The world of shelter under the glacier

Chapter 414 The purpose of Dragon Sword (please vote, please subscribe)

Walking on the way to Chu Feng's villa, Long Jian couldn't help but recall what he saw and heard today, and was filled with emotion.

In the accommodation area, people live a comfortable and fulfilling life.

Everyone has a job.

There is food for everyone.

There is no shortage of clothing for everyone.

Everyone's face was filled with sweet smiles, and the entire star seemed full of vitality. It was not as lifeless as other shelters. It seemed that the entire shelter was filled with an unbreakable sadness and despair.

it's here.

In the stars.

He didn't see a trace of sadness, confusion or despair.

Not even a trace!

On the contrary, compared to other shelters, Star People are full of infinite hope and expectations for the future.

"Why is this?"

"Why are the stars so full of energy here?"

"A bite to eat?"

Long Jian shook his head, "There should be a reason for this, but it's not enough to explain."

Although the life of ordinary people in Stars is indeed very good, that is only relative to other shelters.

Generally speaking, Xingchen only ate normal food, but it was just barely full.

Compared with the living standards of ordinary people before the end of the world, there is still a big gap.

"Obviously the standard of living has dropped a lot, but why are everyone so happy??"

"Compared to before the end, are you much happier?"


That's right.

The first feeling Xingchen Man gave him was - I am living a good life, and I am living a much happier life than before.

Throughout the whole day, Long Jian was confused.

"This is an obvious contradiction."

"What's the reason?"

In the apocalypse, one can actually live a happier life than in a harmonious society. Is this an international joke?

What's wrong with this world? ?

Suddenly, the scenes he saw during the day flashed in his mind, and he could never get rid of them.

here has:

The warm-hearted and friendly neighborhood committee uncles and aunts;

Friendly neighbors;

The extremely serious doorman;

The enthusiastic auntie who prepares food;

A peace officer who enforces the law with a degree of discipline;

dedicated staff;

The ubiquitous scoring system;

affordable housing;

fanny packs with bulging pockets;

a resilient army;

cannons bristling with spears;

After connecting these fragments of scenes, Long Jian's thinking suddenly became much clearer. Isn't this:

Live safely.

The legal system is sound.

Fairness and justice.

Honesty and friendliness.

The pockets are bulging.

Not a house slave.

Not a car slave.

There is something to rely on when old.

Children are taught.

I wonder why the people living in such a harmonious city-state are unhappy?

Although the living standards of the people are far from affluent, Xingchen is far ahead of other shelters in terms of supporting facilities, system, and spiritual level.


"not only that."

"Some of the systems here have even far surpassed those of the Dragon Kingdom before the end."

In an instant, he thought of the Star Method, the real-name scoring system, and the contribution point distribution system...

Looking at the essence through phenomena, at this moment, Long Jian completely woke up.

By strengthening the restriction and supervision of power, Xingchen has firmly locked power in the institutional cage, forming a punishment mechanism that dare not be corrupted, a preventive mechanism that cannot be corrupted, and a guarantee mechanism that is not susceptible to corruption.

But is this enough?


This is not enough.

After power is locked in a cage of status, we still need to solve the problem of who will supervise power and take care of the cage.

This can be vividly compared to "Who holds the key?"

The reason why such a "key" role is needed is to prevent the power in the cage from escaping on its own, and secondly to prevent outsiders from releasing the power in the cage.

Regarding the issue of power supervision, there has always been the dilemma of "supervision by superiors is too far away, supervision by peers is too soft, and supervision by subordinates is too difficult."

Therefore, if we want to control the power and keep the cage in check, we need to solve the problem of who should control it.

In the past, the "keys" were given to the masses.


As long as we are human, we have flaws and weaknesses, and we can easily be led or even exploited by others.

And what about the stars?

The stars are different.

This key is managed by Zhi Nao Tiangong, with the masses assisting.

Faced with a cold and emotionless person whose interests cannot corrode the program, how can power escape?

As long as the system continues to be improved, some expedient measures of "policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom" will no longer survive.

Over time, when everyone has become accustomed to power operating in an institutional cage, power has completely lost its "willful" space and can no longer be "willful".

In this way, after solving the problem of management power, under the joint supervision of the intelligence and the public, various policies to benefit the people successively introduced by Xingchen can be well implemented.

Even if there are incompetent management and unrealistic policies, they will be exposed under the scoring system that permeates all walks of life, and can be quickly corrected and modified.

Such an excellent administrative system not only reorganizes the relationship between the government and the people, integrates the relationship between various classes, but also correctly handles the conflict of interests within the city and the people.

Coupled with the distribution system of contribution points, it effectively ensures that all city residents can share in the fruits of future star development and greatly promotes social fairness.


This is not enough.

Social equity focuses on the issue of excessive income gaps and unfair distribution among residents in the future, which requires the establishment of sound and harmonious economic relations.

And Chu Feng is also doing this.

Or to be precise, the Star Advisory Group is studying new financial rules and orders suitable for the stars.

One sentence.

Good rules make most people wealthy.

What keeps most people's pockets full is good order.

What makes most people happy is the new finance that the stars need.

Long Jian also heard about this.

Coupled with the strictly controlled real estate policy, Xingchen people do not need to worry about housing prices from beginning to end, nor do they need to be stuck in a house for the rest of their lives.


There are no school districts here in Xingchen, there are no sky-high private schools, and there are no heavy cram schools. Everything is learned at school.

Same textbook.

Same teacher.

All children basically stand on the same starting line, and the only thing that is assessed is the child's learning ability.

This way.

There is no corruption at the top, and there is less bullying;

The lower class no longer need to bear huge mortgage loans, let alone worry about their children’s education;

"Isn't this just..."

In an instant, 24 characters came to his mind - prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, love for the city, dedication, integrity, and friendliness.

If Xingchen's life had to be summed up in one sentence, it would be -



It's still fair to him.

At this moment, he finally understood why his grandfather Long Tianxing made such a decision, and when he asked why he was asked to come to the stars to take a walk and take a look.

"I see."

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