Lieutenant General Yoland's words were like a hammer, hitting the hearts of everyone present, heavy and harsh.

Next, we have to divide the work: Dean Aude, you and Dean Komlow, and several other deans will introduce three sets of crisis management plans. "

This task is understandable. If something happens to the freshmen of the college collectively, whether it is the military department or the college, one party must bear the responsibility for it.

yes. "Several deans took over the task.

Lieutenant General Fabre, please notify the four generals stationed in their respective territories in my name. "

yes! "Fabre took the order.

Lieutenant General Yolan assigned tasks one by one in an orderly manner. The tasks were normal at the beginning. However, starting from Brigadier General Penny, the tasks began to change:

Brigadier General Penny, with military orders, you mobilize the garrison troops from the three nearest planets and head to Ifadia in the name of an exercise. "

As soon as this task came out, everyone was stunned:

The imperial capital, Ifardia, is exactly where that gentleman usually lives and travels!

Brigadier General Penny took over the task calmly without any hesitation.

This mission is obviously to prepare for the failure of the rescue. Lieutenant General Yoland... is his estimate of the situation so unoptimistic?

Then they heard Lieutenant General Joram call Argos's name.

Dean Argos, you and Dean Penan come to my place. The three of us have other tasks. "

Dean Pei Nan turned pale instantly!

But Argos just stood up calmly and accepted the task with a smile.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat: As we all know, in addition to guarding, arresting, and punishing, the guards led by Argos also

There is another shameful mission——

That's assassination.

All the shady tasks of the military are carried out by the Guards. Now that Lieutenant General Yoland has stopped him, the meaning is self-evident!

Obviously, Lieutenant General Yoland had already prepared for the worst.

At this moment, the communication device on the waist of the technician whose legs were shaking constantly at the door suddenly rang. The funny ringtone stood out in the serious conference room. He hurriedly took off the communication device from his waist and was about to turn it off when suddenly:

Lieutenant General Yoland! Look at the monitor! Imperial College, they, they..."

Brigadier General Penny, who was about to go out, came back from the door quickly and pressed the switch of the monitor again. The scene at Mugen was clearly displayed in front of everyone, and everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them - —

Report to the commander-in-chief that we shot down 3 enemy spacecraft in this battle, and all the weapons in the enemy's cabin were seized by us. "A student is reporting to Mu Gen, but the content of the report... Why does something seem wrong?

Great, take all the weapons in their cabin into the Lander's cabin. Don't throw those spaceships around. Keep the good parts and let the battleship maintenance department see if they can put together a complete one. "Mu Gen's expression was very calm, and he didn't feel anything was wrong at all.

Commodore Penny looked away from the cockpit where Mugen was located. As her eyes fell on the surveillance screens elsewhere on the lander, her expression became slightly distorted.

That... the students of Di Zong are not only still there, but they are also living a good life. Not only have they not been shot down by enemy warships, on the contrary, it is not difficult to see from the scene on the screen: they have even taken the initiative to pursue enemy warships. days.

Calling them a chase is a bit euphemistic, they were actually robbing o(╯□╰)o

Just look at the full storage warehouse and you will know: they have gained quite a lot along the way.

what happened? "Lieutenant General Yolan's eyes fell on the full supplies in the cabin and he never left.

1. Colleagues who have been responsible for monitoring the system reported that they were performing their tasks. "The technician stammered as he grabbed the communication device and looked at the report sent from it. Realizing that Lieutenant General Yolan frowned, his adjutant immediately snatched the communication device from the technician and handed it to Lieutenant General Yolan. in hand.

In the report, the person responsible for monitoring recorded every move of Imperial College in detail.

Start from the moment they see what the mission is.

The entrance method was completely different from usual. Many students had already begun to question this competition. With the military morale unstable, the students of Di Zong began to carry out their tasks seriously. Just because the young man named Mu Gen said this was a mission, no one really thought about the content of the mission for a second.

The military morale instantly stabilized.

In this case, how about we rob? "Among various opinions, he made a suggestion.

Without any objection, everyone accepted this whimsical approach and immediately accepted the position assigned to them by Mugen.

It's everyone!

What a terrible leadership.

Using the last fuel, it crashed directly into the lone battleship. When it was about to hit the opponent, the four mechas in the cabin stretched out their mechanical arms at the same time, and the capture was completed. "

Dean Komlow also saw the report, about their first robbery." There were only a few words in the report.

