The Witcher: My backyard leads to London

Chapter 385 Vera’s Thoughts Part 2

Now Vera personally proposed it and made it clear that this was a comprehensive arrangement between her, Lianna and the goddess, and Ricardo accepted it quickly.

"Originally, Lyanna and I took away Rand III personally...

But now... we and the Constellation Church will prepare everything.

If you are willing, you only need to take action against Rand III at the last moment...

Of course, if you really take action, Norris will be a mortal enemy of you. After that, you can only join the war between the goddess and Norris...

The goddess will be your protector when you have weak divine power or elementary divine power. Your divine kingdom can be moved near the goddess’s ‘Brilliant Galaxy’ divine kingdom, and the starry sky god system will protect your divine kingdom…”

"...This is the same as what I considered before. If Vera and Liana don't have an arrangement, I will also propose it to Her Majesty the Goddess."

Ricardo pondered for a while and then replied.

After the god's throne is raised high, it is when the god is at his weakest and most dangerous, and it is common practice to find a place of refuge.

"Okay... It seems that Jiatu, your progress is far beyond our imagination. Your Kingdom of God should have been completed...

It’s really shocking…

However, this is also a good thing for Liana and me...

The last thing I want to say may actually be more abrupt...

You probably still don’t fully understand why Liana guided Celia to shoot Cupid’s arrow at herself in the goddess state…”

Vera hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, looked at Ricardo, her eyes trembled, and then continued.

"Actually, this question is very simple... However, this is also a gamble between Liana and me...

Liana once made a prophecy at the expense of the purple flower card 'Wolf Witch' being completely destroyed...

The so-called wolf witch cards can be understood as purple flower cards related to prophecies...

Plus the power of the other purple flower cards that Liana borrowed from me...

In short, Lianna saw in the past the possibility that Celia could shoot the 'Cupid's Arrow' towards the goddess...

We know that Celia has successfully shot an arrow...

After the future goddess fully awakens, in the original prophecy, Liana saw that even if the goddess returns to her prime, she will still retain love for the other person of the opposite sex bound by Cupid..."

When Vera said this, she also sighed: "Maybe this is the special power of the Purple Flower Card, maybe it's because of your specialness, Jiatu..."

"And love requires memory. After the goddess fully wakes up, if she wants to maintain her love for you, the person she is bound to, Jiatu, she will definitely keep thinking about the memories of me and Lianna that happened to you...

Under this influence, the consciousness of Liana and I can be preserved, and even according to the past experiences of love between gods, the goddess may specially form an incarnation that retains the consciousness of Liana and me to experience this kind of love..."

" the reason..."

When Vera mentioned this, her originally mature and kind face couldn't help but feel a little moved. She slightly averted her eyes and did not completely meet Ricardo's eyes.


Although Ricardo had heard Parafanny mention it a little bit before in the evil cycle of Ziye County, he couldn't help but be a little shocked when he heard the full plan now...

"It turns out... I want to make the goddess feel the emotion of love to... come..."

Ricardo was speechless for a moment.

After he was shocked, he looked at Vera and subconsciously thought of many things.

Vera still tried her best to remain calm at this moment, but she didn't meet his eyes.

" still want me to..."

Ricardo felt that Vera still had plans that she had not yet finished talking about, but at this moment he felt the unusual atmosphere and the plans of Vera and Liana. Naturally, among the many things he thought of, he had thoughts about charm.

No way…

But if we want to retain the awareness of love as much as possible, wouldn't it be...

Ricardo looked at Vera blankly.

"Hmm... So, although I don't know why Lianna's prophecy can confirm that the Purple Flower Card Cupid Card is still effective for a person like the goddess. But for many reasons, not just to preserve consciousness, but also Liana and I both want to experience as much beauty as possible in this world, and we will still carry out our, so..."

Vera seemed to have made up her mind at this time and looked at Ricardo solemnly and deeply:

"There is not much time left before Rand III should be killed...

The goddess will completely awaken her memory after the death of Rand III...

