Finally, before the last competition for which he had the right to compete began, after convincing the students from his own camp, Olaf approached Olivia and the head instructor at the same time - requesting to change the lineup.

I know that the participants this time are judged based on their performance, but the next logistics preparation department is a team event. As the first grader in this event, I will become the general coordinator of this competition. In this case , I hope to use students who are accustomed to working together. "Olav said this directly to the instructor. As for Olivia beside the instructor, he didn't even look at it.

However, after listening to his words, the head training instructor looked directly at Olivia.

As the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Military Academy in this league, I would like to ask you to handle this matter as appropriate. "As soon as these words came out, the chief trainer actually meant to hand over the decision-making power directly to Olivia!

After being stunned, Olaf had to turn his head to look at Olivia.

In the beginning, he was just a lone ranger, thin and gloomy. However, in these short few months, he actually conquered everyone outside his own camp!

Yes, everyone except your own camp...

Strong men are always rebellious, just like Willard. He has no intention of competing for the top spot, but he is also unwilling to surrender to someone casually.

Olaf wanted to take him under his command more than once, but he was always rejected. He stayed away from all camps. With his own strength, Willard lived a free and easy life.

However, it was Willard who showed his friendly attitude toward Olivia after the mecha game that stole the show.

This is the beauty of power.

When he was told about this, Olaf just wanted to sneer, but he didn't. He looked at the students who told him the news gently, and he also comforted them. Even if he sneered in his heart, it showed that he still looked calm.

He is not like that idiot Wharton who blindly sacrifices the interests of his subordinates. No matter how strong his belief is, it will fade away when there is no hope. In this case, it is only a matter of time before the tree falls and the monkeys disperse. Look, Wharton himself has now become a dog at Olivia's feet. He has also formed a chief club and served as the minister himself. Even if a person is so shameless, he can still do it.

Due to his good traction, Olaf's small group is relatively stable, but he also knows that if he doesn't make some achievements to give everyone hope, it will be a matter of time before those people leave him.

And that was the last thing Olaf wanted to see.

It was on this premise that he made this decision.

Olaf met Olivia's eyes resolutely.

He was prepared to see ridicule and irony there.

But no, there was nothing in Olivia's eyes.

This is the first time Olaf has looked directly at these eyes at such a close distance. I don’t know if it’s due to the light. At this time, Olivia’s pupils are very light and look like a faint golden color. When he looks at yours At this moment, as if he was being stared at by some emotionless vicious beast, Olaf suddenly felt shuddering!

His eyes fell on Olaf's face for a moment, and Olaf heard him speak:

The list for this competition is based on results. In order to maintain the first place result, Imperial Military Academy should send out the strongest lineup no matter who the opponent is. "

Yes, I agree with this, but in team competitions, the strongest is not necessarily the most united. I want a team that can only stand up more easily. "This sentence... is simply a bit provocative.

The chief training instructor couldn't help but glance at him:

This child... is still a child after all, and at this point it's still unclear who is the boss. It has been clearly stated that all command rights will be handed over to the chief, but if something like this happens, it is better to look to the instructor first. What does he expect? Expect the instructor to make the decision for him?

He was wrong. The military is a place that pays attention to the division of duties. Since it is said that the commander-in-chief of this league is Olivia, then the instructor will not interfere with anything about the league.

Looking at other people in front of the superior, blatantly not taking the superior seriously, and insisting on confronting the other person. To put it nicely, this is called arrogance. To put it bluntly, it means being ignorant of current affairs.

The instructor couldn't help but laugh inwardly.

Of course, this is also the education given to freshmen by Imperial Military Academy. He would like to see how the chief handles it.

Are you trying to transfer your usual staff from other projects? Olivia asked calmly.

Yes, I have talked to them in advance and they have agreed. It depends on... Chief whether you approve it. "Olav completely kicked the baggage to Olivia's side.

Did they really agree to give up the advantageous events that highlight individual soldiers' abilities and participate in small group competitions where the advantages... are less obvious? "

Olaf nodded:

Yes. "

Seeing that he still refused to let go, Olaf gritted his teeth and said: If there are any consequences, I will bear them. "

Hearing what he said, Olivia's amber eyes narrowed, and he touched his chin: Well, let them hand over the replacement project application. "

ah? Actually

So agreed?

