He knew what results were waiting for him when he returned. Either change the body, or change the brain, or change nothing and dismantle the whole thing.

No matter what the outcome was, he didn't want it to be like that.

Then he got out of the car.

As a city of machines, Pandera can be seen everywhere with robots. These robots have their own masters, jobs, places to go and places to return to. Robots without these can only be found in one place, and that's the junkyard.

So he hid himself in the trash.

In fact, this doesn't make much sense. When his energy is exhausted and he is unable to move, he will naturally be sorted to the metal waste processing center, where the sorting robot will surely pick him out and send him back to where he was originally supposed to go.

Except that his body was more severely worn out, his fate was no different.

Yet, he did it anyway.

The white robot's dim screen became increasingly dimmer. Before it shut down automatically, the last world reflected in his dim screen was not the overwhelming downpour, but an umbrella with cute patterns on it.

The umbrella was big and covered him warmly.

Before automatically shutting down, one of his hands tightly fixed the umbrella in his hand, while the other hand clenched tightly into a fist.


He thought this was his end, but who knew——

Two hours later, he was artificially turned on again.

Sigma, please explain what is going on. "He heard a very stern voice, and the owner of the voice should be a robot.

Sigma picked him up without vandalizing public property, destroying cultural relics, or disrespecting great men..." He heard the robot's voice defending itself.

Are you...confirmed that you picked it up? Did you pick it up at Samui Machinery? "He heard another human voice. He had an impression of that voice because that person was the first human to respond to his greeting.

Sigma picked him up at the domestic waste disposal site three hundred meters outside Master Kenda's door! "Sigma vowed.

But..." Looking at the return card on the chest of the white robot, Mugen obviously recognized the identity of the robot. The card had the words Sumei Machinery on it. After this period of life in Pandera, he Naturally, we know that these robots will go to the original factory on their own to wait for processing.

The robot is not domestic waste and is placed in the wrong place. "Beta said coldly.

Mugen: ...Huh? Second uncle, this shouldn't be what you should be concerned about... Alas!

While the family was happily discussing the robot that Sigma had picked up, the white robot had readjusted its time and sat up.

Hello. "He greeted everyone.

Please don't blame Robot Sigma, I went to the household waste dump voluntarily. "He first defended Sigma.

ah? "Mu Gen was stunned.

Mechanical products should not be placed in domestic waste disposal areas. "Beta has grasped this point orz.

Yes, I know that, but if put in the right place, I would be quickly returned to the factory to be disposed of. "

The voice of this robot is somewhat different from that of Alpha and other robots. It has a less metallic texture and is gentler. His narrative style is slow and slow, as if he doesn't mind that he is the trash that everyone thinks needs to be put out correctly.

The robots were silent. Finally, Mugen spoke first: Hello, I am Mugen. The robots next to me are my family members. From here, they are Uncle Ypsilon, Uncle Beta, and Uncle Etta. , Uncle Pai, Dad, cute Mengmeng... Finally, standing in front of you are Sigma and Alpha. Alpha is the patriarch of our family, and Sigma is my younger brother. "

Mugen politely introduced his robot to him.

The dirty white robot got stuck.

Excuse me, are you also a robot? " He asked cautiously. His scanning device told him that the person in front of him was undoubtedly a human. However, at this time, he had some doubts about whether his scanning device had fallen behind.

Mu Gen was stunned for a moment, then smiled heartily: No, I am a human being. What is your name? "

The white robot clicked again, and then he introduced his name very carefully: My name is z29234556643... You can simply call me robot z2093. "

This is his number. There are many robots shipped from the same batch, and his number is quite long. Since the owner purchased many robots from the same batch as his, he did not give him a name.

Hello, robot z2093. Mugen smiled and stretched out his hand towards him.

Robot z2093 hurriedly stretched out his manipulator hand and noticed that his hand was dirty. He hesitated for a moment, but was quickly held tightly by the other person and shook it.

Can you ask in more detail? That day, I saw you on

Get in the car..." After hesitating, Mu Gen still expressed his doubts.

Yes, 3 minutes and 50 seconds after I got on the bus, I got off again. "Robot z2093 confessed.

