This little friend was obviously a big fan of His Majesty the Emperor, so he protested vehemently! Then he received a stronger rebuttal from the little cub next to him.

Tweet, Tweet, Tweet! "He's like that at home! He has so many dòngdòng outfits!

The two cubs were chirping and yelling at each other. Soon, their language exceeded the range that the brain could decipher, and the female teacher could not understand anything.

But just because the adults didn't understand it didn't mean that the little friends didn't understand it, so there was enough space for them to quarrel. The cubs formed a circle and watched the two companions quarreling with relish.

The argument quickly turned into a fight.

No matter how charming the female teacher was, it was no use. After hearing what was going on here, the palace guards came over and allowed students to fight in the palace - this was something that would be recorded in the files!

The young female teacher's face became darker and darker, and finally——

With a long roar, the female teacher suddenly turned into a giant beast.

Those who chirped no longer chirped, and those who roared no longer roared.

In front of the beasts who were drooling and looking at them, the cubs quickly lined up. It was obvious that this was not the first time they had done this.

Roar..."Be good——

Giganotosaurus Orientalis is the largest, most ferocious and cruelest of the existing megalodons. It is also the second largest among the existing dinosaur species and is one of the best carnivorous beasts.

The prototype of the little rabbit-like female teacher... turns out to be this one?

It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance—Olivia touched her chin.

However, it's time to pass.

Thinking in his mind, Olivia walked over, and among a group of trembling cubs, he suddenly picked up his little white penis.

Why did you come here? He also fights with other children. If mom finds out, she will spank her~"

As he spoke, he smiled and patted the little guy's butt hair, thinking a little sadly: It's over, this kid looks like him, he has so little hair on his butt, he has to eat walnut oil!

After patting the little guy's butt, Olivia saw the other cub under her feet looking at her with bright eyes. Well - it was the little guy who had just fought with her own cub!

So Olivia touched the cub's head again.

The little dinosaur, who had his head touched by His Majesty the Emperor, screamed happily and fainted to the ground.

Olivia smiled and touched the heads of several cubs. Finally, he smiled at the female teacher who was drooling (his teeth were too big to control), and then left with Xiaobai Jiu in his arms.

Hoho! "It is His Majesty the Great Emperor!

howl! howl! ! ! "Wearing dòngdòng pants!"

It turns out that His Majesty the Emperor really likes to wear dòngdòng clothes - the cubs learned a terrible fact. Then, after they entered the second year of middle school, many people like to wear dòngdòng clothes~

The author has something to say: a long time later

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone

ps will not participate in the poetry competition in the next life. Event time: September 25th to October 18th. Entry method: After logging in, post a comment under the article. The first line says "Mid-Autumn Poetry Competition". Below is your poem. Entry content: Any poem can be used, and it must be consistent with the selected article. Selection method: The author of each article selects a total of 6 first, second, and third prize winners for their own poems. A total of 9 first, second, and third prize winners were selected from all entries on the website.

Ollie, why don't you give it a try?

Chapter 220

Shitou is a very ordinary nanny robot.

Like all robots of the same batch and model, his basic programs are all nanny programs.

Sweeping procedures, laundry procedures, shopping procedures... and procedures for taking care of the elderly and cubs.

Since everyone has the same program, they all come out exactly the same.

The way of sweeping the floor is exactly the same, the weight of wiping the sweat of the cubs is exactly the same, and the taste of the food is exactly the same. It is precisely because of this that when humans replace new robots, there is no sense of disobedience. As long as the program version is the same, everyone can do it. Everything comes out the same, no robot is irreplaceable.

But precisely because of this, the cheapest labor in today's society is robots, and labor-intensive items are relatively expensive.

Shitou sometimes thinks of his previous owner. Before he sits on the chair and goes into hibernation, he thinks that maybe the previous owner doesn't remember him. Then he quickly cuts off this thought and starts thinking about tomorrow's shopping list.

Different from the previous situation where humans assigned work to have something to do, in the new owner's home you have to find things to do yourself. Everyone/robot is very busy. Some of their jobs are unrelated, and some of them are inherited from each other. Shitou's job is mainly purchasing. On the one hand, the supplier is the bun shop at home, and on the other hand, it is for people who need food at home. Mu Gen of the East and West, Crescent Moon Emperor Dragon and Da Bai, and yes, there are also the saplings in the yard.

