The Wizard’s Fairy Tale

Chapter 90 The Shock of Hughes

If you do things that make you happy, then you will feel that time flies by.

As Baron William, the lord of Dikas's territory, said to Old John by chance once, "I hope you are happy!"

The villagers of the small village of Nisai felt very happy under William's rule.

So this sentence quickly became popular in the village.

Before I knew it, three months had passed.

The snow disappears, the winter passes away, and the earth returns to spring.

Trees sprout new shoots, fish leap out of the water, and animals come out of hibernation.

As for Nisai Village, even if it was reborn, even more astonishing changes took place.

"It's simply not a masterpiece that humans can make!"

This is Hughes of Patras once again setting foot on the land of the small village of Nisai, sighing, he looked at the old John next to him, and said in an unbelievable tone, "Master John, if I hadn't seen its prototype , I will never believe that such a village, no, it should be called a small town, and it was built in just a few months. Counting the whole winter, its construction time did not exceed half a year. My God , it doesn’t look like a small town with a history of only half a year! It’s more like the territory of a noble family with a long history, and it should be full of a sense of history.”

"But now, it's like a young lad, full of energy and full of possibilities!"

"Baron Dickas is a miraculous character! I have only heard about such a character in stories, but now I have seen it in reality! really my honor!"

Hughes sighed while flattering William.

Old John was listening, smiling triumphantly, looking proud.

Old John is not as simple as William's butler now, but the first administrator of Nisse Town appointed by William. He holds a high position in the town, and his son Derek John is William's guard knight. The head of the regiment is highly trusted.

It can be said that in Nisai Town, Old John is the most powerful person under William.

This is William's reward for his loyalty to Old John!

Under such power, Old John felt that he no longer needed to hide his emotions in front of a small businessman like Hughes.

Yes, old John is at ease now.

For this, Hughes also took it for granted.

His eyes are now deeply attracted by the changes in Nisai Town.

Pieces of fields outside the town have been reclaimed, and some villagers are plowing, and they don't know what to sprinkle on them.

The roads in the town have been specially compacted.

Two straight main roads divide the whole town into four areas.

On both sides of the main road, double-storey wooden buildings rose from the ground, and a group of people were busy building in front of the wooden buildings.

Now that it is spring, the temperature has picked up, and the work of building walls can also be carried out!

These wooden buildings are all of the same structure, with wooden beams, walls on all sides, and a small courtyard behind.

The wooden buildings are next to each other, neat and unified, and they seem to have a symmetrical beauty.

Unlike the city of Patras, the houses are built everywhere and the roads are winding, which makes people feel awkward.

A wheelbarrow loaded with different things babbles and babbles on the main road, heading to different areas.

Every coachman's face was covered with hard sweat, but his eyes were full of relief.

This is a look that Hughes has never seen anywhere before.

Thick smoke billowed from the sky in some areas, beating sounds came one after another in some areas, and the loud and loud sounds in some areas were astonishing.

Just at this time, a group of majestic soldiers returned from outside the town.

The dark brown scales, indifferent but determined eyes, bloody wounds, and the lizard man's corpse are all showing their bravery to others!

When the people on the road saw it, they quickly gave way to a wide road.

Let this team of brave fighters pass by, looking at them with gratitude and envy.

When they saw Old John, the majestic warriors stopped to pay tribute to Old John, the administrator.

Old John nodded solemnly.

This team of majestic warriors continued to walk towards their goal.

"Is this the corpse of the lizard man?" Hughes asked Old John, pointing to the corpse of the lizard man in the team.

"Of course!" Old John said proudly, "They are our prey!"

"Prey?" Hughes opened his mouth wide with disbelief on his face. He looked at the lizard man's corpse and then at the mighty warriors. He wanted to say something, but finally closed his mouth.

"Let's go." Old John said at this time.

"Oh." Hughes was taken aback for a moment, then asked, "Where are you going?"

He paused, then asked in a low voice, "Master John, can I ask you how you survived this winter? Didn't you rely on this wall?"

Hughes had always thought that Nisai survived the plague of the lizardmen by defending the city wall.

"Of course not! We took the initiative!" A look of dissatisfaction flashed in Old John's eyes, as if he was underestimated.

"Actively attack?" Hughes was frightened, took the initiative to attack?

How can the town of Nise do this?

Even Patras City does not have this courage and strength.

Even knights will be submerged in the lizardmen all over the mountains and plains!

"Isn't it?" Old John pouted.

Although he was disapproving on his face, he was full of pride in his heart.

"The scales on the warriors you saw were stripped from the lizardmen! We have hundreds of warriors, and each of them has a piece of lizard scales!"

"Hundreds of fighters? One for each? How did you do it?" Hughes was frightened. At this time, his words were full of humility, and even the previous casualness disappeared.

