Then she trotted up to Derkan's side, took his hand, and began to mutter beside him.

Dekan, on the other hand, had a speechless and helpless expression, raising his head from time to time, but there was nothing he could do about Cornelia.

I don’t know why, but Nelia feels that Dekan is very approachable in his current state, so she naturally gets closer to him.

There seems to be nothing to worry about.

So along the way.

But Nelia was all around Dekan, praising him.

In this world.

Due to Dekan's prominent reputation.

His Shadow World Challenge has also received a lot of attention.

In the eyes of the outside world, Dekan has been extremely low-key and has not done much since he returned from the Randir Kingdom.

It was like disappearing into the Norton Kingdom.

This time, Dekan finally entered the seventh level shadow world, which naturally attracted the attention of all parties.

As well as people who were very interested in him and came to the Norton King's capital early to stay.

The entrance to Hevenlet College.

"Hello everyone, this is Ludwig, the official reporter of the Kingdom Federation. I will bring you a report about pain... No, it's E...ah no! Cut it off quickly! It's about quasi-special card production Mr. Shi Dekan challenges the film world for interviews!”

A girl with light blue hair and wearing cute overalls said to the camera a little boldly.

"We have arrived at Hevenlit College where Mr. Durkan is located. Now we are about to go to the viewing hall, but on the way we will also randomly select some students to visit!"

After saying this, she started walking towards the campus with her partner who was videotaping her.

Soon, a student with a very special temperament caught her attention.

He looked to be in his teens, but he had a sense of desolation and vicissitudes that was not expected of a person of this age.

He clearly has the temperament of a young master, but his face is full of stories.

It’s hard to imagine what this student has been through.

"Okay, let's interview that classmate first!"

Ludwig, a reporter girl with light blue hair, quickly ran over, found the student, and handed the microphone to him.

"Hello, classmate, do you know Dekan?"

"Dekan?! No, I won't trouble him! Stop trying to trick me!"

The down-and-out student's eyes widened, as if some keyword had been triggered. He held his head in pain and ran away.


Ludwig watched the student leave, holding the microphone and standing there in a daze.

Then she looked at the camera and spread her hands in confusion.

"It seems that Mr. Durkan's reputation in the school is beyond our imagination. It seems that the legend that his name can stop babies from crying in the middle of the night is true."

Ludwig and his companions were walking on the way to the viewing hall again.

"It seems that we can't find students who look down and out this time. We have to find a student who must not have been persecuted by Dekan for a normal interview."

Ludwig muttered to himself.

Not long after, Ludwig noticed two girls with outstanding temperaments walking side by side.

Among them, the glamorous blonde girl is the princess of this kingdom, and the other black-haired girl also has a particularly outstanding temperament.

They seemed to be on their way to the viewing hall.

Ludwig felt that he had to conduct an interview.

Soon she ran in front of Alice.

"Your Highness Alice! Can I interview you?"

"Yeah, no problem!"

Alice readily agreed after seeing the work permit on Ludwig's chest, then looked at the camera and moved her hair with some pride, standing in front of the camera coolly.

"Are you going to the viewing hall to watch Dekan's Shadow World Challenge?"

Ludwig asked.

"Of course! I'm just going to see the performance of my good friend Dekan! He has a card made for him by this princess! By the way, he will represent the Norton Kingdom in the Hero Festival! And he has to It was only when I personally invited him to fight that he agreed. Of course, he has always given me face..."

Alice stood in front of the camera and started talking non-stop.

Ludwig smiled awkwardly, and while Alice was taking a breather, he quickly interrupted Alice:

"Ahahaha, Your Highness Alice, thank you for sharing! I will also participate in the Heroes Festival as a staff member of the Kingdom Federation! I look forward to our meeting again then!"

Before Alice could speak again, Ludwig turned his attention to the black-haired girl.

"M...Mie! I know you! You are also a member of the Beautiful Mind Team! You obviously provided key help to Dekan in the Landir Kingdom, why don't you join him in the challenge of the Shadow World?"

Mie smiled at first and was about to answer, then seemed to realize some problems and stared at Ludwig with a hint of awe in his eyes.

However, this is only for a moment and will not even be noticed by anyone.

Mie replied with his usual smile:

"I'm just a civil servant who makes up the numbers. They took me through the test last time in Landil Kingdom. In fact, there is not much difference between me and me."

