In the end, Dekan also learned a fact from the conversation with the lords of the southern border city-states who had eliminated the threat of the blood clan. The Holy City did not give up on the north, but was indifferent to the safety of all citizens, including the south.

Those who really want to protect the people have to rely on the priests from the north like Cardinal Lunn of the Holy Rite Church.

And the most important thing is.

When the master heard the name Lunn, he recalled a memory!

It was an extremely blurry picture from the perspective of a master.

There were two people talking in a large hall, surrounded by people who could not be seen clearly.

Among the two main figures, Lunn looked solemn but a little tired. .

And another figure seemed to be talking to Lunn, it was Delois!

Objective 1 of this mission requires gaining Lunn's trust.

This one should be simple.

Fortunately, Delois abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side early.

Presumably, in the next few years in the Holy Kingdom, he was able to get along like a fish in water.

Otherwise, if we follow the demon world, we will end sooner or later.

Then all he needs to do is leisurely go all the way to the northern border of the Holy Kingdom and find his friends.

In his free time, he can even do some of the most important things in this film world to him——

Collect materials used to repair the [Space Jump Door].

"I have been a student, a traveler, a priest, and a prison guard. What will it be like this time?"

Durkan looked down at the outfit he was wearing.

He wears a black leather trench coat over a classic suit, a black wide-brimmed hat on his head, and a pair of black gloves on his hands.

It feels a bit like the corrupt bishop Fahim, but it's different.

For a moment, he couldn't figure out what kind of occupation this time was.

as well as.

Durkan caught a glimpse of the bright red hair hanging in front of his eyes.

This is very different from his previous hair color.

Delois must have used alchemical potion to dye his hair red early in order to disguise his appearance.

Durkan touched the ends of his hair with his fingertips.

He was not used to the feeling of his hair color changing for a while.

But red.

Seems like a good surprise.

And this time, the bond effect between himself and Morion must have been triggered again.

The initial identities have a higher probability of one becoming an official and the other a businessman.

Looking at the situation in the office, Dekan clearly felt that he had some status.

As Dekan watched.

The first time Dekan looked at his desk, he noticed the black leather document bag placed in the middle.

It was clearly written above——

[Hospital affiliated to the Ninth Army of the Demon World]

This time it turned out to be a devil doctor in the style of the devil world. No wonder I didn’t recognize the profession at first glance.

It suits me very well.

People like him were born to be doctors.

There is no more kind-hearted little angel than him.


Dekan suddenly realized that the real serious problem seemed to be——

Is there something wrong with the starting location?

Shouldn’t I come to the Holy Kingdom to do a mission this time?

Dekan quickly carefully observed the surrounding interior architecture and furniture styles.

Originally, he thought this was the traditional style of some province in the Holy Kingdom.

Now after a careful tasting.

I just think of an advertising slogan——

[The devil world is full of extraordinary things]

Durkan covered his head.

He was convinced that this was indeed the devil's world!

How much Dekan wished that when he opened his eyes, he would be in the Holy Kingdom.

Then you can leisurely go to the northern border territory where Lunn is located.

To be honest, Dekan has been in the Demon King's Tomb for half a year, and now he really misses the human kingdom.

I really want to see a human being other than Xien again and maybe have a little chat with him.

"Master, let's go home again."

Dekan helplessly complained in his heart.

This is a lonely start.

Only Master Jiang could talk to him.

"We can finally have something good to eat."

The master's tone was calm.

But you can hear her happiness.

"By the way, in the demon world of this timeline, is it possible for me to meet you?"

Dekan thought for a moment and suddenly asked.


The master was silent for a while.

She understood what Durkan meant.

She, Delois and Lunn must be demons and humans of the same generation.

Talomati, who would later become the Demon King, seemed to be destined for the intersection of the three of them on an invisible path of destiny.

And this intersection, as the collision between the Demon Realm and the Holy Kingdom comes to an end, will inevitably become closer and closer...

So, this time the shadow world.

Will Durkan, playing Delois, meet the living Talomati himself?

Although he didn't know what Talomati looked like, it shouldn't be hard for Durkan to recognize her.

"If you meet me in this era, you won't have to show mercy."

The master just replied firmly.

After hearing Master Jiang's thoughts, Dekan hesitated slightly and nodded.

Dekan knew what the master meant.

The two demons Delois and Talomati should have different positions in this era.

Delois is undoubtedly the greatest rebel in the demon world.

And Talomati will become the Demon King.

The two demons took opposite paths.

Even if they meet, they will not be in the same state of life and death and trust each other as they are now, but they will probably be real mortal enemies.

"I will... make an accurate judgment."

Dekan conveyed his thoughts as if talking to himself.

Although he knows what to do when facing a strong enemy.

Being ruthless without hesitation is the only answer.

But even if he said that, if the time came to attack his master, Dekan would undoubtedly feel the pain in his heart.

"Let me do it then."

The master seemed to sigh softly and said.

She worries that Dekan will be swayed by his emotions and unable to make the most accurate judgment.

Let her do it, and Dekan won't have any psychological burden.

"No, I'll do it myself."

Dekan shook his head and replied,

"It's just that I need to think more carefully about the strategy of setting up Talomati and controlling the strength of my strikes."


Shijiang felt that Dekan really wanted to punish her.

The sense of guilt and guilt seemed to have been temporarily put aside by Dekan.

"It's a rare opportunity to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor. I have to think carefully about how to play with the enemy Talomati. Hey, don't talk about this sense of immorality! If it is used in the right amount, it is really a good seasoning."

The more Dekan talked, the more excited he became.

The life-and-death showdown with Talomati was naturally something that Dekan didn't want to encounter.


If only it weren't so bad.

It seems that the accident will be good?


Now the master can't wait to control Dekan's body and beat him up!

This bastard!

You shouldn't care about his mood!

The master seemed to be so angry with Dekan that he didn't want to speak.

There was nothing to eat in sight.

So he stopped talking to Dekan.

Dekan chuckled wistfully.

Daily tasks (1/1)

Living in the Demon King's Tomb was too uneventful, and I didn't even have the chance to provoke Master.

Even daily tasks were suspended for half a year.

After coming to the Shadow World, the relationship between him and his master naturally returned to normal.


before opening the file bag on the table.

Durkan noticed something else.

[Blood Mimicry-Dragon Demon]

This is his current state.

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