Lianna already has memories of the past time and space in Hero Town with you, but my memory of you, Jiato... is not enough..."

Vera's voice suddenly became unsteady.

"In these last days, I need to be with you. Not only that, but there are many, many reasons. You may regard this time as my madness in the last days, or as a pursuit of great interests. A political marriage as well…

In haven't been engaged yet, right? Lianna and I think, or my idea is...

We made an engagement in these last few days, and then spent a short honeymoon in Shagang County and Ziye County...

If, even if, Lianna and I’s plan fails, it can be considered as having no regrets…”

"After the goddess's memory is completely awakened, the memory attached to the love bound by Cupid is the time Liana and I spent with you respectively... If the Cupid bond is strong enough, this may even form a certain dominance in the battle for consciousness. …”

Vera finished the entire paragraph with her last breath.

She then closed her eyes, her mature and kind temperament suddenly changed a lot, as if she had a lot of girlish feelings, she covered her face with her right hand and turned her head slightly.


When Ricardo heard this, he was shocked several times.

He opened his mouth slightly.

Because of the ignition of the divine fire, my heart, which had been quiet for a long time, was stirred several times.

This is really...

It is really…

Sister Lianna and Vera's plan... is really crazy... crazy...

Ricardo couldn't believe that Vera, who used to be mature and seductive in front of him, but in fact still retained her pride and arrogance in her heart, would show such a face in front of him.

Although he also understands that due to the layout of Rand III and Norris and the limited time before the goddess's memory awakens, Vera can only do this due to the situation and some good hopes for love in her heart...

Of course, there are also feelings...

Vera copied Lianna's and her memories in Ziye County...

In addition, Vera had already become extremely curious about Ricardo when the shadow of Ricardo appeared on the pen drawings...

the whole process…

In fact, we can all understand...

...In addition, in a sense, Liana and Vera's plan is actually considering the survival of the three people...

Faced with Ariana's consciousness that was rooted in long years of memories, once he wakes up, the memories of the two women who are descended from the gods will have no way to resist and will be directly submerged...

Only the power of Cupid's Law now makes the goddess fall in love with Ricardo, but she can only seek love support from the memories of the two women in order to retain the consciousness of the two women...

For Ricardo, he is about to become a god. After becoming a god, he will face Norris, who may soon inherit the title of Lord of War. If Ricardo can be deeply bound to the constellation goddess Ariana in this way...

Then there is no doubt that Ricardo will turn from the precarious situation of being killed by Norris at any time in the future.

Although it was a bold and emotional plan, it might actually be a rare way out for Ricardo.

Ricardo looked at Vera and took a deep breath.

Although Vera turned her head away at this moment, she could see that the other party was indeed anxious and shy.

Although Liana’s memory contains memories of Ricardo as her younger brother and the good times Liana and Ricardo spent together, there are differences between Vera and Liana after all...

For Ricardo, making such a request in person may be the boldest emotional move in her life...

Naturally, Ricardo would not embarrass Vera...

The layout involved in front of him has reached the last moment, and the result is completely beneficial to him, so naturally it is time to step forward.

"Of course I am very willing..."

"Vera, um, how many days are left until the goddess wakes up?"

Ricardo asked.

When Vera heard Ricardo's reply, a big undecided stone fell in her heart. She opened her eyes, looked at Ricardo, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.


"There is only one week left until the goddess' memory awakens."

Vera said.

"One week...then we...I'll have the entire territory ready to get married right away..."

Ricardo thought for a moment and stretched out his right hand towards Vera.

His right hand directly grabbed the right hand that Vera had just put down...

Vera's body subconsciously vibrated in response to Ricardo's movements...

She looked at Ricardo, grabbed Ricardo's hand with her right hand and said firmly:

"There is no time. For us, preparations for external ceremonies and other aspects are not that important. What is important is to leave as deep a memory as possible during these seven days, and the two of us cannot be separated..."

