They all understood it too.

will die.

There was almost no chance of survival.

After losing its energy supply, the Artificial Shadow World Activation Device relied on its own backup energy. If it lasted for a while at most, Sheen would no longer be able to use the Phantom Canyon Barrier to barely fight against the former Pope Agamemnon.

At that time.

If Agamemnon's red legendary card continues to be active, it will continue.

Sheehan and Durkan must die.

Agamemnon only needed a moment to kill the two of them! !

As for Derkan, since he chose to leave with Sheen and Agamemnon, he was naturally mentally prepared that Agamemnon's red card status would not end in a short time.

No matter how assured Durkan appeared in the end.

No one can tell whether he is true or false.

But only one thing is true.

That was Dekan's decisive behavior, without any pretense.

Punishing rape, eradicating evil, and upholding justice are called knights.

A person who is both wise and brave and protects one side is called a hero.

And save all living beings from suffering.

A person who sacrifices his life for righteousness.

For a great hero.

There is no doubt that Dekan was a knight, a hero, and even a great hero at the last moment!

Even if someone saw that Dekan had no fear or regret before he finally disappeared, the calm smile still remained on his lips.

This is a strong, confident display.

On the contrary, it gave everyone a strong premonition!

Durkan this time.

Maybe he really is deceiving everyone.

He could only sacrifice himself for the sake of justice and friendship, and had no time to think about dying. At the last moment, he was still inspiring many people in the kingdom with the spirit that he had carried out throughout his life!

"No matter how many lies you have told, please don't tell a lie this time..."

"Mr. Dekan, please create one last miracle and come back alive!"

Even though Dekan's previous reputation was already worse than that of a devil.

At this time, all the people who were saved began to pray for him...


The capital of Philoven.

The mansion where the Norton Kingdom's mission is located.

Cornelia looked at the scene transferred from the arena and was in a daze.

She just sat there, as if she had forgotten time.

"Cornelia meow..."

Teacher Cat was already in tears.

Looking at Cornelia's reaction, it didn't know what to say to this person who needed comfort more.

Hearing Teacher Cat's voice, Nelia seemed to have finally been brought back to her thoughts.

Then, like a wooden doll, he looked at Mr. Cat with stiff movements.

"Dekan, he, he promised me that he would accompany me home."

Although Nelia spoke calmly, she could not hide her trembling voice.


At this time, Alice and Flora didn't know how to comfort Cornelia.

It would be okay if Cornelia burst into tears.

But the way Cornelia is holding on is so fragile that people dare not touch her easily...

I don’t know how long Cornelia continued to look at the no longer important picture on the screen in a daze.

There was an urgent knock on the mansion's door.

"it's me!"

Morion's voice came from outside the door.

Upon hearing her brother's voice, Flora ran to open the door without any hesitation.

Now King Philowen has settled down and is gradually being taken over by the Federation of Kingdoms.

Of course, Flora was sure that the person outside the door was her brother and could not be disguised by anyone.

Although she had never seen her brother in such a hurry.

Morion did not speak to his sister whom he had not seen for a long time, but pressed her shoulder, and then hurried to Cornelia and Teacher Cat in the living room.

"At the end, Dekan told me where he was going, so you shouldn't worry."

Morion panted and finished the sentence as fast as he could.

He came all the way just to help Dekan convey the news to Cornelia as quickly as possible.

As he spoke, Morion drew the words "Demon King's Tomb" in the air with his finger.

"Dekan was able to find the Demon King's Tomb in the real world" involves too many secrets worthy of scrutiny.

So Morion doesn't want other people who haven't experienced the Demon Prison to know.


Hear the message from Morion.

But Nelia's originally steady hand holding Teacher Cat finally began to tremble slightly.

It seemed that it was no longer possible to conceal his turbulent emotions.

"That's great...that's great..."

But Nelia's eyes burst into tears at some point.

She laughed while wiping her tears with her hands.

Sure enough, Dekan was not going to die.

He will not break his promise.

Those long minutes just now.

Even if Conelia believes in Dekan again.

She was also extremely frightened.

There were so many things she wanted to tell Dekan.

There were many things I wanted him to know.

I want Dekan to laugh and joke around her to make her happy.

as well as.

She is still waiting.

Decana had to think about it carefully in the end and then tell her the answer himself.

But the news of farewell almost frightened her like a sudden thunder.

After the thunder, she didn't even have time to process the thoughts that went blank in her mind.

Until now, she has not completely recovered from the fear just now...

"Dekan...I really want to see you now..."

But Nelia tried her best to close her eyes tightly, but the tears still couldn't stop falling.

She didn't know how to describe her mood at the moment.

Cornelia, who had never shed tears before, would cry like a child who hurt her knee.

"Meow ow...!"

When the cat teacher heard Cornelia cry, it burst into tears as if it was heartbroken.

But it was crying.

While trying his best to choke up Morion, he said:

"Thank you superman cat..."

Morion breathed a sigh of relief as if his mission had finally been accomplished.

Then he smiled.

"Wait until that guy comes back. He still owes us a celebration party."

The old rules of the Beautiful Mind Squad.

There must be a celebration banquet after a great victory.

"That's right, Meow! We must kill Dekan Meow hard!"

"Our idol group is going too!"

"Don't forget to take this princess with you!"


at the same time.

Inside Phantom Canyon.

Even if you can't see the outside world.

But as Sheen was in charge of Phantom Canyon, he soon realized that the energy source was no longer stable.

she knows.

This is a sign that the energy supply to the Artificial Shadow World Launcher has been cut off.

But it was by no means a defensive failure at Philoven Arena.

But what she expected, the final and worst coping method, succeeded!

Clay will definitely help Durkan win the bishopric vote.

Dekan, after becoming the Pope, you can leave the Kingdom of Philovan with the Artificial Shadow World Activation Device!

After the reserve energy was exhausted, Sheen no longer resisted pointlessly.

Instead, he let go of his control over Phantom Canyon.

The barrier was lifted.

Suddenly, the scene around Xion and Agamemnon turned dark as if phantoms disappeared.

In the next moment, they were all ejected from the Phantom Canyon and returned to the real world.

Sheen came out of Phantom Canyon, and even though his sight had not yet caught Dekan's figure, he still said to himself:

"Dekan, I'm sorry, in the end I have to..."

Because Sheen knew this kind of apology.

She may or may not have a chance to finish her sentence under Agamemnon's spell attack.

Her and Deccan's lives had now completely fallen into Agamemnon's hands.

Sheen was about to say, "In the end, I'll make you die too."

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