It actually couldn't understand what had just happened, nor why Sigma had only one head left, but it saw Sigma's black screen, so it thought it had found a solution.

There is something for robots to eat in the egg incubator!

Dabai then offered up the egg incubator outside Grandpa Egg.

Anyway, in its opinion, this thing is actually useless, and Sigma often gives it delicious food~


Mu Gen picked up the egg and carefully removed the egg incubator attached to the outside. After their modification, this egg incubator has become a simple robot, uh... but the intelligence is very low, it can only It’s simple things like deciding whether to charge and returning home on time, but these functions are very practical for the eggs that Dabai carries around every day. At least they can keep them warm, and Dabai no longer has to worry about losing the eggs!

Sorry, I need to borrow your energy bar temporarily. "Gently touching the egg incubator robot, Mugen took the energy bar from it, carefully pressed it on Sigma, and then——

Mugen saw a light light up on the Sigma Spectral Screen.

This is the signal that means "recharging!"

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised. As the joy in his heart rose little by little, Mu Gen opened a big smile. The fear in his heart dissipated in an instant. His heart was suddenly extremely full and bulging, as if it was about to overflow. Come the same.

Baymax! you are right! "Picking up the big white chicken on the side, Mu Gen kissed it hard on the top of its head.

Thank you for the energy! "He kissed the egg incubator robot that was out of power next to him.

Finally, thank you! "With the last blow, Mu Gen came to the naked Grandpa Dan.

Sigma is not broken! As long as there is energy, he can wake up as usual!

After realizing that this was very likely to happen, Mugen was suddenly filled with haste and energy. It was already getting late, so he did not risk going into the water and continued to salvage Sigma's body. He used the method of drilling wood to make fire and made a lot of Fire, he immediately took Dabai hunting.

Having not hunted for more than ten years, his skills were a bit rusty, but his physical fitness and accuracy were better than before. Coupled with Dabai's good eyesight, it didn't take long for Mugen to catch a prey.

This night, they ate snake meat.

However, the snakes on the first day were like a gift package for newbies. In the following days, they were not as lucky as the first day. There was very little food. Mugen even ate bugs for many days with Dabai.

Most of the time was spent diving in Mugen over and over again.

A head today, a hand tomorrow, a foot the day after tomorrow... Mugen fished out Sigma's body from the sea bit by bit. During the salvage process, Mu Gen automatically grouped the metals on the Destroyer into groups. Those belonging to the uncle were put into a pile, and those belonging to the second uncle were put into a pile...

The first one spelled was Sigma ← Since he had to do his butt since he was a child, the robot Mugen is most familiar with is Sigma. It’s also the fastest to assemble.

Sigma’s butt and thighs were not found. The robot lying in front of Mugen now is the Sigma that Mugen is most familiar with:

A small robot with no butt or thighs, only as tall as his waist.

Mugen placed Sigma in the sunniest place on the beach, and then began to concentrate on assembling the other robot family members.

On this deserted planet, with only Baymax by his side, Mugen focused all his attention on the robots. He even forgot to count the time. He didn’t know how long it had been, when all six robots were lying side by side on the beach. At this time, Mugen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It was at this time that Sigma woke up.

The moment the dim light screen lit up, he saw the blue sky.

Not the world of black and white and gray lines in the dream, but the blue sky.

Accompanied by the cry of "ji-ji-", a fat white cock flew over the sky above his head.

Sigma sat up.

His eyes first fell on the straw mat he was lying on under his palm: it was a very thick straw mat, and he was not lying on the sand. He was lying on the straw mat.

He is very familiar with the craft of weaving straw mats. When he was in Huangxing, he often used mugan grass to weave this kind of straw mats. At that time, everyone in the family slept on this kind of straw mats.

Mugen? family?

Sigma is stuck.

Defragment the disk. "He gave himself an order.

As a large number of powdered memories were rearranged, the life of the robot Sigma was restored in his mind!

elder brother. "Sigma suddenly read out a title.

The dim light screen was pointed at the back of a human squatting on the ground not far away, who was busy with something. He stood up with the support of his arms.

The two arms fell forward and backward quickly, and Sigma quickly rushed from the straw mat to Mugen's side on the seaside.

