Phantasm Storm Sword in Ricardo's hand.

In an instant, this illusory vine pierced the ground, and the floor tiles in front of the Exorcist Tree Palace exploded!

Then the illusory vine seemed to lock onto the enemy in the underground tomb, extending directly downwards.

Immediately after the Divine Ricardo in the air, the Divine Power Domain that maintained the suspension of large swaths of ice mirrors around him began to sink!


A somewhat familiar roar came from the Storm Tomb underground in the area in front of the temple!

On the way to Shenchi Ricardo's steady descent, he felt that when he stabbed underground, there were two figures familiar with the energy aura in the Storm Tomb.

In the eyes of conscious Ricardo.

He saw that in the Storm Tomb, there was already a large area of ​​darkness shrouded there!

That darkness exudes the aura of nightmare pollution!

The illusory vine had penetrated deeply into it at this time, and seemed to have directly hit a flesh-and-blood object in the darkness!

"You can actually find it?"

"I underestimated you!"

In the depths of darkness, Archbishop Nolen Wagner of the God of War Church, who had previously escaped, emerged half-body from the edge of darkness.

There was already a large amount of blood on his chest.

His entire face was covered in blood, and blood was constantly spilling from the corners of his mouth.

But the archbishop's eyes were now dark.

Although the whole person still maintains a human appearance, his eyes already have an inhuman aura!

"...The Redeemer of Evil!!"

Archbishop Nolen Wagner of the God of War Church originally wanted to threaten Ricardo, but after feeling a certain mark on Ricardo, he finally just gritted his teeth and uttered this word!

'It is indeed contaminated by nightmares...'

Ricardo, who was conscious, saw Nolen Wagner looking like this, and understood that he had once again made the right decision in drawing his sword to death.

The illusory vines piercing the darkness just now did not immediately change direction and pursue Nolen Wagner thoroughly, just because the purifying force field covered by the illusory vines was purifying the darkness, giving Ricardo Absorbing the pollution of evil thoughts...

After absorbing almost all the contamination of evil thoughts in just a few moments, the ice mirrors surrounding Ricardo began to reveal pressure like the coming of a god, directly restricting Nolen Wagner's possible escape direction.

Then in the darkness, the illusory vine from before, like a giant dragon in the sea, flipped a few times and stabbed Nolen Wagner's body directly from the dark underground!

In just an instant, it penetrated Nolen Wagner’s body!

The purifying force field covered the archbishop's body and directly ignited the golden purifying fire!

The archbishop with dark eyes turned into a golden burning man!


At this time, the person who just shouted "who" came belatedly and jumped out of the storm tomb.

But the Archbishop, who had burned into golden fire, turned into ashes in an instant and scattered in the air.

Ricardo, who was conscious, saw a black aura among the archbishop's ashes like a small winding snake, disappearing directly into the gray mist beside him.

It was like the pollution of the nightmare world, which had previously attached itself to the Archbishop. At this time, the Archbishop was killed by Ricardo and separated from the host.

"The subject dies, the duel is over!"

Ricardo suddenly felt heavy.

He felt that the trance state was lifted, his subconscious mind was sinking, and his conscious mind was once again in control of his body.

The realm of divine power that had been stable just a moment ago faded away in the blink of an eye, and the illusory vines also dissipated.

Ricardo quickly seized the opportunity to recall the energy path of Shenchi Ricardo just now, hoping to take this opportunity to record more of Shenchi Ricardo's energy control techniques.

"Who is you?"

The person who spoke was not Ricardo himself, but the figure that jumped out of the storm tomb.

At this time, Ricardo had directly blasted a big hole into the ground with illusory vines.

The underground storm tombs are clearly visible.

At this time, Ricardo expanded his field and quickly sensed underground and underground in the Storm Tomb.


"Underground is...Alice?"

Ricardo saw clearly the person who jumped out in front of him. He was the murderer of Lorient before, the Snow Duke Tagula who extracted the divinity of ice and snow from the evil realm of the Mirror Temple!


Tagula still looked like he was wearing the star-stealing ice armor that Ricardo had when he met him.

However, the star-stealing ice armor seemed to have been strengthened by the other party, and the ice armor also exuded a sense of coercion that seemed to come from the divinity of ice and snow.

Tagula's eyes were majestic and cold.

Behind him there was a faint shadow of a water bottle made of ice and snow.

The energy field of the whole person has been greatly improved compared to the bad environment near Shagang County.

"you know me?"

"It seems that you are also a wizard who broke into this evil place from the outside."

Tagula looked at Ricardo.

Although Ricardo was no longer in a state of ecstasy at this time, the details on his body still clearly showed traces of the three-ring wizard.

"What are you doing here?"

Ricardo thought of what Vera had mentioned in the document before: Tagula appeared in Old Rand, kidnapped Alice from the Dragon Whale family, and had an extremely precious exploit device from the Dream of the Divine Origin in his hand.

His domain now spreads into the catacombs.

I saw Alice of the Dragon Whale family lying in the center of a magic circle in the tomb.

Alice's limbs were bound and her mouth was sealed. At this time, a cut was cut out on each of her hands.

Blood flowed from the mouth and flowed into the grooves of the magic circle on the side.

Seeing the Storm Tomb and this posture, Ricardo thought of the scene in the strange and evil environment of the carriage.

"She's dying!"

An illusory vine stretched directly down from Ricardo's hand, obviously wanting to save Alice.

"Stop, who are you? Do you know where this place is? No matter what the situation, just take action?"

Tagula originally wanted to stop him directly, but he was wary of Ricardo's third-ring level and the destructive power he had just caused that exceeded that of an ordinary three-ring wizard.

He retreated directly to Alice Underground.

Then, large snowflakes appeared directly in the underground storm tomb.

The snowflakes condensed into a huge shield of ice and snow, blocking directly in front of Ricardo's illusory vines.

And Tagula pulled his hand into the storm tomb and pulled out a strange device.

"Exploit device? From Shenyuan Dream?"

Ricardo looked at the strange device and remembered the time when he used a similar device to crack Jack the Ripper's evil realm.

Although the current strange device has more structures and patterns than the original device, it looks much more advanced and advanced.

But it can be seen that these two devices are the same thing.

"Oh, it seems that you have a lot of experience... Nolen Wagner just said that you are a wizard from the Gray Mist Towers, which doesn't sound like it..."

Tagula raised his head and narrowed his eyes to look at Ricardo in the sky.

"But, you should stop. I don't know what kind of special person you are among the gray mist towers, but I want to warn you that the layout of the tomb in front of you, as well as the entire evil environment of the Exorcist Tree Palace node, all involve today's Your Majesty’s arrangement! The whole arrangement is very involved. If you intervene and cause losses, I’m afraid...even if you are a three-ring wizard, you will not be able to escape the empire’s sanctions!”

Tagula said indifferently, "In the name of His Majesty's title of Duke of Snow Wind, I am warning you..."


"The person in the center of the magic circle below you must be Alice from the Dragon Whale family. Alice is my friend. You can ask her to wake up and see if she recognizes me... To be more precise, Alice can be seen as me. People, do you think if you don’t give a suitable reason, I will let you deal with my friend?”

Ricardo began to descend to the ground and was then undeterred by Tagula's threat.

"This is His Majesty's arrangement!"

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