Make sure Dekan is within range of his spell.

Fahim cast corrosive magic on Dekan without hesitation!

The spell was cast successfully and the hit was successful!

However, Fahim also knew that it would not be so easy to succeed.

Fahim only felt the fluctuation of magic power, and Croix began to continuously attack Dekan with magic to heal Dekan!

Dekan finally stopped and stopped approaching. He seemed to be in a bad state.

Dekan had already put on [Pain Shield] for himself and was undergoing Croix's treatment.

In this state, Dekan himself cannot feel pain, nor can he see his condition.

Whether he can be suckled or not depends entirely on his trust in Croix!

"Let's see how long you can last! Dekan!! Do you really believe in the healing power of your companions?!"

Fahim was sure that Dekan had successfully entered the tug-of-war with him, and began to use up his remaining strength to drag his broken body towards Dekan, and began to expect that Dekan would stupidly kill him when he was unable to feel pain. Ruin yourself!

Because, at this closer distance, Fahim can also apply his own healing reduction spells and human body destruction spells to Dekan!

Even if Dekan is hiding now.

As long as you continue to endure the increase or decrease of treatment status, the balance between treatment and corrosion will be broken!

Add another body-destroying spell to Dekan that can cause fatal burst damage, and he will definitely die!

The situation changed again in an instant.

It was as if a magical vitality had been injected into Fahim's heart, breaking the shackles in his mind that originally resisted fighting!

His eyes were radiant again, and the light of victory was burning in his eyes again.

Only a second or two passed before Fahim successfully added additional spells to Dekan.

Confirming that both the treatment reduction and body destruction magic had hit Dekan, Fahim couldn't help but look forward to it!

This is the moment when he will truly make a comeback.

"Hahaha!! Dekan, you are still too weak!"

Rank and basic attributes are Dekan's irreparable flaws! !

He seems to be in control of the situation all the time, but in reality he can only make one mistake!



Dekan's joking laughter floated in Fahim's ears again, making Fahim feel that he had fallen into an inescapable nightmare.

"Fahim, do you think you are about to win again?"

"Why, why?!"

Fahim roared unwillingly.

Changes that he couldn't understand happened again and again! !

This time Fahim felt that his heart was going to become completely cold.

It seemed that Dekan was deliberately teasing him just now.

It was clear that Dekan didn't need to get close to him, but he deliberately wanted to give him a little hope of victory, making him think he could win and struggling for a while, and then making him feel despair even more completely!

Fahim now doesn't even believe that he can win.

Even if he can see a little hope of winning again, he himself doesn't want to believe it anymore!

All of this is just Dekan's method of torturing people! !

Fahim also gradually began to understand something.

Since Dekan can withstand the [Corrosion] and [Healing Reduction] status as if nothing is wrong, it only shows that Croix's damage to treatment conversion ratio is probably the limit of the world's rules, one to one!

This level of blessing from the gods is as if the gods did not want Croix to die, so they would give such a favor to a human being!

If the conversion ratio is so exaggerated, Fahim can also understand why Croix can keep Dekan.

Generally speaking, even if all the cards of the priest have healing spells, they should try their best to learn all the healing spells they can.

But the number of high-level healing magic is limited.

Once the healing magic of the same root system is used up, it will go on cooldown.

Croix's treatment principle is different, all damage is converted into healing amount.

There are as many attack magics as there are that don't share the cooldown time!

In addition to spell cards, Croix also possesses a variety of spells.

Coupled with his extremely high magic growth rate, as long as his magic power is not used up, there will be almost no window period when the healing power is poured out!

It was simply impossible for Fahim to kill Dekan in a short time while Croix was protecting him.

Unless you kill Dekan instantly.

"Dekan!! You should die soon!!!"

Fahim shouted hysterically as if taking his last breath.

Although he no longer wants to win.

But there was one last glimmer of hope in his heart.

The magic that destroyed the human body that he cast just now failed to kill Dekan. Not surprisingly, it was because Dekan's [Crown of Thorns] triggered the life-saving effect!

Just one more forbidden magic that destroys the human body can kill Dekan! !

