The world of shelter under the glacier

Chapter 430 A request: common prosperity (please vote, please subscribe)

As soon as Li Yaohua finished explaining the relevant details of the new finance, everyone in the audience began to speak enthusiastically and put forward their own opinions and suggestions for modifications.

The new financial conference didn't end until 9 p.m.

As soon as the meeting ended, Li Yaohua dragged his tired body and walked off the podium with an uneasy look on his face, without taking a rest, and walked towards Chu Feng.

Don't worry.

During this day, the city lord didn't say a word.

Even in the final discussion, Chu Feng did not express any opinions or give a positive answer, which had to make him feel uneasy.

"Is the city lord approving it, or..."

At this moment, he was anxious in his heart, fearing that this financial reform plan would be shot back.

If so, it is a blessing among misfortunes. At least I can continue to participate in this major event that can change the history of human finance, and have the opportunity to leave a mark in history.

Just be afraid...

Once the city lord is dissatisfied with the new finance proposed by their financial reform team, then they may not even have the chance to participate, let alone lead it.

Once this happens, then...

Chu Feng also noticed Li Yaohua's worried look.

All he could do was laugh at this.

This guy is thinking too much.

He didn't say anything - that's because he had already looked at it in general and was very satisfied with it. It basically followed his requirements and did not deviate from the core of his new financial requirements for Xingchen.

Otherwise, today's meeting would not be possible.

A blinding leaf! !

It can only be said that this expert in the economic field is a little obsessed. His eyes and mind are completely confused by his name in history, and he is no longer as shrewd as before.

Although Chu Feng was suppressing a smile in his heart, he still cherished and respected talents very much.

Before Li Yaohua could ask, Chu Feng immediately gave him a reassurance, and he smiled and said:

"Consultant Li, I am optimistic about the new financial reform plan developed by your advisory team. Just go ahead and try it boldly, and strive to put all of us Xingchen people on the road to prosperity."

Suddenly, Li Yaohua felt happy.


Done! !

Just listen to Chu Feng continue:

"Send it out tomorrow."

"Solicit the opinions of the entire public to see if there are any omissions or areas that need to be revised."

"The 3rd of next month."

Chu Feng directly ordered: "On May 3, Year 1 of the Glacier Calendar, the "Star New Finance" will be officially established and the financial market will be opened to all people."

In a few words, he decided on the financial industry.

After the 3rd, both Xingchen people and other businessmen who intend to develop in Xingchen can do business in Xingchen.

Of course, the premise is to comply with the new financial rules.

As for how merchants from other shelters can establish branches and new companies in Stars without contribution points?

Very easy to handle.

Regarding this, new finance also has relevant regulations: pay money and pay a deposit that will prevent them from breaking the rules easily.

"City Lord, don't worry."

As soon as Chu Feng finished speaking, Li Yaohua said excitedly, as if he had been given a shot of blood:

"Tonight, our advisory team is working overtime to strive to issue the "Relevant Policies, Management Regulations and Laws and Regulations for the Star New Financial Industry" on time at 12 midnight today."

"Well, okay, you can figure it out yourself."

Chu Feng nodded, and at the same time he did not forget to say a word of concern: "G's life cannot be completed in one day, and the new financial transformation cannot be accomplished overnight."

“This is a long game!!”

"The body is the capital of life!!"

"You should pay attention to your health and take rest!!"

"Well, okay, okay~~"

Li Yaohua didn't care at all and kept saying yes, but his mind at the moment was completely focused on New Finance.

Chu Feng didn't care anymore about this.

He would always be extra tolerant and lenient towards talented people who work hard and serve the stars wholeheartedly.

While walking towards the door, Chu Feng solemnly explained to Li Yaohua and Xiao Hui:

"You two, please remember!!"

"Xingchen is about developing finance, improving the financial market and prospering the economy."


"A prosperous economy is not the goal. What our stars pursue is not just GDP, not just the city-state's gross product or something like that."

Suddenly, Chu Feng stopped, stared at the two of them and said:

"The reason why we develop the economy and open the market to the world is that our ultimate goal and core purpose is to make ordinary people rich, not just one or two people."

That's right.

The core guiding principle of Xingchen New Finance is to make all people rich together, rather than getting rich first to drive wealth later.

Chu Feng is not optimistic about getting rich first and getting rich together. He is not cold at all.