The big head was pressed against Mugen's back, and Sigma held his back tightly.


elder brother. Sigma said coquettishly.

Turning around in disbelief, Mugen saw half of Sigma's ghost screen shattered.

The author has something to say: The war part is basically finished


In fact, everyone should have noticed it

In fact, the author has the hardest time dealing with war.

But that’s why... I have to practice~

(I’m the type who just does whatever I’m not good at doing)

ps. When I was a student, my essay score was also very low~

After persistently hitting the wall, now... I can write articles (moved to tears)

☆、Chapter 245

Mugen looked at Sigma eagerly.

Sigma looked at Mugen longingly.

Then, the two brothers quickly hugged each other!

Mu Gen touched Sigma's cracked screen of light with distress.

Luckily Sigma is a robot and it didn't hurt at all. Sigma laughed. This was the first time in many years that he had clearly stated that he was a robot.

Mugen then hugged him again. Next to Sigma's cold head, Mugen said softly:

I'll make it up for you when I get home. "

good. ” Sigma nodded.

But what happened just now? You suddenly fell off. "Mu Gen suddenly thought of the previous scene.

I don’t know, suddenly it’s gone. Sigma tilted his head.

What's missing? "Mu Gen didn't understand a bit.

Energy, energy is gone. "Sigma's answer was still vague: when it was about to explode, suddenly there was nothing, and then Sigma shut down, and then... Sigma woke up and saw his brother."

The two brothers were puzzled by this strange turn of events and simply stopped thinking about it.

But where is this place? Mugen asked Sigma—it was Sigma who chose the place.

I don’t know, but this is the only nearby planet that can provide a human living environment. "It was too late to wake up. Sigma knew that he was about to self-destruct. Before that, the only thought in his mind was to send Mugen to a safe place. He quickly shuttled between the planets, and he finally landed on this desolate planet. The original planet.

However, he would not say these things to Mugen.

What happened before was like a dream, and Sigma felt like he was having a nightmare like a human being.

But now, the dream has awakened.

While Mugen went hunting, Sigma decided to help his brother do whatever work he could.

He first caught a glimpse of Dabai's poop on the ground. It was wrong to defecate carelessly, so Sigma collected the poop, dug a hole and buried it carefully.

While digging a hole to bury poop, Sigma noticed a round thing in the grass.

What a big, white, egg!

The egg white is crystal clear and looks nutritious.

Sigma decided to make a love-boiled egg for his brother.

After lighting the fire, Sigma began to look for a vessel that could be used as a cooking pot. He immediately noticed the egg incubator on the ground.

It's you - Sigma immediately took the egg incubator over as if he had found a treasure, scooped a lot of sea water into it, and then put the big white eggs in it.

Then, he saw the alphabet robot beside him.

Alpha and the others ran out of energy—— Sigma tilted his head.

Sigma walked over on his arms.

So, when Mu Gen came back, the house (actually the camp) had been swept clean, there was a smell of cooking in the air, and there was also a machine that looked very high-end!

Several wires were connected to the side of the machine, and the terminal of each wire was connected to one, no, half a robot...

Mu Gen opened his eyes in disbelief:

Those are the alphabet robots at home. Although each robot is missing its butt and thighs, the only upper body they have left is indeed the uncle. They are not wrong!

Uncle Alpha...Second Uncle Beta..." Muttering the name of each robot, Mugen ran wildly in the direction of the robots.

He ran too fast and did not pay attention to the road conditions. As a result, Mugen fell down when he was about to reach the finish line! Not caring about his own embarrassment at all, when he raised his head again, the tears in Mu Gen's eyes were clearly visible.

Then, he saw the uncles pulling out the threads on their bodies and walking towards him.

Stretching out his hand, Alpha hugged Mugen gently. After patting him awkwardly, Mu Gen heard his uncle say harshly in his ear:

Good baby, you are a man, don’t cry! "

This sentence... is the first time Mugen met the alphabet robot.

A word of advice to teach the other person when meeting.

Alpha's tattered fuselage shells were reflected in the hazy tearful eyes. Although they became very tattered again, although they almost couldn't wake up, although half of their bodies were still missing, but -

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