Olaf was stunned.

Olivia agreed too quickly, and he began to wonder if this was another trap.

He raised his head, only to see that Olivia's eyes had already left his body, her head lowered, and he was talking to the chief instructor.

No, it won't happen. This is a request made by myself, and I have chosen the candidates myself, and the project is my strongest subject. As long as I perform well, I will definitely win this game.

And this is no ordinary competition. As the only subject in this league that is comparable to actual combat exercises, the logistics armament project examination is an important project for planning and using manpower, material resources, and financial resources to ensure military construction, operations, and other activities. !

My own abilities gave me this precious opportunity to compete, and I couldn't allow my enemies to disturb me.

Yes, he will not lose. Instead of letting his companions participate in other events that cannot be played at all, it is better to win with him.

With his belief once again strengthened in his heart, Olaf bowed and said to Olivia: Thank you for your trust. "

After saying that, he turned and left.

Not long after he left, Olivia saw off the instructor and looked at the project transfer application sent by Mengmeng, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

Forwarding these exchange applications to Todd's brain, Olivia couldn't help but click on another entry list.

That was the entry list for Imperial Comprehensive College, and Mugen’s name was impressively in the first row!

I don’t trust Olaf, I trust Mugen! He can definitely help me defeat the bad guys! "

After poking at Mugen's name on the screen, Olivia's smile suddenly became more real. Picking up Mengmeng (the screen shows Mengmeng's big eyes), he started to roll on the bed, ahhhhhh! I finally met Mugen! He doesn't even look like him in his white uniform! "

But it’s very good-looking. I heard that I know Mu Genju, and many people asked me about it today! "Being held up in mid-air by Ollie, Mengmeng couldn't help but flap her little wings.

ah? What are you asking about? What can Mugen want to know? Olivia frowned suddenly.

Because Imperial College is the rumored bride college, everyone wants to find a good wife, so they all sent robots to ask me for information! Olivia, haven't you noticed that your popularity has improved recently? "Mengmeng said in a very disgusting way.

Mu Genjiu is still popular, and his power has been radiated to the Imperial Military Academy! The other (robot) people who used to bully me for looking cute are now bribing me!

Wait—what the hell is Bridal Academy? I do not know how? Mengmeng, what else are you hiding! Tell me everything! "The shocking news interrupted Olivia's happy tumbling time. As soon as she got up, Olivia sat cross-legged on the bed with a serious expression. He decided to have a long talk with Mengmeng.

☆、Chapter 99

With the marriage rate and fertility rate decreasing year by year, early love, early marriage and early childbearing are protected by policies! The "Imperial Fertility Law" stipulates that if you lay eggs in the first breeding season, the government will not only give you a free egg-hatching robot, but also give you a large breeding fund! "

Why is there still such a law? "Olivia was stunned.

It was announced fifty years ago that you will study this course specifically in your third grade. "

…” Olivia was speechless.

As modern people live longer, the mating period has also been extended. Finding a legal mating partner while a student is also very beneficial to the security of the empire! "Cuteness continues to gain popularity.

ha? "Olivia continues to refresh her worldview.

The psychological quality of soldiers with spouses is more stable. You see, these freshmen become impetuous just by seeing the freshmen of Di Zong. This is not good! Generally, the careers of soldiers who have stable partners after graduation will be smoother. ! "

Good partners will never be left, Olivia, you are the chief now, you should make good use of your privileges! "

After the popularization was completed, Mengmeng finally tweeted with sincerity.

privilege? Do you want me to take advantage of my privileges to find a so-called partner in the Imperial Military Academy? None of those guys interest me. "Olivia immediately thought of her Ruo Gan subordinates, and he immediately shook his head.

No! You haven’t changed your fur yet! The estrus period of Kantas will be around thirty-five to forty years old. You are still a little girl, so you can’t fall in love too early! "Mengmeng jumped up immediately, trying to stop Olivia's imagination. Among your classmates, only Todd's butt is qualified, but his brain is not very smart, which is not conducive to the development of the next generation's balls!" Olivia Yasu could only look at Mengmeng speechlessly: You also asked me not to think about it, haven't you already measured everyone's hip circumference? You skip the premature love and directly lay eggs, Mengmeng, you are really——

Olivia didn't know what to say.

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