That disaster not only killed the greatest emperor, but also took away the best genes of mankind. Countless civilizations that took several generations to develop were destroyed in that disaster, and many smaller planets have since been buried in human history. .

For example, the planet Mr. Yggdrasil was on before.

All previous civilizations on his planet were destroyed. Books, painting skills, music... everything! The planet he was on before was a very primitive planet, so primitive that it was destroyed before it was discovered by humans, and humans didn't even know it ever existed.

After knowing this, Mr. World Tree was silent for a long time. When he spoke again, he asked Mugen and the others to take all the books out of his house.

I like to read books, and here are books written by the most famous authors on our planet, painted by the most talented painters, and music scores by musicians of all genres... Please help me take these out so that people don't forget Fania exists. "

Fania——is the name of Mr. Yggdrasil’s hometown.

Silently agreeing to his request, the Mugen family took action and followed the guidance of the World Tree to find various things he mentioned. As more and more things were properly put into the space of Ypsilon, the World Tree My husband's full house became empty.

It looked terribly lonely.

It's very cold here at night. It's time for you to leave. "Mr. World Tree suddenly said, and Mu Gen realized that the Sunlight Star outside had started to land at some point.

Mr. World Tree is a very good talker. With him, the Mugen family has a very happy day, so they are particularly reluctant to leave when they say goodbye.

They will leave Ainirala early tomorrow morning, and today is their last day in Ainirala.

When saying goodbye, Mr. World Tree gave a fat chicken as a parting gift (the one that was sitting struttingly on the rocking chair at the beginning).

It is the fattest one and lays a lot of eggs. It is wasted if it stays here with me. "This is how Mr. World Tree recommends his own jī.

In addition, it is also very powerful and can carry you all down. "This is an irresistible reason.

As the head of the family, Uncle Alpha cautiously grabbed Mr. Yggdrasil's gift, and then he also took out his own gift in return.

This is a voice-activated brain that contains most of the books published by the empire in the past four hundred years. "

The brain that Alpha took out looked very clumsy. It was a temporary assembly by him. Although it didn't look beautiful, the material used in the body was the best in his collection - it was slightly different from Uncle Alpha's little vault. Understood, Mugen could see it at a glance.

The charging method is very convenient, just expose it in a sunny place for three hours a day. "

Oops! Oops! Oops! What a surprising gift! "Mr. World Tree smiled happily.

Mr. Alpha, you are such a gentle man. "

Hearing his praise, Alpha paused for a moment, and the blue light flashed in the dim light screen. He said cautiously:

You can't see me, that's why you have this misunderstanding. "

I'm a robot. "

No one has ever praised him with "gentleness", and——

Robots are not people.

Under Imperial law, droids are not humans.

To me, you are already human. "

Considering that a tree cannot see, a voice-activated brain was created, and considering that a tree cannot move, it adopts a solar charging energy acquisition method - for the world tree, this must be a very careful and gentle one. people. and--

You must be a gentle and attentive person to be able to raise two such wonderful teenagers. "

After receiving unexpected praise, all the Mugen robots got stuck.

On the surface, as if nothing had happened, they secretly recorded what World Tree had just said.

Finally, could you please help me publish a revelation in the Empire's largest circulation newspaper? "When he was about to leave, Mr. World Tree suddenly said something.

Of course, please speak up. "Alfa and the others had already left the house, and after hearing these words, they immediately turned around.

Dora, please don't be angry. "Mr. World Tree spoke word by word. After saying this, he paused: and..."

Sorry, let's get a divorce. "

Just these two sentences, please help me publish them in the newspaper. "Mr. World Tree finished.

What about the signature? What should I write in my signature? "After making a good record and checking it carefully, Alpha finally confirmed it to World Tree.

Signature...please write Pooh. "After saying this, Mr. World Tree fell silent again. After a while, he said his final farewell to Mu Gen and others very gently.

goodbye. "

I don’t know if all tree people’s voices are like this, Hu Yuan

Suddenly, every leaf seemed to be fluttering, saying goodbye to Mu Gen and his party.

goodbye! We will publish it in the newspaper when we get back! "After making a solemn promise, Mu Gen and others jumped from the top of the tree.