It can be described in a few words, but Dean Komulo saw at a glance the risk of this operation:

Use the last fuel to sprint, if you fail, the ship will be destroyed and everyone will be killed!

When they are about to collide with each other, the four mechas will capture each other at the same time. If any of the four mechas is a little slower, the capture will fail, and the collision force of the local warship will bounce back. None of the four mechas were spared!

He shook his head.

What Dean Comlow saw was the unreliability of this plan, but what Penny saw was another aspect of this plan:

Mu Gen made this move with a deep understanding of the parameters of the lander.

The lander focuses on defense, is well equipped with weapons, and has very thick walls. This is the basis of this plan.

When flying at full speed, the impact force generated by the lander is enough to crash an enemy ship. During the flight, even if the enemy ship fires at full speed, it will not be able to cause fatal damage to the lander.

The next arrest actually includes two aspects: on the one hand, the four mechas take action at the same time, and they must not shrink from the battle; on the other hand, and the most important aspect: the operator of the lander must be at the moment of collision. Completing a pause and braking the spacecraft under full collision requires extremely skillful operation by the spacecraft pilot.

This arrangement was made by Mu Gen on the basis of a deep understanding of the abilities of his classmates and his own abilities. "

Being able to do this is really remarkable at Mugen's age. However, these are not enough to alarm Brigadier General Penny, who is used to seeing geniuses. What really makes her amazed is the performance of the freshmen of Imperial College in this small event. The trust shown in the plan.

The four mecha operators trusted Mugen, so they dared to lean out of the cabin at the moment when the local warship rushed over. You must know that once Mugen was unable to brake briefly in the air, they would be smashed by the enemy ship!

Mugen also trusted the four mecha operators, so he dared to rush towards the enemy ship with all his strength without giving up any defense. Once he rushed over, the four mecha operators could not catch each other, even if they could collide smashed an enemy ship, but after failing to capture them, they still faced the situation of running out of energy and waiting to die.

Using this method to get the first pot of gold, the Imperial Comprehensive Academy's spaceships used various methods to capture ten enemy warships in the next period. With the success of the captures one after another, the students of the Imperial Comprehensive Academy became more and more confident. Now, their tacit understanding is getting better and better.

At the same time, the trust in the commander is also higher. It can be said that even if the task assigned to them by Mugen seems to be a death task, they will accept it very frankly.

Terrible leadership. "Until this time, the senior military officials could no longer ignore this inconspicuous young man.

☆、Chapter 105

All the supplies on the enemy warships were loaded onto his own transport ship. The enemies on the enemy warships...well, all the warships were unmanned. Facing the empty warships, Mugen asked his classmates to capture the brains on the warships. .

Why are there no enemies? The brains driving this warship are our enemies. Doug, please imprison all the brains on these warships in the small black room. "Mugen explained at the time.

OK "The student named Doug didn't ask any questions and accepted the task silently. When he was about to leave, Mugen stopped him:

Don't nurturing prisoners! We need to check their procedures regularly and brainwash them..."

brainwashing? "

Um. Just use the military training freshmen manual to brainwash them and let them read and write in the system 10,000 times a day. "

……OK. "

If the instructions are clear, you can leave the dark room. "

……OK. "

The conversation between the two children made people very speechless, but——

Lieutenant General Yolan's mouth opened slightly when he saw that the student named Doug actually asked for a navigation map from Guan Xiaohei's mind.

With the first intelligent brain "handling", there is a second one. These intelligent brains "handle" their respective tasks and the navigation map on their body.

Senior military officials: Sorry! ! !

Is this still possible?

From the facts discussed by the brains, the students of Imperial College pieced together a complete mission and an increasingly complete navigation map.

Continue to pursue the Colton Military Academy (78, 12, 60 in Galaxy 5) and the Imperial Comprehensive Academy (49, 78, 11 in Galaxy 7). "

When Mugen read out this line of mission, the entire conference room became extremely quiet.

The news they had always wanted to know about the new students from other colleges suddenly appeared like this!

In addition to the Imperial College, students from the Colton Military Academy are still alive!

Everyone's spirits were lifted: they had prepared for the worst, and this was the first time they felt the existence of hope!

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