"Oh! I was offended! I thought you had provided a lot of help to them behind the scenes compared to Dekan and Croix who were active on the Obvious! Thank you, Miss Mie, we'll see you later See you in the viewing hall!"

Ludwig rubbed the back of his head and smiled.

Soon she led the team to the viewing hall at a trot.

Mie stared at Ludwig's retreating back for a while.

Then he shook his head and continued to walk leisurely to the viewing hall with Alice.

After Ludwig came to the viewing hall, the scene being shown happened to be the scene where Dekan saved everyone and gave a passionate speech.

"Wow, it seems like I'm lucky. I happened to encounter a scene where Dekan was doing good deeds! Let's hear what other students have to say."

Ludwig looked at the camera and continued to watch Dekan's performance with a sweet smile on his lips.

Then Ludwig walked in the aisles, pointing the microphone around from time to time, collecting the voices of the students.

"He's really...I'm so damned..."

"I saw him hit level 5. This is the first time he has really done good deeds and accumulated good deeds. But why do I always feel that his good deeds and deeds have such a strong smell?"

"Akan, you should do bad things. I'm afraid when you do good things..."

Ludwig: "..."

"Ahaha, it seems that the relationship between the classmates and Dekan is very good. I must be joking, right?"

Ludwig smiled awkwardly.

"Emmmm, let's interview the teachers. I believe they will be able to give a more objective evaluation!"

Ludwig's voice immediately regained its vitality.

Soon she found a majestic middle-aged man wearing the uniform of a knight academy teacher.

She believed that this teacher who looked like the deputy dean must be very reliable.

"Teacher, how do you evaluate Dekan's performance in the film world this time?"

"Pure passerby, hard to evaluate."

When Professor Arnold saw the camera, his pupils shrank, he waved his hand, and walked away quickly, as if he was afraid of being on camera.

Ludwig tilted his head in confusion.

She asked the teachers around the Knights Academy again.

They probably reacted the same way after seeing the footage.

"Why are everyone just strangers... It seems that I just haven't met a teacher who is familiar with Dekan... Then let's ask some topics that have nothing to do with the shadow world."

Soon Ludwig discovered his target again, which was Judith and Bingxueji who were sitting conspicuously in the audience.

She trotted to Judith's side happily, introduced herself, and asked:

"Lady Judith! As an employee of Kaixin Group, what do you think of the development of the relationship between Dekan and Cornelia?"

Ludwig believed that many people must be interested in this topic.

Because she just saw the interaction between Dekan and Cornelia on the screen, which caused many students to scream.

"Ah? Aren't they always like that? But I always don't like to discuss other people's feelings behind their backs. What a godsend, Qingmei, I don't understand. I always hear Teacher Mao say it. I'd better ask these questions. You go ask someone else.”

Judith shook her head helplessly and replied.

"Uh... is there a possibility that you are..."

"What am I?"

"Nothing, nothing!"

Ludwig soon turned his target to Bingxueji.

"Lady Ice Snow Princess! Are you interested in the pairing of Dekan and Cornelia?"


Bingxueji said nothing.

Both sides were silent for a few seconds.

"Lady Bing Xue Ji? Why are your eyes a little red?"

"Huh? I, I'm still immersed in the situation on the fourth floor. I always feel that Artis is so pitiful..."

"What about you, are you okay?"

Ludwig asked with some concern.

"I have no problem."

Bingxue Ji turned her head.

It seemed that she didn't want Ludwig to see her face again.

Ludwig touched his cheek in confusion.

"Did I say the wrong thing..."

Ludwig muttered.

"But it's no problem. When I publish this interview, Dekan will definitely thank me!"

"Well, then our interview for today has come to an end for the time being. I will stay in the capital, waiting for the end of the film world, and bring you the first interview with Dekan himself!"

In the shadow world.

"Ah sneeze!"

Dekan sniffed, his expression becoming confused.

"Did you catch a cold on the fifth floor just now?"

Kenelia looked at Dekan with some concern and asked.

"No, I always feel like someone is hurting my merits behind my back, but I probably think too much. Although I don't care about my reputation anymore, after finishing the fifth level, my reputation will definitely improve a lot, which is quite good. Not bad.”

The three people and one cat have finally reached the sixth floor.

【Here's Prison】

[You cannot actively attack prisoners or other jailers in this prison floor, otherwise 75% of the possessed demon points will be deducted each time, or 100 demon points, whichever is greater. 】

[When the devil point is negative, you will be punished by the warden. 】

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