"Liana should have copied the memory to me earlier and informed me of the plan... Now we have to cherish the last time..."

"If in the future, after Rand III dies, the war between the goddess and Norris reaches a new stage, and it completely awakens in me and Liana...then the me or Lianna you see by then will no longer be the same. We are..."

"In fact, there is a high probability that we will eventually return to the state of Parafenni..."

"So, at the moment...I still have my own body. Maybe the only body I have in the world can still exist in this form for the last period of time..."

Vera's tone gradually changed from firm to sentimental, "I now have Lianna's memory. We two sisters can empathize with each other, and sharing memories is almost like experiencing it personally. You and her are in Ziye County The time spent in the district can also be seen as the time I spent with you, and I also saw the scenes of the time you and Hedwig spent together..."

"So, the last time you and I separated was in the small house in Ziye County...Do you still remember the purple flowers in the garden outside the window..."

The way Vera looks at Ricardo at this moment is quite similar to the last look Liana looked at Ricardo before she left the Town of Heroes to go to the Mirror Sanctuary...

At this moment, Ricardo completely understood the relationship between Vera, Liana and the goddess, as well as the identity of Parambetta.

The Cupid card had directly caused the goddess to have feelings for him under the influence of the Ricardian flower language card.

The goddess can be regarded as Liana's second personality...

Vera and Lianna can be regarded as each other's second personality...

Lianna shared the goddess's feelings for him, and Parambeta, Alpha, and Gamma were themselves virtual characters arranged by Lianna in the past time and space.

After the prophecy of that year, Lianna wanted Ricardo to replace the virtual character in the past time and space, and really leave the mark of the time he and Lianna spent together in the past time and space...

The two virtual characters Alpha and Gamma also lost their lives in the Linxue Province mutation event caused by the Night Watch Royal Family decades ago, along with their gray-faced companions in the Druid Stone House...

Therefore, Ricardo, like Lianna Vera, naturally had hatred for the Night Watch royal family.

Many images flashed through Ricardo's mind. With his current divine body, backed by the energy of the entire Kingdom of God, plus the aid of the subspace evil brain, hope in the darkness and other flowery language, he had already figured it out. this series of things.

"Let's go see Andrew...At zero o'clock tonight, I will let the entire territory participate in the engagement party between the two of us."

Ricardo originally wore a wizard's robe casually.

At this time, the divine power in his body surged out, and his divine power immediately weaved and intertwined on the surface of his body, forming a purple dress that matched the style of Vera's crown dress.

The gold and blue patterns on the dress are constantly intertwined. Many of the patterns on his golden Holy Seat Armor, Leo, were copied by him and printed on the dress.

Ricardo returned Vera's tight handshake.

The barrier around the two people dissipated.

Walk towards the restaurant.

On the long table in the restaurant.

Andrew sat at the main seat, talking with Tianqin and several senior nuns.

The long table was now filled with dishes and desserts.

Because he was worried that Vera and Ricardo would chat for a long time, Andrew also specially asked an apprentice in the castle who was studying at the Wizard Apprentice School to use a trick to keep dishes warm.

Of course, some hot foods such as roast goose are also covered with iron pot lids.

Now seeing the light coming back from the dining room leading to the living room, Andrew waved his hand, and many servants immediately began to open the pot lids.

"Lord Vera!"

Andrew looked at the corner of the building. Vera was walking over first and was about to nod in greeting.

But a scene that shocked him immediately appeared in front of him.

Just coming around the corner, Vera and Ricardo walked over holding hands, like male and female companions.

Ricardo specially changed into a dress that matched Vera.

And Vera also defaults to this kind of relationship and atmosphere.

It seemed like the two were a couple preparing to participate in a grand ceremony.


Andrew murmured in surprise.

Faced with one of the most noble saints in the history of the Constellation Church, and the younger brother who completely changed the fate of the entire Binghu family...

Andrew was speechless for a moment and didn't know what to say.

"Andrew, I'm very busy tonight. I need my family to prepare an engagement banquet for us."

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