Chapter 75 Impulse (37)

  The editor of the computer newspaper named Peng Yongjun is a man who looks very young.

  About twenty-five or sixteen, with a baby face, even if he intentionally has a little stubble on his chin, it is difficult to change the fact that he looks really young.

  Lin Yao felt that he was too young when she first saw him.

the other side.

  When Peng Yongjun saw Lin Yao, he had the same idea.

  He said he wanted to chat with the person in charge of the studio, but he didn't expect that a beautiful girl who looked like a student came out in the end.

   A certain moment.

  Looking at Lin Yao.

  He even felt a little guilty, feeling that it was a bit too much for him to treat the girl in front of him like this.

   But this sense of guilt was insignificant and quickly dissipated.

  He remembered the purpose of his visit this time, which was to 'do his duty' and drag the other party into the water.

   "Hello, my name is Lin Yao, and I'm the person in charge of the studio."

  Lin Yao saw him staring at her motionless, frowned slightly, and could only say hello first.

   "Hello, I'm Peng Yongjun."

  Peng Yongjun came back to his senses, smiled at Lin Yao, and then stretched out his hand.

  Lin Yao did not shake hands with him, but smiled pointedly: "Mr. Peng's report yesterday caused a lot of trouble for our studio."

  Peng Yongjun's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Lin Yao's face.

  He always felt that the girl in front of him meant something.

   But he carefully looked at the expression of the girl in front of him.

  Peng Yongjun felt that he was overthinking again.

  He showed a slightly embarrassed expression, and then said solemnly: "I just learned the news, and I think the public has the right to know."

   "The right to know, okay."

  Lin Yao nodded, and asked casually, "What's the matter with Mr. Peng's visit this time?"

   "I want to ask Lin..." Peng Yongjun paused.

  Lin Yao replied: "Just ask me to plan."

   "Planning? Alright."

Peng Yongjun's eyes flickered for a moment: "I want to ask Planner Lin, do you have anything to say about this incident? Some players in one of your games embezzled public funds to recharge the game. Have you reflected on the game's problems? Does the game have improper methods of luring players to recharge?"


   Heard Peng Yongjun's question.

  Pei Yingyun was anxious immediately, trying to stop Lin Yao from speaking.

  But Lin Yao is much more reliable than she imagined.

  She smiled, and instead of answering Peng Yongjun's question, she suddenly asked, "How much did you charge?"


  Peng Yongjun was stunned, and his heart skipped a beat again, but after a brief disconnection, he reacted and said righteously: "Planner Lin! You are insulting me! You are insulting my identity as a journalist!"

  Lin Yao looked at him, sure.

this person.

  There must be something wrong with the ingredients!

"Feel sorry."

  Lin Yao was silent for a moment, thinking a lot in a flash.

Then, a smile appeared on her face again: "I am straightforward, please forgive me... How about this, I can answer you on topics you are interested in, but I can't do it today. Let me make a suggestion. We have a face-to-face meeting in the game. Probably the process is to live broadcast face-to-face with the players, I plan to hold a planning meeting in the next two days, and explain the recent events that you still have a lot of attention on, will interview me live at that time?"

  Peng Yongjun was slightly taken aback: "Live broadcast? This is not good..."

  He knows live and he knows what his reporting is all about.

   Subconsciously want to refuse.

   "Yeah... what's wrong? We can clarify the problem face to face."

  Lin Yao nodded, then smiled at Peng Yongjun.

   Tell the truth.

  Even if Peng Yongjun’s composition is fine.

  She doesn't trust the media either, and she doesn't know if what she said will be misinterpreted in the end.

  Even if she speaks impeccably, the pen is in her hands.

   Do you want to give the other party a red envelope?

  Beautiful thinking...

   Rather than this.

  Lin Yao thinks it’s better to go to the live broadcast.

   This is the safest way.


  She broadcast live alone, maybe the effect is not so good...

Lin Yao showed a very confusing innocent smile, and continued: "You can preview this interview on your own media and portal websites. I believe that on the live broadcast, we can clearly explain everyone's concerns, including the one you mentioned just now. I will definitely know everything about it.”

  Peng Yongjun pondered for a moment, and asked with flickering eyes: "Do you need to prepare a script for that question?"


Mu Wanqing didn't wait for Lin Yao to speak, and immediately interjected: "What do you want to ask, please give us a script first, let us know what you will ask, this is a live interview with a very low delay, we must know what you want to ask Ask what question."

  Peng Yongjun immediately shook his head: "Then isn't this acting?"

   "Then please come back, we will explain ourselves."

   Mu Wanqing stands in front of Lin Yao, looking at Peng Yongjun: "We have nothing to say about your questions."

  Looking at Miss Mu's graceful back, Lin Yao was stunned.


  Miss Mu.

  Don't scare the other party away.