Why..." Why? Mu Gen wanted to ask at first, but he soon understood the reason.

Robot z2093 stretched out the other mechanical hand that it had clenched tightly at Mu Gen, and then opened it, revealing a colorful stone inside.

for this. "He said slowly.

I think this stone is very special. If I go back to the Sumei Machine, humans will definitely throw it away when they dispose of my body. Even if humans don't dispose of me, I won't remember it after I refill the system. "

Throughout, the robot's tone was calm.

After listening to his words, Mugen fell silent.

What's so special about this stone? "Sigma took the initiative to chat with the robot z2093. He is also a stone collecting enthusiast!

This stone has a total of thirteen colors, and there are thirteen prototype pits on it, distributed very regularly. "Robot z2093 replied seriously.

However, it doesn't look pretty at all. I have a beautiful blue stone. ” Sigma couldn’t help but show off his collection.

It's very special, but I think this stone is even more special. I picked it up on the way to buy food five years ago, and it has been with me for five years. "Robot z2093 gently held the stone in his palm.

By now, Mugen already knows very well what the robot means by "special".

Unlike Sigma, this robot doesn't understand beauty or ugliness, nor does it understand what it feels like to like it. Whenever it encounters a problem that its logic can't handle, it will classify it as special."

I think this stone is very special” = I think this stone is very beautiful”

I think this stone is more special" = I like this stone better"

In fact, it was just a stone picked up on the roadside, but this robot liked it very much and carefully kept it by his side for five years. Now it is in danger of being returned and destroyed. However, what he is worried about is not himself, and he will not Not being able to have this special stone, or even forgetting about it.

Looking at the two robots who were still discussing the stone, Mu Gen didn't know what to say and could only remain silent.

The author has something to say: I had a power outage in the middle of writing. It was hard to finish writing but I couldn’t log in. It was hard to log in. It was past midnight. I will never update during the day again.

Tired or not?

☆、188|Chapter 188

Mu Gen glanced at his uncle subconsciously.

The uncle glanced at the toilet.

Mu Gen understood, so he held his own big heads, took Mengmeng and Little A's father with him, and seven robots and one human gathered in the toilet in a very crowded way.

Uncle, I want to keep robot z2093. "Sitting on the toilet seat, Mu Gen said.

He used affirmative sentences.

The dim light screens of several robots flickered. After a while, Alpha said in his usual mechanical voice:

OK "

In order to take care of Mugen when he grew up, Alpha and other robots were forced to learn a lot of things. For example, Alpha had to figure out how to do business and make money, and he also had to consider which academy would be better to send Mugen to, while Beta and Etta had to seriously consider purchasing goods and Sales channels... Even Xiao A, the oldest model of robot, has to make a choice about which vegetables to buy every day!

Compared with robots that only need to consider obeying human orders, they have learned the skill of "making decisions". However, they try not to let their decisions affect Mugen's judgment. Growing up, Mugen's major decisions in life have been his own choices. , such as choosing the Department of Cuisine as a subject, such as deciding to join the army after graduation...

Have you thought about what to do next? "Alfa continued to ask.

Mugen nodded: he was never one to make decisions in a moment of excitement.

The robot z2093 was indeed picked up from the garbage dump by Sigma, but he was not a robot that was correctly discarded by the owner according to the procedures. "Although he was returned", he still has to return to the factory. He has a boarding record, and his user has also filled out a return card. If he returns after not seeing him for a long time, the original manufacturer Sumei Machinery will definitely record his missing information. Sigma While picking him back up wasn't a mistake, finding a robot with a return card on its chest was going to cause them trouble in the future sooner or later.

Robot z2093 is a robot from Sumei Machinery. I want to contact Prince first and tell him that we picked up robot z2093 in the garbage dump. Before that, I will need to send my uncle to help me check the internal records of robot z2093. …”

Compared to robots, the rules of the human world are much more flexible, and Mugen's first priority is to break through from here. Rather than being discovered in the end, it is better to be prepared in advance and take the initiative to speak. According to what robot z2093 said, in Sumei Machinery, he should be just a very ordinary robot.

And it was a robot that was returned.

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