He slowly began to lower his head and leaned towards Cornelia's ear.

As if he was whispering some love words into her ear.

The mist that Dekan exhaled from time to time also made Cornelia feel like she was electrocuted, and her hands holding Dekan were so tight.

Durkan was probably convinced.

As long as you move closer slowly, Cornelia's automatic counterattack will not be triggered.

Soon, he put his lips to Cornelia's ear.

Then he opened the small mouth of the gray-haired succubus and bit it with all his strength.

"Ah! It hurts!!"

But Nelia was so excited that she suddenly raised her hands to cover her ears and let go of Dekan.

Dekan also retreated with lingering fear.

He kept a safe distance from Cornelia and observed her.

Now at this distance, Dekan was convinced that he had successfully escaped and was no longer Cornelia's hostage.


But Nelia covered her right ear with tears in her eyes. The burning stinging sensation from it brought her back to consciousness, and her pupils regained their brilliance.

She looked at Dekan in front of her in confusion.

She found that the little gray succubus seemed a little angry at this time.

The right end of the gray little succubus's hair was pulled behind her shoulder for some reason, and her collar was a little messy.

What caught Cornelia's attention the most was the conspicuous light red mark on the neck of the little gray succubus.


Durkan breathed a sigh of relief when he was convinced that Cornelia had regained consciousness.

He quickly saw the shallow teeth marks on Cornelia's ears clearly.

The two just looked at each other.

Realized that this was the chaotic state just now.

Leave masterpieces to each other.

Not even a second.

Both of them looked away in embarrassment.

They don't know how to face each other.

In the distance, Bacher and Facilier were still engaged in a life-and-death struggle.

They fought for their lives and became red-blooded, even desperately starting to exchange injuries for injuries, completely tearing each other apart.


The sound of the prison shattering, like a mountain falling apart or thundering, exploded on the sixth floor of the prison all the time.

Compared with the noise in his ears, Dekan felt that the noise was more like ringing in his heart, making him feel confused.

Compared to the earth-shattering battle scenes between Bacher and Facilier.

It was peaceful and eerily quiet on Dekan and Cornelia's side.

The scene seemed to be frozen, and the noisy movement that could make the entire sixth floor of the prison tremble was just their background.

Both the scene and the atmosphere were cut apart.

They glanced at each other from time to time, but neither knew what to say.

Because as long as the eyes sweep over the marks on the other person's body that are like brands, you don't know how to face the other person.

## Author's Note:

Recommend the book "Sorry, I'm Not a Human Being Anymore", Xixi highly recommends it!

Volume 4: Endless Purgatory: 260 Dekan’s Hat Trick

"Oh my gosh, it was such an intense and exciting fight."

The young reporter Ludwig looked at the gray-haired succubus in the picture, entangled and bitten by the red-haired girl, and muttered to himself in a daze.

Obviously, Ludwig did not expect to see this kind of paid content.

It will definitely be reduced after the Shadow World ends.

Unfortunately, things did not progress to the point where the live broadcast room was blocked, and Dekan and Cornelia separated.

But now that she has seen it.

As a best reporter, she will make it the best report!

“My reporter soul is already burning!”

Ludwig clenched his fists, looking full of energy.

"Don't, if this report gets out, Dekan might not let you go..."

The classmate next to him heard Ludwig's dangerous operation and kindly tried to persuade him.

"Impossible! I have always been reporting on Dekan's deeds. I am really ikan!"

Ludwig argued unconvinced.

Students around: "..."

They all dispersed silently, not daring to get close to Ludwig.

Damn, Dekan's reputation is so bad. In addition to his own problems, you also contributed a lot to this, right? !


It's like being in the middle of thunder.

Both Dekan and Cornelia were lost in their own messy thoughts.

But Nelia seems to be unable to speak.

Because the way she closed her mouth now looked the same as when she first came to the Norton Kingdom.

Durkan felt that he should say something.

Although Morion was fully responsible for the accident.

But it was Dekan himself who activated the [Three Corpse Fury] after all, and he was also unsuspecting, or he was habitually so close to Cornelia.

This resulted in a series of farce that he did not expect.

Cornelia's impulse towards him.

And he was easily upset by Cornelia.

He didn't know how to deal with these current situations.

Durkan found that he was completely incapable of dealing with this situation.

In Dekan's long life.

I have never experienced the feeling of time slowing down to a standstill.

At this time, in his eyes, the red-haired girl was still the same as before.

But now, I noticed her particularly clearly.

Whether it was his brain, eyes, or heart, they all seemed to remind Dekan how special the red-haired girl who occupied his sight was.

It's like looking through photos that become increasingly colorful day by day.

In his originally ordinary daily life, this little bit of red that broke into his field of vision made his every day full of peace of mind and fun.

Durkan seemed to have ignored it all this time.

What you are most accustomed to is actually the most special.

Dekan felt like something was coming to his lips.

But I can’t organize the language.

When he is not performing, he is the most real person, but he feels a bit clumsy.

When he thought about his current state and the accident that just happened, Dekan became confused.

I don’t know what the optimal solution is at this time.


This is not an objective question.

It is a subjective question for Cornelia as the examiner.

Durkan cannot find the optimal solution.

At least for a moment, it was so sudden that Dekan couldn't be found.

Perhaps staying silent at this moment, or getting by, is the wisest choice for Dekan.

But Durkan felt he should say something.

No matter what.

As long as it's what's in your heart.

So he decided not to think so much and say what he wanted to say without going through his brain.



After the huge crash, Facilier roared: "You two bastards!!!"

Just as Dekan was about to speak, he was interrupted by Facilier's sharp roar in the distance.

Dekan frowned and looked towards Facilier.

At this moment, Facilier seemed to have finally suppressed Ultimate Bachel.

Because Bacher bears the unbearable weight of life.

For him, that power was inspired by exceeding the limit countless times and overdrawing his life.

Coupled with Facilier's powerful destructive forbidden magic.

No matter how strong his vitality and resilience were, his body finally began to collapse and disintegrate.

The embarrassed Facilier finally had the energy to take a breath and pay attention to the movements of the gray-haired succubus.

He had been driven mad by Durkan's behavior.

Facilier was extremely convinced.

As long as this gray-haired succubus hasn't reached the seventh floor.

Even if he loses 75% or more of his demon points later, he will kill this damn jailer at all costs!

Facilier saw Dekan still staying around the arena.

He was very happy at first.

This damn gray-haired succubus didn't escape, he would definitely kill her later! !


When Facilier fully noticed the state of Dekan and Cornelia at this time.

He doubted his eyes for a moment.


what are you doing? ? !

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