  Peng Yongjun looked at the young mature woman who suddenly stood up, and frowned slightly.

   But turning his head, he looked at Lin Yao who seemed to be in a daze. Thinking of the reward promised by a certain company that day, his brows slowly relaxed again.

  As the young mature woman in front of me said.

  Live interview delay is very low.

In this situation.

  If faced with an old fox who has been in the mall for a long time, he will definitely refuse, because he feels that he can't play against him.

   But now, the planner Lin looks very young, inexperienced, and easy to deceive.

   Confront her yourself.

   Even if there is a situation, it can be rounded back on the live broadcast.

  But this planner Lin is not necessarily...

  An unplanned event can interrupt her rhythm.

  Live broadcast, even beneficial to yourself!

   Come to think of it.

  Peng Yong in military uniform showed a tangled expression, but finally nodded and said: "Okay, then I will give the script of the question to your studio, and then will Lin plan the interview alone?"


  Lin Yao nodded immediately.

  The fish is hooked.

   Can no longer be scared away by Mu Wanqing.

  Mu Wanqing opened her mouth.

   But don't wait for her to speak.

  Peng Yongjun got the answer he wanted, and immediately nodded first and said: "Then I have no problem, the time will be set at the day after tomorrow, and we will see you the day after tomorrow."


   "You are too impulsive, Lin Yao."

meeting room.

  Mu Wanqing gently grabbed Lin Yao's shoulder and shook her: "He obviously came here to dig a hole! Why did he agree to the interview! It's still a live broadcast!"

   "Don't shake me..."

  Lin Yao felt helpless: "Let go of me, I have a headache and shoulder pain..."

   "Why did you promise him?"

Mu Wanqing paused, and slowly let go of Lin Yao's shoulders: "It's actually not a big deal. Don't look at the current public opinion environment is very bad, but after a while, everyone will forget about it, and our game will continue as usual. Operations, there will be no impact at all! But it is different when you go on stage to explain. If you say the wrong thing, you may have to bear the stigma for the rest of your life, and the public opinion may escalate. This is completely harmful but not beneficial.

  That Peng Yongjun came here this time obviously just to test it out, but I didn’t expect you to agree immediately, it’s still a live broadcast, and the audience will hear what you say immediately, what should I do..."

  Mu Wanqing showed a worried expression.

   "Whoever said that there is no benefit, Miss Mu."

Lin Yao patted her jade shoulder: "All kinds of publicity methods, that is, the so-called publicity, are actually double-edged swords. When forming a favorable public opinion, it may also lead to a bad reputation. In the same way, some Public opinion that is not conducive to one's own side may also be turned into an opportunity, which is the so-called reverse hype.

  Our game is in a critical period, things are so big, there must be someone who is fueling the flames, now that the trouble is happening, if we ignore it and hold the server battle as usual, there will definitely be bigger troubles waiting for us.

But I’m not willing to let me stop the service battle. If other games keep up with the updates, players will be shunted. Although our game has attracted many ordinary players through the green mall, some heavy krypton players don’t sell to the mall. Attribute props are very unpopular, so I always say that the update must be fast, and you must be one step ahead of others to attract more heavy-duty players.

  Since we can’t stop the service war, we can’t just sit and wait for death. Rather than just sit and wait for death, we should take the initiative to make things clear and let the service war continue. "

Mu Wanqing pursed her lips: "But I'm really worried, a man doesn't have a good thing, and so does Peng Yongjun. He looks like he wants to plot against you. When you face him, one is not good. What if something goes wrong?"

  Lin Yao was a little dumbfounded: "You are a map gun, Ms. Mu, if the male colleagues outside hear it, it will be miserable."


  Mu Wanqing didn't speak, and took a step forward, a pair of thighs wrapped in soft black silk pressed against Lin Yao's white and slender snowy legs, and gently hugged her.

   "You have to have some confidence in me, Miss Mu."

  Lin Yao was slightly taken aback, then gently wrapped her arms around her waist, and comforted her: "It's just an interview, as I said, our game has an advantage over other peers."

   "Then why did you go up there alone?"

   "The other party seems to think that I am easy to deal with alone, so I will satisfy his wish."


  Mu Wanqing seemed a little angry, but in the end she couldn't say anything serious...

   Things have been decided.

  Lin Yao's attitude is also very firm.

  She can only do what she can do.

  Mu Wanqing was silent for a while, then said in a low voice: "I'll urge the other party to send the question script later, and then we'll talk carefully about how we should answer when the time comes."


  Lin Yao nodded without any objection.

  Although she thinks it is not very useful.

  But this is Mu Wanqing's kindness.


  Mu Wanqing hugged Lin Yao tightly again.

  Lin Yao has no opinion on this either.

  Because Makino's delicate body has a faint fragrance, it's very comfortable to hug...

  (end of this chapter)

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