After accidentally buying an ingredient that the owner liked very much and being praised, Shitou felt very special in his heart, and then he bought that ingredient again the next day, and then on the third day\u0026h


After the owner was taught by Uncle Alpha due to his partial eclipse, Stone quickly changed the recipe to a new one. In this way, Robot Stone's purchasing behavior changed from "acting according to the program" to "trying to figure out the owner's preferences" and finally evolved to "reasonably configure according to needs."

What is a simple thing for humans is an unimaginable progress for robots!

Shitou noticed this situation himself. He was a little confused and frightened. But after realizing that his master didn't seem to notice anything wrong, he calmed down a little. After realizing that he could serve his master better like this, Shitou accepted this change.

The robot Shitou who said the word "obey" quickly began to assign tasks. He quickly calculated the enemy's firepower value based on the degree of damage caused by the enemy's attack just now. Shitou reported his conclusion in a normal voice:

Unable to resist,"

Escape before the opponent starts chasing you. "

Shitou is a robot, so he gave the command "run away" very normally.

escape? How to escape? ! The enemy will destroy all our spaceships -" The human commander in the cockpit who had just been deprived of command rights could not help but scream in despair!'s not that there is no way, but someone must..." The deputy commander standing next to him looked pale and stopped mid-sentence.


To escape, someone must make ashes. " Shitou said what he had not finished.

Just like the wildebeest during migration, in order to chase food and survive, they must cross the river. On the other side of the river is the lush grassland, and there are terrible predators under the river water. In order to successfully cross the dangerous river, the wildebeest method is to cross the river collectively, sacrificing a small number of their companions, and then exchange the hope of survival for the vast majority of their companions.

Now they are wildebeests." The only thing better than the opponent is the number of people and ships. When the force is completely unable to match the opponent, this is the only way to escape from the hunters.

Are you kidding me? I need someone to do the ashes—" the former spaceship commander yelled upon hearing this.

Yes, we only have six minutes to arrange this. If it takes longer, we won't have the numbers to support the plan. Shitou continued very honestly.

What! ! ! Do you mean that now our lives are all in the hands of a robot like you, and it is up to you to decide who will ashes? "The man stared hard at the nanny robot in front of him.

Shitou glanced at Argos, and then nodded: Yes, according to Mr. Al, I am in charge now, so I am indeed the one to allocate the candidates. "

Without waiting for the man in front of him to curl his nose and stare, Shitou continued: "There are fifty-two robots on the spacecraft. It is up to us to cover the human retreat." "

Shitou made his decision.

There was silence on the ship.

Mr. Pilot, please inform other spaceships of this decision. Six minutes later, all humans on the spacecraft were evacuated from the spacecraft, and the robots remained on the spacecraft as a cover. They were all required to stay in place until the humans left. "

Robot Stone's voice was no different from usual. As he spoke, he quickly made a placement list for all personnel in the spacecraft. He knows the name of every human being in the spaceship. Now he wants to assign these people to each spacecraft according to the most reasonable principles. This will not affect the original humans on that spacecraft, but also ensure their safety as much as possible. , at the same time, he also had to distribute the robots evenly to the empty ships. Nowadays, most of the robots here are nanny robots. They have no driving program in their bodies at all. Shitou decided to pass on a basic driving software that Sigma passed to him a long time ago to everyone. Robots, now that there is no network, they can only do this in the form of chip carriers. Two minutes of the six minutes that Shitou just estimated are reserved for this step.

All the humans in the cockpit were shocked——

Even the former commander who almost jumped up and punched the stone was stunned. Argos also opened his eyes, raised his head slightly, and looked at the robot with a normal expression.

Mr. Phil, please convert that paragraph into a signal as soon as possible and send it to other spacecrafts. "Finding that the driver was just looking at him with his mouth wide open for a long time, Shitou urged him politely.

As a nanny robot, polite language is already a standard configuration. Even if he becomes a commander, Shitou still cannot learn the command tone like a human commander. know my name? "The young driver was stunned and stuttered for a while.

Well, yes, all the robots here remember the names of the humans we greeted. "

..." The driver named Phil was silent.

In the same period of time, the robot remembered the names of humans, but he has not remembered the names of these robots until now.

Here are the words! For example, this incredible robot in front of you, he... what is his name?

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