"With our wise and powerful Sir William, there is nothing impossible!" Although Old John was proud, he still had reason and did not tell Hughes the specific inside story.

Anyway, just relying on Lenovo is enough to shock Hughes.

"Of course! Of course! I have never doubted the Baron's strength!"

"Don't even think about it! There is nothing Baron William can't do!" Old John scolded.

"Yes yes yes!" Merchant Hughes only dared to nod repeatedly.

Hughes used to rely on the city of Patras, but now, just the tip of the iceberg's strength revealed by the town of Nisai has overwhelmed him.

How dare he show his arrogance in front of Old John.

After all, this is still a world that depends on strength.

The town of Nisai has shown its strength in winter, and the clever little businessman Hughes will naturally offer his humility.

Seeing Hughes' fearful expression, Old John only felt that the initial suffocation was gone, and he felt extremely comfortable.

With a proud smile, Old John led Hughes to the planned business district in Nisai Town.

When passing by a place, Hughes suddenly heard the voices of a group of people in a certain room.

Curious in his heart, he couldn't help asking Old John, "Master John, what's in it?"

"Oh!" Old John looked at it and said casually, "This is a school specially ordered by Lord William to establish it."

Villagers have nothing to do in the long winter!

After solving the crisis of the lizard people, William used the magic mirror to find a tree with black sap in the forest.

The locals call it black wood.

This would do William a great favor.

When papermaking could not be invented, slaves collected black sap, and Charles made several large flat boards.

The planks are stained black with black sap, and this becomes a plank.

Lime paste is crafted into simple chalk.

Old Gretel had meritorious deeds, and he was one of the few educated people in the whole village. Although his education level was very low in William's opinion, it was barely enough.

He became the first preacher of Nise Town.

His task, in addition to preaching William's orders to villagers and slaves, is to serve as a teacher in the school and teach students basic knowledge.

Very basic, very basic knowledge.

Freemen's children under the age of twelve must go to school to learn basic numbers and hundreds of common words.

This is William's mandatory order.

In addition, all members of the Knights, as well as some outstanding members, must also take "cultural lessons"!

Anyone who fails the final assessment results will directly explain the reason to William.

William attaches so much importance to it, those people naturally dare not work abroad!

After a long winter torment, William finally has a group of "cultural personnel" at the kindergarten level in his previous life!

Some of the work that William had envisioned would be easier to carry on.

For example, the point system is implemented at work, and finally some "cultural elements" know how to record these things.

In the beginning, he was like developing a point-based work system to promote the work enthusiasm of wildling slaves.

But the facts hit him relentlessly.

William can only let all the wild slaves eat a big pot.

Although every wild slave is working hard, but in the long run, some wild slaves will definitely show laziness.

This is human nature, and it cannot be completely resolved by William's gratitude.

Fortunately, the implementation of the points system has temporarily alleviated this problem.

William stipulates the daily workload, which is the workload that must be completed as a slave. If the excess workload is exceeded, he will receive corresponding remuneration, and the remuneration belongs to the slave himself.

If enough remuneration was saved in the end, the wildling slaves could even redeem themselves from William.

Under this policy, the slaves of the wild people broke out to work twice as efficiently as before.

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ...

"School?" Hughes wondered, he understood the meaning of the school, but he understood why a town needs a school.

Even if it is a great nobleman, there may not be a so-called school in his territory, and the inheritance of knowledge is spread in small circles.

Because knowledge is precious.

For this point, Old John also didn't understand, but William did too many things that puzzled him.

Old John was not interested in explaining Hughes' question.

He led Hughes to continue walking silently, and came to the planned business district in Nisai Town.

The business district is empty, it was originally a forest.

Trees were felled and walled into the town.

Now there are a few big houses standing alone on it.

There are people coming and going in front of every house.

In the house closest to them, heat rose from inside.

Once those people went in, they didn't come out.

Hughes couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart again, pointed at the house, and asked Old John, "Master John, is this a hotel?"

"The town plans to build a hotel! But it hasn't been built yet! This house is a bath house!" Old John replied.

"Bath room?"

"Yes! You only need one copper coin for a bath, and there are special boxes, which are a little more expensive, and you need three copper coins. In addition, you can also pay on a monthly basis. The ordinary bath room only costs one franc silver coin a month, and the private room Two silver francs. The boxes are limited, and without a certain status, we can’t book them!”

When the bath house was first built, Old John was against it in his heart, thinking that there would be no villagers to consume it.

It is normal for the villagers not to take a bath for ten days and a half months, especially in such cold weather.

But now, after a busy day, what Old John wants to do the most is to invite a few colleagues to enjoy the warmth of hot water in the private room of the bathroom and relax.

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