They landed rapidly, and then suddenly couldn't get down when they reached a certain position. The fertilizer chicken presented by Mr. World Tree played a key role here. When everyone couldn't get down, it could continue to fall. Relying on this Only then, they finally returned to their residence on the 2668th floor.

It was already very late when they returned to the hotel, but none of Adoli's neighbors were asleep. They waited on the rooftop outside the room until Mugen and his party were caught by a white bird and flew down. , everyone’s eyes burst out with surprise!

Quickly call Granny Maria and the others and tell them to stop climbing. Mugen and the others are back! "Helping Mugen and the others land smoothly, Boss Tony quickly called to the others behind him.

Why? Olivia was stunned.

Knowing that you fell, we divided into two groups. One group is waiting for you here, and the other group jumped down to find you! "Seeing his confusion, Boss Tony explained to him.

Grandma Maria is the lowest on the ladder, let her come back quickly! "Mugen and the others are back, and Granny Maria who hasn't come back has become another worry for Tony's boss.

These days, the team leader really has a lot of responsibility~

Adori's neighbors are good people. "Standing next to Olivia, Mugen whispered.

Glancing slightly sideways, Olivia nodded slightly.

Olivia once didn't believe in the existence of good people at all.

He had never encountered it.

However, now, this concept has quietly changed.

OK OK! Waiting for others is an adult's business. Children should not go to bed too late or they will not grow taller. "After asking Mrs. Bayati to check their bodies and confirm that nothing happened, Boss Tony drove them to bed.

So, Olivia, Mugen. Sigma, together with a fat white chicken, were sent to the bedroom together.

Olivia carefully took a hot bath and wiped her hair for a full hour before getting out. When he came out, Mugen had fallen asleep facing the ceiling, and Sigma lay with his head on a pillow. Also turned off.

The light in the bedroom was on.

This is the light left for herself - seeing this, Olivia smiled slightly and then dimmed the light.

After wiping his hair carelessly, Olivia lifted the quilt and lay in, turning off the light. When he was about to go to bed, Mu Gen on the bed next to him suddenly spoke.

Ollie, I suddenly remembered. "Mugen said very quietly.

Um? What do you think of? "Olivia's answer was equally quiet.

Pooh... and Dora, Ollie, we saw these two names on the tree when we climbed the tree today. "Although the spelling is different, the pronunciation should be these two.

Olivia suddenly thought:

"Pooh"..."Dora"...the words in the middle are not clear. "

It should be the word "like" or "love"..."

That sentence should be Mr. Yggdrasil’s tattoo, right? "Mugen continued to whisper.

Um. "

What he wants to publish in the newspaper..."

This was already a planet centered on him, and so many people were living in his body that he could no longer leave here. "Olivia suddenly figured it out.

Even if there is someone I really want to see, even if I really want to leave, but——

Abandoning his own wishes, he chose to stay where he was for the sake of others.

The two teenagers suddenly felt a little heavy.

When I become a big shot in the future, I will definitely find a way to immigrate all the people on this planet. "In the end, Olivia vowed: This is the only solution he can think of.

Ollie, you must become a big shot! "Mugen encouraged him in a low voice.

Um! I will handle it. "

So, one day in the future, when a reporter asked Olivia how she decided on her choice, Olivia recounted the last conversation she had with Mugen that night.

Your Excellency Olivia is really a very compassionate person who has had such great ideals since he was a boy! ” This passage eventually appeared in the newspaper headlines that day.

Then, Sumerge was stunned when he saw this report.

History, and the history he knew, was completely different.

The author has something to say:

One day in Mu Xiaogen's life on the deserted star~

Thank you Daydream!

There are big pictures on Weibo!

☆、Chapter 142

The next morning, Boss Tony went to check out and took the 8 a.m. flight to their last destination—\u0026mda


They chatted about yesterday's fantastic experience on the spaceship. Olivia was the main speaker. He vividly talked about the encounter between himself and Mugen at the bottom of the tree, the white bird of unknown race, the magical green leaves, the amazing flight process... and then talked about the things on the top of the tree. Adventure.

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