No matter how many tricks Dekan uses, there shouldn't be a way to break his body-destroying magic!


When Fahim used magic to destroy the human body again.

Everything is quiet.

Fahim couldn't tell for a while whether Dekan was dead or not.

Just like that, after Fahim's heart beat wildly for more than ten seconds.

"Haha, even though I can't see you struggling, I finally smell the smell of despair."

Dekan's pleasant chuckle told Fahim that he had no hope of making a comeback again.

Dekan was silent for a long time on purpose.

It was as if he couldn't get any chance to mess with Fahim's mentality, and he seemed to be admiring Fahim's ugly delusion of victory.

"Are you...not a human being?"

Fahim was sure that his body destruction spell hit Dekan, but it was unable to cause any harm to Dekan at all!

[Human Body Destruction], a taboo magic that directly and instantly causes huge amounts of damage, has one more limitation than [Corrosion Destruction], a magic that causes abnormal status—

Need the other person to be human.

Of course, after Fahim's long-term improvements, even orcs and elves, races that he has studied alive, will be affected by the destruction of the improved version of the machine!


The other party is a creature that he has never understood and cannot understand!

"Fahim, guess what race I am now?"

Dekan's faint voice floated into Fahim's ears.

The magical voice of a man and a woman was like the cold wind coming from thousands of miles of ice. His speech was not fast, but it made Fahim feel dizzy and like he was falling into a dream.

This moment.

Fahim felt the smell of death that began to penetrate where he was, and couldn't help but make a desperate sound:

"No, it's impossible...there shouldn't be anything in this world..."


Dekan did not explain anything more to Fahim.

He's already enjoying it.

Taking away the lives of evildoers was not a pleasant thing for Dekan.

He hates killing unless necessary.

One of the fun things that he really couldn't refuse was to kill the most evil people and then taste their despair.

This feeling, once tasted, will be unforgettable.

Durkan felt that he had become addicted to tormenting the Resurrectionists and could not help himself.

"Your forbidden magic is just some evil ways after all. Let me use sacred magic to purify your filthy body and mind."

While saying this, Dekan took out [Blood Purification].


While Fahim was shocked and confused, he could feel that the magical aura brought by Dekan was the holy attribute he hated most.

But this holy magic is definitely not a blessing or a kind blessing!

The kind of magic that makes people feel uncomfortable, desperate and chilled wherever they are! It is eerie and terrifying, making people feel a kind of fear from the depths of their souls.

Fahim instinctively took two steps back.

At this moment, he also clearly realized that he had completely lost his will to fight.

He really had had enough.

It starts with coming to the royal capital today.

It was like falling into an inescapable spider web.

Everything that was going smoothly suddenly suddenly took a turn for the worse.

After that, he fell deeper and deeper step by step, and gradually entered a dead end.

He didn't even know where he went wrong! !

Fahim finally realized that every step he had taken so far had not been according to his wishes, but every step seemed to be under Dekan's control.

This feeling is called unfathomable despair.

Perhaps it was when he chose to carry out the task of dealing with Dekan, and everything he would encounter later was inescapable.


Before Fahim could even take the third step, his body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Because his feet seemed to have lost their function and were out of control.

He found that his feet had been pierced by a kind of nail.

After falling to the ground, Fahim discovered through touch that more thorns had penetrated his body!

These nails are extremely poisonous!

Since Fahim was wearing [Pain Shield] and lacked vision, he didn't notice so many thorns on the ground at all.

By the time he realized he was intoxicated, it was already too late.

Even this kind of poison cannot be removed with purification magic!

"Haha, as the first user of my [Poisonous Ground Nail 4.1], how is your experience?"

【Poisonous Ground Nail 4.1】

[Category: Spell Card]

[Grade: Purple Rare]

[Level: 4]

[Effect: Causes continuous weak toxin and strong bleeding state. This spell can be triggered from a distance, and the toxin cannot be purified. 】

[Note: The current version is 4.1, which adopts the latest "Blood Detective Book High Durability Technology" to strengthen the sturdiness and sharpness of the ground nails! If you are stabbed, you will definitely bleed profusely! ——Developer diary. 】

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