The Wizard’s Way Home

Chapter 78: Young Master Long swept the world

   Late at night, Gujia Dungeon in Pingnan County. A beautiful young girl was tied to a rusty cast iron pillar. In order to prevent the woman from escaping, the young dragon not only broke the woman's anger, but also tied it up with a rope made of beef tendon like a zongzi. Young Master Long played with a small copper seal, "Speak, who are you?"

   "Dog thief, if you want to kill, you have to kill you. Sooner or later, the imperial army will kill you rebels. I am waiting for you in the underworld." The woman said coldly with a mouthful of blood.

"At this time, you still have such a stiff mouth, you really deserve to be Her Royal Highness the Valkyrie Princess of the Dagan Empire. Since you want to go to **** so much, Long will give you a ride." After shaking his hands, he was originally in the hands of Young Master Long. The red copper small seal that he played was abruptly inlaid in the mind of the princess. A **** hole appeared on the beautiful forehead of the princess.

"Although, my practice is not suitable for killing, but in order to completely tie the Gu family to the Long Family's chariot, I have to borrow your life. I believe that the eldest princess of a royal family is enough to prevent the Gu family from turning back." Against the backdrop of the torch, Young Master Long's mouth showed a wicked smile.

   On May 15th, Young Master Long, with the support of the Longgu family, blatantly killed the county magistrate sent by the Dagan Dynasty and raised an anti-flag openly. The whole Yunzhou shook.

On May 18th, Long Dashao led a team of thousands of warriors to break through Wancheng County. The Wancheng magistrate was killed, and the Yi family who refused to defend Wancheng was killed by Long Dashao. All were broken by the sea of ​​gas and sent to the mine as a coolie. Many people who responded to Long Dashao's opening and distributing grain gathered.

   On May 23, Ping An County was broken.

   On May 26, Haizhou County was broken.

   On June 30th, the entire Yunzhou was planted with the Long Family banner, and all the big and small families that did not obey all perished, and the whole Yunzhou became the dragon's family, and the world was shaken.

"Asshole, in just two months, my dynasty lost a state capital. Didn't you say that those family soldiers who are strong are hard to attack and can only be outsmarted? Didn't you say that you have to rush first and then slowly, don't you mean? Is the dragon family's disease of slender and mustard disease not enough? How about it? Now that the dragon family has occupied the entire Yunzhou, no one can say anything. Are you going to wait for the dragon family to kill the capital and prepare to open the city to make a sacrifice to protect your prosperity and wealth? "Above the Dagan dynasty's capital, a man in a red Chinese suit was roaring, and none of the Manchu civil servants under the steps dared to say anything. They buried their heads deeply, even though the man in Chinese suit said. They lost their thoughts, but no one dared to show their thoughts at this time. Unless the Dragon Family's gods descended from the sky in the next second, they would be waiting for their bad luck.

At this time, a person wearing a purple gown above the court stood up, "Your Majesty, it is not the incompetent ministers, but the Long Family has hidden secret methods. According to the information obtained by the inside, the Long Family has obtained a secret medicine. , As long as ordinary people with sound limbs, after taking the secret medicine, they can change from a mortal without the power of a chicken to a warrior of the third or fourth stage of fighting Qi within three or four days after taking the secret medicine. After one or two months of fighting, the strength of these people will increase. At around the sixth stage of fighting qi, the three most powerful commanders reached the terrifying state of the eighth stage of fighting qi. It is impossible for a warrior to practice fighting qi until reaching the eighth stage of fighting qi without more than ten years of hard work. If it is an ordinary person with a poor foundation, it will take longer. The resource secret medicine spent during the period is even more astronomical, and the speed of the Long Family's ability to increase strength is simply incredible, facing the low-level warriors manufactured in batches. It is reasonable for the great families of Yunzhou to be unable to resist it. The ministers believed that we should send elite spies to sneak into the Long Family to obtain the secret medicine of the secret medicine, so that we have the strength to resist the Long Family. The major families within."

   "It's right," the man in Chinese clothes waved his hand, "I will transfer the most powerful 300 blood-clothed guards to you, and you are limited to get the secret recipe for the secret medicine within two months, otherwise you will mention it."


  At the same time, Zhongshan, Yelang, Izumo, Baiyue, Dachu, and Hanhai have sent elite spies to Yunzhou to steal the secret medicine formula.

   Yunzhou, Shouyang County, in a luxurious mansion, Young Master Long is shutting himself in the study alone. As for the original owner here, I don't know which mine is contributing to the rise of the Long Family. Young Master Long rubbed the Nether Ring on his hand, "Old, is this prescription really okay?"

At this time, an old voice came from inside the ring, "Don't worry if I do things. Although these are semi-finished products, as long as the drug-eaters don't fight frequently, it will not be a problem to live for about ten years. By then, you will have already Unify the world and prestige the Quartet, who would dare to mention the secret medicine at that time."

   "It's ancient, I'm not talking about this. Now many big and small forces have sent people to sneak into Yunzhou in an attempt to steal the secret medicine pill. I'm afraid..."

"Don't worry about this. I will give them the pill for ten or eight years and I won't be able to study it. When I distribute the pill in the future, I will send someone to watch and make sure that everyone takes the pill. Ensure that the finished pill will not be When shipping medicinal materials in the future, I will remember to ship all medicinal materials. I will choose the medicinal materials I need to make alchemy. As long as we check it from the source, Even if they have great abilities, they can't distinguish the prescription of the pill."

   "I feel relieved if there is an ancient saying. What should we do next in the ancient meaning?"

   "It's fine for you to decide on your own. You take care of the war, and I will do the alchemy. As long as I see the collapse of these seven kingdoms, I don't care about the process."

   "Long knows it."

   The next day, the originally enraged Long Family suddenly stopped its expansion, and switched to on-site defense, re-washing and dividing the land, lightly punishing the people's livelihood, and at the same time began recruiting a large number of civilians to organize training. It also announced that anyone in the family who served in the military would be exempt from taxation for three years, while those who received military service would get a piece of land based on the size of the military service. The civilians who gained actual benefits naturally responded in order to protect their own interests. For a time, the recruiting offices of the Long family in various counties were overcrowded. And Young Master Long announced the beginning of retreat and cleared all the idlers in the mansion. At the same time, it was rumored that countless carriages filled with various herbs were continuously being transported into the residence of Long Dashao in the late night.

   Seven days later, a strong aroma of immortality diffused from the mansion where Young Master Long was closed for a long time.

   "The pill is finished, do it."

   "The kingdom is up and down here, you all follow me."

   "Send my order, try to arrest Long Aotian, if you resist, kill him."

   "According to the command of the great commander, after entering the mansion, he will collect the pill with all his strength, and all those who resist will be killed."

   Various orders were passed down one after another, and countless people in black got out of the dark corner and went straight to the study in the center of the mansion. Suddenly the sound of screaming and killing resounded through the mansion.

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