Before launching the financial reform, he had already given clear instructions to the financial reform team led by Li Yaohua - to abandon this unrealistic fantasy.

And in past practice, a certain G has already given the answer: This is an unrealistic fantasy.

No matter from the perspective of capital or human nature, it is just a joke to get rich first and then get rich together.

Since capital is inherently greedy, it has the innate attributes of unlimited gluttony and unlimited harvest.

Once capital is formed, it is 100% the case that one will get rich first and then get richer later, making those who are not rich get old before they get rich, and those who are not rich will become debtors and pledge all their life's labor to capital, and will be plundered by capital layer by layer. The result is that wealth will be concentrated in one or a few people.

Before the end of the world, 26 people control 55% of the world's wealth. Isn't that what it is?

This is the nature of capital. No matter how restricted it is, as long as private ownership exists, it will only make the gap between rich and poor wider and wider, and eventually get out of control.

Isn't this the most fundamental reason for the First and Second World Wars?

The uneven distribution of social wealth has only one and only one result - a fight! !

After a fight, the upper levels will re-divide the interests, and at the same time try their best to eliminate those middle and lower-level jieji who want to distribute the interests.

From a human perspective, this is also a fantasy and impossible.

Selfishness is human nature.

No one wants to give away the benefits they have at their fingertips to others, not even their brothers, let alone strangers.

Those who get rich first are afraid that those who are not yet rich will squeeze out their market and plunder the money and wealth they already regard as their own. The rich will only join forces to harvest capital and take away those who want a share of the pie. Those who are not rich are strangled in the cradle.


For the sake of superiority, vanity, etc., these people who got rich first will not allow those who are not rich to live the same life as them.

Otherwise, to whom would they show off their nobility and wealth?

Regarding wealth, human beings' ideological consciousness is not as great as we imagine, and the law of the jungle is the essence! !


Facing the two of them, Chu Feng once again solemnly explained:


"The report I want to see is not just how high our Xingchen's GDP is, what our GDP is, how strong our company is..."

"More than these!!"

"More than that!!"

“The data I want to see and pay most attention to is the average salary.”

“Not just the overall average salary!!”

Chu Feng said solemnly: "What I want to see more is the median salary!!"

"I hope that the gap between these two numbers can be infinitely narrowed, so small that it can be ignored!" As for the gap of 0, Chu Feng didn't even mention it. This was impossible.

The two nodded heavily and said in unison: "City Lord, we will do our best!!"

Especially Xiao Hui, she felt her shoulders sinking for no reason.

The pressure is too much!

Because I understand, that’s why I feel so stressed! !

What's the meaning?

The so-called overall average salary, which is easy to understand, is the total income of society divided by the total number of people. Of course, the income of wealthy people such as Erma must also be added, and they must be included in the calculation.

One can imagine how high the final overall average salary will be! !

And what about the median average salary.

That is the general income of the vast majority of the general public after excluding these ultra-high-income and ultra-low-income groups.

In this way, the difference between the overall average salary and the median average salary shrinks infinitely, which means that the gap between the rich and the poor is infinitely small.

If it is 0, it means social harmony in the true sense.

Before the three of them broke up, Chu Feng left "12 words, a request", and then he left gracefully.

The two people who stopped in front of the gate looked at Chu Feng's leaving figure and were speechless for a long time.

A long while.

Xiao Hui thought lightly:

"Service business."

"Prosperity stars." Li Yaohua also muttered softly.

Two people: "Enrich the masses!!"

Chu Feng said it was easy, he just touched his lips and it came out.

But it’s so difficult to do!

How difficult it is to do this, especially the last point! !

They want to fight against capital!

Fight with the capitalists!

Fight against the corrupt human heart!

Even more, you have to fight with yourself!

This is a hard battle, a bitter battle, and a protracted battle!

Afterwards, the two of them looked at each other and went about their business with serious expressions on their faces.

Although the task is heavy.

But they believe it.

They believe that all it takes is consistency.

If you work hard.

Then everything is possible.

Because this is a city of miracles.

it's here.

In the stars.

nothing is impossible! !

As long as their city lord wants it, everything is possible!

Because he is the Lord of Miracle City.

In the past year, he has created countless miracles and is still creating miracles...

What's so strange about having such an extra thing?

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